The Women's News Service of September 9, 1968 reported the following shocking statistic: "There is a silent epidemic in the land. It destroys the mind and sight and blights the unborn child — and last year there may have been 5,000,000 new cases, most of them secreted and unreported. The epidemic is syphilis and gonorrhea . . . now in a new heyday. The victims are walking reservoirs of infection, usually active sexually, spreading disease wherever they lie."
The Wall Street Journal of June 18, 1968 carried the following statements; "More Americans contracted gonorrhea last year than caught the measles. 'Gonorrhea is now out of control,' warns Dr. William Brown, chief of the venereal disease program at the National Communicable Disease Center. . . The disease is hitting people of all ages, professions and income brackets . . . Medical men cite two main reasons for the surge in cases . . . sexual promiscuity especially among persons in their late teens, where gonorrhea is most prevalent. And they say that gonorrhea is becoming tougher to cure because it is becoming resistant to penicillin." This is not just scare talk. Manitoba's director of Communicable Disease Control, Dr. Emmanuel Snell, reported that, "Venereal disease is out of control in North America and the entire Western world."
The March issue of McCall's reports that "Cancer of the cervix seems to be linked with the early loss of virginity and promiscuity on the part of young girls, according to three recent reports . . . patients with cervical cancer . . . had a greater number of sexual partners than comparable women who did not develop cancer . . . Monogamy in sex appeared to reduce the risk of cancer."
Newsweek (October 21, 1968) reports that: "Researchers have long suspected that cancer of the cervix, which afflicts some 40,000 women per year, is a venereal disease . . . most common among promiscuous women."
Over 300,000 illegitimate babies are born in the U.S. every year. Overall, one in fourteen births is illegitimate. Illegitimate births have trebled since 1940. If the present trends continue, it will be one out of ten early in the 1970's. About 44% of the unwed mothers are under the age of 20. . . Welfare officials say that something like 50% of the women having illegitimate children in any year are "repeaters" with one or more out-of-wedlock offspring.
In the big cities, it is worse: one out of six babies born in New York City was illegitimate according to a UPI story of July 1, 1968. America is hardly unique in illegitimacy: Britain has an illegitimacy rate of one in thirteen (Times, London, June 13, 1968) while more than one out of seven children were conceived outside of marriage (Yorkshire Post, October 5, 1966). Australia has a rate of about one in twelve (The Sun, Sydney, July 16, 1968). New Zealand evinces a "disturbing rise in immorality," one in eight were born illegitimate (New Zealand Herald, July 31, 1968). And much to the chagrin of the Russians, who claim a moral superiority to the West, one out of nine Soviet children were born out of wedlock (UPI, Moscow, April 26, 1967).
Now, we recognize that these figures for illegitimacy do not take into account those children who were conceived out of wedlock. A "shot-gun" wedding made the future offspring "legitimate." " 'Two-thirds of Swedish women are pregnant by their wedding day, and 95% have begun their sexual life by the time they are married . . . this is about the same as in most Western countries . . . but in Sweden we are more open about it,' stated Carl Gustaf Boethius, historian and editor" (Los Angeles Times, July 17, 1968).
What possible chance is there for these illegitimate children to grow up with the same opportunities as normal children? Many "modernists" would claim that illegitimate children will be just as normal children.
But the facts speak differently.
Dr. Paul La Moal, Technical Director of the Observation Center for Juvenile Delinquents in Paris warned that: "Illegitimate children were more accident-prone, more liable to illness and had a greater infant mortality rate than those born in wedlock . . . The illegitimate child, owing to the imbalance caused by the absence of the father, has inbuilt, potential pathological (disease) complexities [possible mental disease] relative to the total psychological entity of [the] mother and child relationship" (Reuters, August 30, 1968).
"The new [sexual] freedoms may be creating new pressures on some young people, leading to promiscuity . . . and even mental illness . . . In a survey of 24 psychiatrists who treated University of Wisconsin students, Doctor Halleck found that among coed patients, 86% had had sexual relations with at least one person and 72% had had relations with more than one person. This is a much higher rate of sexual involvement than that found among students who were not patients" (Chicago Tribune, October 6, 1968).
"Enlightened modernists" cry for more sexual freedoms to undo the repressive sexual inhibitions of society and make people better off. How could these self-impressed, lawless intellectuals explain the fact that the large majority of students who need psychiatric help have already experienced this sexual freedom?
They simply IGNORE these facts. They rant about sexual permissiveness and sexual looseness. Proof? They don't need it. Satisfy the animal lusts of the people and they will all flock to your side.
Society is clamoring for sexual freedoms. And surely society-wants to be happy. They are certainly becoming more "sexually free" — depending, of course, on what you mean by "free."
But are they becoming happier?
Two Gallup Polls give the answer. In a recent Public Opinion Poll in the U.S. nearly 80% of the populace believes that morals are getting "worse" while less than 10% believe that morals are getting "better." This is dramatically different from 1960 (only eight years ago) when only slightly more than one-half of the people said morals are getting worse.
Another Gallup Poll, taken throughout Europe, found the following conclusions: "1) Religious beliefs are declining; 2) Morals have also slumped; 3) Honesty is on the wane; 4) Happiness is becoming increasingly hard to find; 5) Peace of mind is rare" (Sunday Telegraph, London, July 21, 1968).
Yes, happiness is — as the survey discovered — becoming harder to find in this age of "free sex" than ever before. More marriages are breaking up. More children are being torn from their parents. More young people — young and old — are turning to liquor or drugs as a "way out," an escape.
And "peace of mind is rare." It is not only "rare" but practically nonexistent among those who practice "free sex." For their promiscuity is not really "free" at all. They pay a terrible PRICE for violating unseen, yet inexorable laws that have been set in motion.
The more one reads about and talks to those involved with "free sex," the more deeply it becomes apparent that these people are wretched. They are playing with something they don't understand. Toying childishly with something which ought to be handled with deep respect and reserved for a special, unique union based on lasting loyalty, love and commitment.
Reginald Ramsey, in charge of Toronto's Distress Centre to take suicidal calls feels that the chief cause of suicide is sexual infidelity. He says: "There's a lot of domestic unfaithfulness these days and the more we learn about it, the more horrible it gets."
Happiness? Excitement? Instead, many who toy with free sex are led to MURDER themselves through self-hate, frustration and sheer emptiness.
We can conclude by saying that it is absolutely demonstrated that the reckless and promiscuous use of sex leads to venereal disease, cancer of the cervix, illegitimacy, disturbed and rebellious children, broken homes, wretched unhappiness and SUICIDE. Frankly, it is just not worth the price. There must be a better way.
But what way? How? Where?
Is there any way we can learn how to handle sex without going through the agonies of human reasoning, experimentation, lusts? And the resultant heartaches, headaches and death?
Is There a Purpose In Life?
Let's get at the basic question. We want to know about sex — and about happiness. But we must go further. We cannot fragment human life into distinct and isolated questions. To properly understand sex, we must delve into the ultimate purpose of human life.
If there is no purpose, if mankind is a chance occurrence in the vast infinities of space and time, if man will live his short specks and wisps of time and then "disappear" forever, then nothing matters.
Then we should all do what we want, when we want and how we want. Old morality or new morality, much morality, little morality or no morality. Nothing matters, then!
But is there a real PURPOSE in life? You need to know. Are the preciously few decades of life just a fleeting, evanescent twinkling in the great rush of Eternity? Is it logical that such a fantastically built "thing," the human being, the human brain, the human mind, will be banished forever from existence? Should this "being," who can conceive of and comprehend "eternity," be denied it? What is life all about?
Are you willing to face facts and find the true answer?
The answer to these fundamental questions hinges upon the existence of an All-wise, All-powerful Creator GOD. If such a God does indeed exist, and if this God designed and fashioned mankind, then it naturally follows that every individual has an ultimate purpose — extending far beyond the few years of this physical life.
This is the key. This affects you.
Does this God exist? And is the Bible His divine revelation to mankind?
You need to and you CAN absolutely and conclusively PROVE the answers to these fundamental questions! The Bible itself exhorts us: "PROVE all things; hold fast that which is good." If you are not afraid of real answers, if you have true intellectual honesty, then write for our absolutely free booklets entitled: Does God Exist? and, The Proof of the Bible!