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Is there a conspiracy against fatherhood?

A cancer is eating at the vitals of decent society worldwide!
Its objective is the fall of fatherhood, the collapse of the family.
You need to be alerted — this insidious movement IS AFFECTING YOU!


A CONSPIRACY has spread over all the globe. It operates in armies and in prisons. It has infiltrated the press, the movies, and even cabinets of governments! It all but dominates the arts, literature, theater, music and television.

What is this conspiracy? The homosexual movement! This movement is a sinister, mysterious and efficient international conspiracy against society!


The Unbelievable Figures

Homosexuality is worldwide, spreading into every nation. By its very nature it welds its participants together, molded by the same forbidden desires.

How widespread has homosexuality become? How many homosexuals are there really? No one can know for certain. Several studies have been made to determine how many homosexuals there are. Here are some of the findings.

In his book, One in Twenty, Bryan Magee says:

"The idea that homosexuals can be recognized as such is a myth. The overwhelming majority of homosexuals, of both sexes, are indistinguishable from other people in every respect except their private sex lives . . .

"The homosexual is not only the woman who wears man's clothes and an Eton crop, or the pansy boy with his mincing walk and camp gestures, it is also the man who sells you your cigarettes over the tobacconist counter, the chap with the bowler hat, the striped trousers, the briefcase and rolled umbrella, or perhaps your doctor or your member of Parliament. It is the laborer on the building site, the lorry driver, the factory worker, the white collar clerk, the clergyman.

"In short, homosexuals are a cross section . . . homosexuals are upper class, working class, stable, and unstable, stupid, intelligent, artistic, inartistic — everything that the community at large is — because they are a cross section of the community" (pages 47-48).

Mr. Magee suggests that homosexuals amount to about one in twenty persons in Great Britain.

However, a noted American journalist, Jess Stearn, says:

"I found whole beaches and entire community areas devoted almost exclusively to homosexuals. But these obvious, open homosexuals were only a small part of the growing homosexual population.

"The great uncounted masses were the unknowns . . . and there were the others — the bisexuals who married and had children; the latent homosexuals who suppressed or sublimated their desires; the male prostitutes and the so-called normal men who made a pretense of preying on homosexuals, while actually grappling with the problem themselves.

"Toward the end of my research, after consulting with police, and health authorities, and just looking around, I was ready to accept [one] homosexual's own estimate of the overall homosexual population — one out of every six adult males!" (The Sixth Man, pages 15-16)

Research reveals homosexuals can be found most anywhere. But they are more to be found in the big cities, which offer a climate more favorable to homosexuals, especially in jobs. Almost every city has its gay bars and areas where homosexuals gather to make contacts. "In Chicago, if you want exclusivity and have one hundred dollars for the initiation fee, you can join a swank homosexual club. The traveling homosexual can even buy a directory of gay saloons so he is never lacking in fun places to go" (New York Times Magazine by Webster Scott, November 12, 1967).


Among the Small and Great

In the spring of 1967 the New York City local police and FBI agents broke up a 70-man extortion ring. This ring had taken literally hundreds of thousands of dollars in blackmail money from at least seven hundred homosexuals throughout the U. S. Most of these homosexuals were men of accomplishment and fame. Among them were two deans of Eastern universities, several professors, business executives, a motion picture actor, a television personality, a California physician, a general and an admiral, a member of Congress, a British theatrical producer and two well-known singers. The night before they were to testify before a New York county grand jury investigating this blackmail racket another victim, a high-ranking military officer, committed suicide. The blackmailers threatened to expose the homosexuals unless they paid up.

Prisons and military service are homosexual havens. Here they can carry on their activities at length and with less chance of being discovered. They have easy access to others for seduction.

But homosexuals are by no means confined to prisons and the service. Some have money and are wealthy enough to afford some of the swank resorts. These men often contact hustlers — boys who are male prostitutes and who lend their bodies to the homosexuals. These boys are bought and paid for their "service."

The terrible abomination of this type is that the young boys are perverted for life! Marilyn Arvidson of the St. Petersburg Times says, "It becomes worse than dope addiction once a boy goes beyond the point of no return. It is a cancer [which] if not removed, in time destroys the whole body."


Entrenched in Arts and Fashions

It is a well-known fact that homosexuals prefer such professions as interior decorating, fashion design, hair styling, the dance, the theater, and music. But they are even to be found in teaching professions and social work. They are found in medicine and in the ministry. As one writer put it, "I think many intelligent homosexuals feel obligated to do some good for the world and prove they're not `wicked."'

Time magazine reported, "On Broadway, it would be difficult to find a production without homosexuals playing important parts, either on stage or off. And in Hollywood, says Broadway Producer David Merrick, `you have to scrape them off the ceiling' . . . In the theater, dance, and music world, deviates are so widespread that they sometimes seem to be running a kind of closed shop" (Time, January 21, 1966).

More and more movies and plays are dealing with this outright abomination! Twenty years ago it was something almost unheard of in the open. Now, the subject of homosexuality and lesbianism is dealt with in a number of movies and in various plays. The attitude seems to be that this perverted and filthy behavior is acceptable.


Fashions Affected

"While often hidden, the impact of the homosexual is constantly at work, influencing American thought . the homosexual, with his flair for clothes, has contributed heavily to masculine fashions.

"Preferring tight bulging trousers, he introduced the tight-cut blue jeans, which appealed to teen-age toughs, and the Ivy League pipe-stem trousers, which pleased the more refined . . . He has been responsible for the popularity of leather jackets, broad leather belts, and identification bracelets. Flamboyantly colored shirts and open high-cut collars are other homosexual innovations unwittingly adopted by rugged heterosexuals" (The Sixth Man, pages 17-18).

If the homosexual has affected the men's fashions, he has even more dramatically affected women's.

"Sighing over elegant clothes she can't wear, the average woman little realizes that current smart fashions are often the product of homosexuals who have no appreciation of well-rounded curves.

"No longer is it fashionable to be rosy-cheeked and laughing-eyed, with a healthy tan and shining round face. Dramatic planes, with high cheekbones and hollow, haggard cheeks are the coveted ideal, and circles under the eyes add to the . . . mystery of it all . . .

"The plot to defeminize the female face and form usually begins with the homosexual designers, who fit their clothes for gaunt, emaciated women. It extends to . . . fashion photographers, homosexual or otherwise, who use these [boyish-looking girls] out of preference or to stay in tune" (The Sixth Man, by Jess Stearn, page 59).


Formula for a Homosexual

Where do homosexuals come from? What makes them? How do men come to have an attraction and sexual desire for other men? And how do women get to the point they want to become masculine and make "love" to another woman?

Here are the findings from psychological research and the examination of the private lives and childhood patterns of many homosexuals.

"There is to be one childhood pattern which is, as it were, the archetype, and everyone who goes into the subject has to remark on it before long: over and over again it is found that A HOMOSEXUAL PERSON HAS HAD AN INTENSE RELATIONSHIP WITH THE MOTHER AND A DEFICIENT ONE WITH THE FATHER" (from the book, One in Twenty, p. 30, emphasis mine).

Parental imbalance as described above contributes to the homosexual's fear of the opposite sex. This fear originates in the home life of the homosexual and comes through his parents. Time magazine reports:

"The mother — either domineering and contemptuous of the father, or feeling rejected by him — makes her son a substitute for her husband, with a close-binding, over-protective relationship. Thus, she unconsciously demasculinizes him.

"If at the same time the father is weakly submissive to his wife or aloof and unconsciously competitive with his son, he reinforces the process. To attain normal sexual development . . . a boy should be able to identify with the father's masculine role.

"Fear of the opposite sex is also believed to be the cause of lesbianism, which is far less visible but, according to many experts, no less widespread than male homosexuality — and far more readily tolerated" (Time, January 21, 1966, emphasis mine).

Today lesbianism is altogether as prominent and widespread as male homosexuality.

"Lesbianism is becoming an increasingly important problem, as evidenced by statistics in recently published articles . . . the late Dr. Beran Wolfe, well known psychiatrist and author . . . observed that homosexual attachments among women are far more prevalent than the public suspects. He is of the opinion that lesbianism is symptomatic of an underlying neurosis and as such represents a means of evading the responsibilities of marriage and motherhood" (from the book by Carl M. Bowman, M.D., Female Homosexuality, a Modern Study of Lesbianism, pages 7-8).

In his book, Homosexuality: A Psychoanalytic Study, Irving Bieber reports that out of 106 homosexuals studied, 73 percent of them had been discouraged by their mothers from developing masculine attitudes and behavior patterns.

The role of the father emerged even more sharply in this study. NOT ONE OF THE 106 HOMOSEXUALS HAD A NORMAL RELATIONSHIP WITH HIS FATHER.

Most of the fathers had been detached, hostile, slighting, or had openly rejected their sons.

In another study of transsexuals — "men who would be women" — by Dr. Ira B. Pauly, M.D. it was stated that the stories presented by the transsexuals of their home life were quite similar.

Here was the pattern: "Typically, the father is recalled as cold and aloof at best, punitive and rejecting at worst, but most often absent or ineffectual and providing no adequate model for identification. On the other hand, there is quite often a very close relationship with the mother."

This rejection by the father and overprotective treatment by the mother demasculinized these boys. They learned to copy and imitate their mothers in feminine gestures and attitudes. And since their mothers liked men in a romantic way they themselves developed a perverted attachment along these romantic lines.

In this same study it was found that the situation that really promoted homosexuality in boys was a combination of attitudes. The mother had to be overly protective and over-loving — making her son a substitute for her husband. At the same time the father had to be weak or hostile with little or no influence at all. This combination seemed to be apparent in all the homosexuals studied.

Similar combinations are evident in the lives of lesbians. Some are made afraid of the opposite sex by mothers who pounded their own fears into their daughters' minds. Men who abused their wives, sexually or otherwise, gave their wives the attitude that all men are brutes and beasts. Their wives in turn instilled this attitude into the minds of their daughters. Some daughters received their mother's teaching so well that it perverted their minds and made them ready candidates for lesbianism.


The Importance of Father

From the foregoing we can see the importance of parents. Especially the father. The father's role is the dominant one and the one charged with the greatest responsibility by God Almighty.

When a man marries he takes on the responsibility to love his wife with kindness and tenderness that will increase her love and respect for him. In the process of marriage he becomes a father and must therefore set the right example for his sons and daughters.

Notice the importance the father's image has for the son.

"For promotion of a boy's psychological growth, the ideal father should be emotionally strong, a leader of the family, the kind of man the boy can like, admire and respect. The father is the boy's masculine image, the man he imagines he would like to be when he grows up.

"Children are great imitators. A GREAT PART OF THE NORMAL GROWTH DURING YEARS OF CHILDHOOD IS A PROCESS OF IMITATION OF WHICH THE CHILD IS COMPLETELY UNAWARE . . . the first man in a boy's life is his father. Therefore, he feels that to be a man is to be like his father" (by Vincent T. Lathbury, M.D., Ladies' Home Journal, February 1965, emphasis mine).


The Devil's Plan

God Almighty reveals Himself as a Father, even in the writings of the Old Testament. Read Psalms 89:26; Isaiah 63:16; Isaiah 64:8; Hosea 1:10. These are a few of the scriptures revealing God's Fatherhood.

When Jesus came to the earth He plainly revealed the Fatherhood of God. Those who heard Him speak should have received His message with joy and understanding, since they had been prepared by the writings of the Old Testament. However, they refused to believe Jesus' words and accused Him of blasphemy.

It was at the feast of dedication in Jerusalem one winter when Jesus told the Jews, "My Father, which gave them me, is greater than all; and no man is able to pluck them out of my Father's hand. I and my Father are one" (John 10:29-30).

At this saying the Jews took up stones to kill Jesus. Jesus asked them why they were going to kill Him. He mentioned that He had done many good works among them. But the Jews replied that they were not killing Him for any good works "but for blasphemy; and because that thou, being a man, makest thyself God" (verse 33). They could not understand how Jesus could be the Son of God. To them this was making Himself equal with God. They knew of scriptures speaking of God's Fatherhood. But they did not acknowledge their true meaning.

It has been the devil's plan to pervert even the meaning of the word "father." Today people use that term about God but become very offended

when told Plain Truth of God's divine purpose. They cannot believe that men are destined to become literally the very born sons of God — just like God — as our children are like us. So in Jesus' day the Jews refused to hear Jesus' words about the Father.