More Admissions
But let's continue with some further admissions:
LINCOLN BARNETT, writer of science books for the layman, tells us:
"Cosmologists [those who try to answer why the universe is as it is and where it came from] for the most part MAINTAIN SILENCE on the question of ultimate origins, leaving that issue to the philosophers and theology" (The Universe and Dr. Einstein, page 108).
But cosmologists and astronomers tell us that it is superstitious to accept a Creator God. Yet, they maintain silence.
Because they don't know. And what they know points to the irrevocable truth — as some privately admit — that there HAD to be a Creator God, having supreme mind, that brought the universe into existence.
JAMES A. COLEMAN, professor of science and popular science writer startles us with these words:
"Modern cosmology and cosmogony, like other branches of science, are concerned with investigating the laws of the universe. They DO NOT ATTEMPT TO ANSWER questions relating to an Original Cause — that is, WHERE the laws of the universe came from or how they came into being" (Modern Theories of The Universe, page 197).
As a teacher, Dr. Coleman must face students, who ask, "WHERE did matter come from?" After all, it's a logical question.
Dr. Coleman admits, "When giving a lecture on the ORIGIN of the universe, a scientist usually finds it difficult to handle questioners who persistently demand to know WHERE the material originally came from which now makes up the universe" (Modern Theories of the Universe, page 198).
Yes, scientists probably find it difficult to "handle" questioners who would be so persistent! But you can believe — many of them are "handled." Many a college student, asking embarrassing and persistent questions of biologists, paleontologists, astronomers, ecologists and the like are quite handily handled.
Subjected to ridicule, referred to the "Scopes' trial," or simply told to shut up about it, these eager questioners soon learn how to avoid the bad grades and embarrassing classroom scenes. They're "handled" all right — as shocking as it may sound to the uninitiated.
By the thousands, young collegians are told to forget all belief in God; to CAST ASIDE all traditional values and "absolutes." They are subjected to a great deal of intellectual pressure to simply BE QUIET about religion and God in scientific classrooms.
Asking "Why" is Meaningless?
FRED HOYLE, famed astronomer, says that even asking such questions as: "Where did matter come from?" is meaningless.
"There is an impulse to ask WHERE originated material comes from. But such a question is entirely meaningless within the terms of reference of science.
"Why is there gravitation? Why do electric fields exist? WHY IS THE UNIVERSE?
"These queries are on a par with asking where newly originated matter comes from, and they are just as meaningless and unprofitable."
But, why? Is it really logical to reject an answer when no other is forthcoming?
He continues:
"If we ask why the laws of physics, . . . we enter into the, territory of metaphysics — the scientist at all events will not attempt an answer . . . WE MUST NOT GO ON TO ASK WHY." (Frontiers of Astronomy, page 342)
But is it really meaningless to ask why? Or does the author want you to think it is, so you won't?
Science Cannot Answer "Why?"
Scientists don't know WHY there are laws, WHY there is matter, WHY there is a universe, WHY there is life. And they admit it!
SIR BERNARD LOVELL, famed astronomer and Director of the Nuffield Radio Astronomy Laboratories, Jodrell Bank, reviews the problem of the origin of the universe.
"Any answer lies OUTSIDE the scope of scientific observation and theory and . . . the answer to the cosmological problem may well contain OTHER FACTORS than observational astronomy and theoretical cosmology" (Our Present Knowledge of the Universe, page 73).
What are the "other factors?" None other than the Creator God!
HARLOW SHAPLEY, one of America's foremost astronomers, made an amazing admission. Although science knows something about WHAT the Universe is composed of, and a certain amount about how it works, Shapley confessed, "But when it comes to 'why' we're stuck. All we can say is 'God only knows.' And the information is classified.
"Science has found the basic hydrogen atom, but who made the hydrogen atom? Science comes up against some things which are unanswerable as yet."
When There Is No Proof — ASSUME!
What do scientists do when they cannot prove a theory?
The very first thing to do, seemingly, is ASSUME!
A college textbook on geology declares, without the slightest hint of blushing, "Since the problem of the ultimate origin of the universe may be beyond the reach of human science, it is, better for us to commence our discussion with the ASSUMPTION that certain arrangements of matter and space are ALREADY in existence" (Stokes, Essentials of Earth History, p. 127).
Where do scientists BEGIN? Where do they start? With ASSUMPTIONS! With matter already in existence.
Since accounting for the origin of the universe is too painful a scientific headache for most astronomers, they conveniently start with just a smattering of theory about the ORIGIN of matter, and then proceed to an already full-blown, fantastic universe complete with stars, planets, galaxies, and everything else!
Outside Science?
Evolution colors all scientific thinking, including the realm of astronomy. But it has NOT led to any satisfying answers!
Scientists themselves admit, when pressed, "We are today under the spell of the evolutionary thinking begun 150 years ago by Kant and Laplace in astronomy, by Thomas Vuckle and Herder in history, by Buffon, Lamarck and Darwin in biology." They confess, "We the children of these generations automatically think in terms of evolution, assume that everything had a beginning, and that this beginning was 'chaos.' "
And then, striking at the root of the problem, they are beginning to wonder, "The question now arises as to whether astronomical problems can be solved by evolutionary trains of thought" (Kahn, Design of the Universe, p. 202).
Dr. Jesse L. Greenstein, astrophysicist at the California Institute of Technology, said in regard to the origin of the universe, "It is a terrible MYSTERY how matter comes out of nothing." He asked, "Could it have been something outside science?" Dr. Greenstein confessed, "We try to stay out of philosophy and theology, but sometimes we are forced to think in bigger terms, to go back to something outside science." (Los Angeles Times, July 30, 1961)
You have now read with your own eyes — the problems astronomers face. God is rejected as Creator.
But cosmologists have no substitute for Him.
They admit that the origin of the universe cannot be explained.
Origin of Universe a Mystery
Science has no answer for the origin of our universe.
Yet, much of science dogmatically INSISTS on rejecting the only possible answer — that of special creation by the great Architect of all that exists!
God has not left science without a witness!
Scientists SHOULD be the most awestruck of ALL MEN about God! Scientists, with their various apparatuses for observation, measurement, and experimentation — SHOULD be men of DEEP SPIRITUAL CONVICTION, absolutely thunderstruck by the magnificence of the things they study!
Some are. By no means is all science completely atheistic. Many leading scientists have come to see the hand of a Divine Creator in our material creation — but they are vastly outnumbered by those who deny that powerful hand.
So — admitting they have NO ANSWER — they fall back on an ancient superstition.
And superstition it is.
Strange as it may seem, atheistic science stands guilty of the very thing for which it accuses "Creationists." It stands guilty of incredible DOGMATISM — repeated insistence on doctrines NOT PROVED — NOT TESTED — NOT OBSERVED; and it stands guilty of clinging to some of the most ancient superstitions ever to be hatched in the demented minds of savages of dim ages past — that this material creation "evolved" by accident and that man came from animals!
This orderly universe operates on LAWS. It IS UPHELD by laws. It exists for a great PURPOSE — a purpose so far beyond the wildest imaginings of most professing Christians it would take their breath!
The very One who DID all the creating came to this earth with a message about that great PURPOSE. But men rejected His message — while professing to accept His person.
But this Work of God ACCEPTS the whole message of Christ! We do NOT deny the accurate, measured, carefully PROVED scientific data of this modern age — we welcome it enthusiastically! But we DO most seriously reject MYTH, and SUPERSTITION.
And evolution is precisely that.