Will positions in God's Kingdom be based on the jobs individuals hold ill this life?
How do we qualify for ruler ship in the world tomorrow?
Should we assume the top leadership positions in God's Kingdom will be occupied only by those who were men in this human life? Will women be eternally relegated to the lowest, least important jobs?
A few months ago in Good News (June-July, 1980), we showed from the Bible that men and women all have the same opportunity. All who overcome will be given eternal life and the positions for which they qualify as they overcome (Rev. 2:26, 3:21).
After that article I received a letter from a young homemaker. She summarized the problem many American women face when they choose to stay home and be housewives. She wrote: "For a good while, I have wanted to write someone who would write an article about women's role. Why? Because of my particular situation. I am married, 28 years old, no children as yet, and have attended God's Church since I was 12. The problem? I am continually asked if I work. When I reply that no, I don't, a look, of incredulity almost always spreads across the person's face, and then comes that inevitable question, 'What on earth do you do all day?'"
Some people apparently think that homemakers just sit around all day watching soap operas, never bothering to get dressed or to get their hair out of curlers. .
What about it?
This life is a training ground for ruling with Christ. Can an "average, everyday housewife" qualify for ruler ship over five cities, 10 cities or an entire nation in God's Kingdom (Luke 19:11-27)? Does any woman have cause to be ashamed if she is "just a housewife"?
Character the purpose
As we discussed in the last article, God did not create women as some sort of afterthought — a last minute "Whoops! I almost forgot." The creation of women was an integral part of God's plan. Mankind was not complete with the creation of the male only (Gen. 2:18). So God made Eve, from the rib of Adam, to be his perfect companion and complete spiritual equal.
To make the human family, which pictures God's Family, complete to provide it with proper depth and to create the total environment — God established family life. Male and female. Marriage. Children. Breadwinner and homemaker; They all fit together.
But how do women qualify for ruler ship? Just like men.
First and foremost, what each of us does most to qualify for God's Kingdom is to develop holy, righteous, godlike character. Character is the one thing God cannot create instantaneously, by fiat. Character transcends this physical life — physical things don't.
In this lifetime we may develop great physical skills. We might run faster, jump higher, play music or sing 'better than anyone else. But do these physical accomplishments mean anything in the spirit world? If an athlete develops the skill to jump 7 feet 8 inches, will he be special in the resurrection?
No. Not because he could jump high in this physical life. All spirit beings can most likely jump 7 feet 8 inches and much more with ease. Qualification to rule does not depend on how much we train ourselves in a physical way. Character is what carries over to spirit life.
An athlete may develop a lot of character in addition to physical skills through hours of hard work and self-discipline. A musician must also work and discipline himself to become proficient. Doing the best we can in any aspect of life is part of the character development process (Eccl. 9:10). And both sexes have exactly the same opportunities for character development.
The day-to-day events of life constantly provide opportunities to develop character. From our decision to get up in the morning through the decisions we make all day to our decision to retire at night, character is being developed — righteous or unrighteous, whichever is the case. In addition to the daily character-building process, no doubt a direct correlation exists between all of our life experiences and our ultimate potential to serve in God's government.
We can't just sit around and do nothing and expect that 10 cities will be laid in our laps at the return of Christ. We have to be prepared.
But in these articles on husbands, wives and the family we are attempting to show that one kind of lifestyle or profession, or whether we are male or female, has little to do with the positions we attain in God's Kingdom.
Some might feel the president of a multimillion-dollar corporation would automatically have a greater reward in the Kingdom than a carpenter. Why? Well, because of all the decisions the president has to make and his complicated daily routine. Not necessarily. That corporate president may not have come close to developing godly character. Maybe he fought his way to the top in the competitive corporate structure and developed no godly character at, all in the process. On the other hand, the carpenter may have developed love, self-control and reverence for God through his experiences. The carpenter would be well suited to rule in the Kingdom, while the corporate executive may not even be in the first resurrection.
The housewife stereotype
Satan's society has cast the homemaker as a wet mop. She is pictured as a haggard, unattractive drudge with her hair in curlers, a broom in her hand and several screaming brats around her.
On the other hand, society idolizes the chic, modern career businesswoman. Up at the crack of dawn, she dresses like a fashion model, prepares a hearty breakfast for her family and drives the kids off to school. She puts in a full day at her office, comes home to a house full of girls (she is a Girl Scout den mother) and somehow has a piping hot dinner on the table by 7. At the same time she gives her husband all the attention and encouragement he needs, and, through all this, a radiant, cheerful smile beams from her face.
Where such a modern wonder woman exists, I don't know. But we have been made to believe that this is what a woman should be.
No one ever said mopping floors was fun. Cleaning the toilet bowl is not a tremendous challenge. Soaking a tubful of dirty diapers really doesn't make the day. And many a mother, wife and homemaker who devotes her full time to taking care of the home might wonder what a hot stove, dirty floor or unmade bed have to do with making it into God's Kingdom.
But the effective management of the home has just as much to do with learning to rule as any other job any other person could have. Running a home is in many respects like managing a corporation. Let's look at the similarities.
The executive homemaker
We think of several things when we hear the word executive. Somehow that word smacks of success. We think of tall buildings, suites of offices, financial wealth. We visualize such top-level manager's living in exclusive suburbs and driving late model cars larger and more expensive than the rest of us can afford. We see them, in our mind's eye, making decisions, talking on the telephone, holding important meetings, going to lunch at the best restaurants.
And we are tempted to think of how well qualified they are — how much more important than we are. We, probably think such a person would be much more qualified to rule 10 cities in the world tomorrow, certainly more qualified than the "common housewife." But are the jobs really that different? What are some of the things executives do?
One area is that of time scheduling. The effective executive knows how to get things done. He makes sure the business meets its deadlines. He has to deliver as promised.
Executives make multiple decisions daily, and these decisions have to be the best and wisest ones possible.
Executives spend a lot of time solving problems. With all businesses, things can go wrong. Problems can arise over money, personnel, equipment or a dozen other items.
An executive is responsible for the morale as well as the safety and training of those employed by the, company.
And then executives have to delegate. No one person can do it all. The effective executive knows how to give tasks to others who can handle the job.
These are only a few of the things most commonly associated with executives. But what does this have to do with housewives?
Read Proverbs 31:10-31! These verses describe an ideal executive manager, a person who 'scheduled time, made decisions, solved problems, was responsible over others and delegated work — and was very successful at it. Who was this person? A homemaker — the virtuous woman!
The writer probably knew one or more women who were setting examples such as he described. The virtuous woman made a profession of caring for her household the best way possible — she was much more than the false image society has of housewives today. "Give her of the fruit of her hands; and let her own works praise her in the gates" (verse 31). There it is. Her outstanding example was recorded for posterity in God's Word.
An effective homemaker employs every one of the tools of effective management. She is developing the qualities needed to direct cities and nations in the world tomorrow, just as much as anyone else is. Frankly, when you understand the job of the homemaker — the wife and mother — you might wonder if it does not present one of the greatest opportunities for skill development.