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Who really selecrs your Government Head?

This is a year of Presidential elections in France and the United States.
But do the PEOPLE really select their Leaders?
Do the politicians?
Even those in politics are unaware of the real TRUTH.


THE FRENCH people, this year, rose in rebellion against the government of their President, Charles de Gaulle. It started as a student revolt, fired into white-hot emotional heat by a young man nicknamed "Danny the Red." He manipulated the uprising into a national general strike. This young leader of the "New Leftist" movement almost succeeded in overthrowing the government.

That was the aim, as it is with all these "New Leftist" promoted student revolts. The "New Leftist" movement is merely Communism behind a new facade.

But the French President rode it out, called a series of general elections. The result? Overwhelming De Gaulle victories!

Charles de Gaulle then claimed: "I have a mandate from the people!" But did he, really? Did the elections express the real desires of the French people? They did not!

Do you know why?


What the People Didn't Know

The "experts" will tell you that the situation is this: As people usually are, after a number of years under one administration, the French people were "fed up" with their present government. A very reliable advance news report of many years ago characterized the French people "unstable as water." Until De Gaulle, they had a new government in power every little while — sometimes after a few months — sometimes after two or three years.

The national revolt did express the popular feelings. The elections did not. Reason? Simply that they feel they are tired of the present administration. They have been habitually accustomed to a new government in power after short intervals.

So the people of France are restless, dissatisfied. They don't like things as they are. What do they want? They have no idea! They know only what they don't want.

Communism, like a vulture, feeds on decay. It seizes upon unrest and discontent. "Danny the Red" was trained in revolutionary tactics. He is adept at rousing emotions to greater and greater dissent, anger and resentment. But he was not astute enough to present a positive alternative he could sell to the people.

Communism is "old stuff" in France. The French do not have the anti-Communist feeling so prevalent in America. The Communist Party is a recognized political party in France. But it is a minority party, and it offers nothing new and glittering to capture the enthusiasm of the French people. Probably that is why these student revolutionaries call themselves "the NEW Marxist Left."

This young "Danny the Red" is a trained rabble-rouser who can stir up emotional discontent. But he is by no means a great leader. He is not a magnetic personality with a positive SOLUTION to swing the multitudes behind him. He can preach discontent, revolt and destruction. But he has no talent to lead the masses out of their troubles.

So there was no one in France to offer the people a "BETTER IDEA." No one to convince them he had what they did want. They revolted. But De Gaulle was astute enough to let their emotions cool before the elections. And when it came to voting, the French had nowhere else to go.


And in the U.S.A.

This is also Presidential election year in the United States, Richard Milhous Nixon being our new President Elect.

There were several candidates. There are the two major political parties, and a Southern "States Rights" candidate of the American Independent Party.

There are the various public opinion polls. They purport to reflect the will of the people.

The candidates put on lavish fundraising campaigns. One candidate is said to have raised more than one million dollars by forming a presidential club — a sort of political-social club, with 1,000 members contributing $1,000 each. There are always the $100-perplate banquets. There are other fundraising schemes.

Some states hold presidential primaries. The leading candidates go to these states, appear in auditoriums, make "whistle-stop" speeches on trains, appear in various public places. One prominent candidate, Senator Robert F. Kennedy, was assassinated at his victory celebration in California.


The People's Choice?

Then the major parties hold their elaborate party conventions. There the delegates choose their party candidate by vote. In the actual election the people vote for "electors" pledged to candidates.

But does the result express the WILL OF THE PEOPLE?

It is supposed to. Many people, perhaps most, look on failure to express one's will by voting as disloyalty to his country. But does the result REALLY express the will of the people?

The plain truth may prove rather shocking. But this magazine is dedicated to THE PLAIN TRUTH, shocking or not! Very few UNDERSTAND the world conditions today.

NEVER have any other humans lived in a world like you live in today. NEVER before was one's very life in danger, just walking along a city street.


Unprecedented Times

As voters went to the voting polls, consider the conditions in the world their candidates promised to correct. NEVER in history did so MANY problems present themselves for solution.

There is war in Vietnam. There is the red-hot racial problem, flaring into rioting, looting, violence and murder. There are the student revolts also exploding into violence, often closing schools. There is the question of law and order, with trained revolutionaries inciting the people toward anarchy with cries of "police brutality." There is the crime wave, increasing several times faster than the population. There is the breakdown of home and family life — the foundational bulwark of any peaceful, happy and prosperous society. Divorce and broken homes skyrocketing. There is the moral breakdown, with promiscuous fornication, adultery and perversion gaining public acceptance. Morals have slid the toboggan down into the cesspool.

As I write, I saw, with a group of stunned and shocked people, on BBC color television, a "documentary" of a nudist colony, actually showing completely nude men and women, with sex organs fully exposed — in full view of men, women and children in their homes! Even the lowest and cheapest burlesque shows have always stopped short of complete and full exposure. But now, "respectable" television shows people, unashamed, in full nude exposure!


But Can Any Candidate Solve the Problems?

What do the voters face, as they vote for the leaders supposed to solve all these problems?

They face a world with nations possessing hydrogen bombs capable of blasting all human life off this planet. And governments spending thousands of millions trying to get to the moon! Then there is the frightening development of germ and chemical warfare. These can blind, paralyze, and kill whole vast populations!

Then, before I tell you what kind of GOVERNMENT LEADERSHIP actually WILL solve all these problems, look at one more existing horrible condition. More than HALF of this world's people are living in ignorance, poverty, degeneracy, filth and squalor.

Candidates for the highest positions in government come before the people as PUBLIC BENEFACTORS. They are supposed to have the SOLUTIONS to these cancerous ills that are threatening the DEATH of all humanity.

But does government have the SOLUTIONS?

Yes, GOVERNMENT does — but not the governments of these human leaders.