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Our Awesome Universe!

What MOTIVATES Man's "Knowledge"

He doesn't even RECOGNIZE what these motives are.

But let's hear from a famous evolutionist. Here is a shocking admission about motives. About REASONS for denial of supernatural origins. Reasons for rejecting a SPECIAL CREATION of everything, and for seeking to explain creation WITHOUT a Divine Creator!

"I have motives for not wanting the world to have a meaning; consequently assumed that it had none and was able without any difficulty to find satisfying reasons for this assumption . . .

"For myself as, no doubt, for most of my contemporaries, the philosophy of meaninglessness was essentially an instrument of liberation from . . . a certain system of morality. We objected to the morality because it interfered with our sexual freedom; we objected to the political and economic system because it was unjust. . .

"There was one admirably simple method of confuting these people (supporters of the world political, economic and religious systems) and at the same time justifying ourselves in our political and erotic revolt: we could deny that the world had any meaning whatsoever.

"Similar tactics had been adopted during the eighteenth century and for the same reasons. . . The chief reason for being 'philosophical' was that one might be free from prejudices — above all prejudices of a sexual nature." (Emphasis ours) (Aldous Huxley, Ends and Means, 1937, pp. 312, 315, 316)

There you have it!

That is a remarkable fulfillment of BIBLE PROPHECY.

The Bible plainly states WHY atheistic thinkers wish to keep consciousness of God out of their minds! There is an underlying MOTIVE the Bible reveals.

Listen. "And even as they did not LIKE to retain God IN THEIR KNOWLEDGE [that is, in their science, in their education], God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient; being filled with all unrighteousness, fornication, wickedness, covetousness, maliciousness; full of envy, murder, debate, deceit, malignity; whisperers, backbiters, haters of God, despiteful, proud, boasters, inventors of evil things, disobedient to parents . . ." (Rom. 1:28-30).

What a blistering indictment!

God says it is OBVIOUS He exists by looking at HIS HANDIWORK.

He said, ". . . that which may be known of God is manifest [EVIDENT] to them; for God bath SHOWN it unto them. For the invisible things of Him FROM THE CREATION OF THE WORLD are clearly seen [by looking at the CREATION, the material UNIVERSE; the marvelous, interdependent life forms on this earth!], being understood by the things which are MADE . . ." (Rom. 1:19-20).

But the human, carnal mind does not LIKE to acknowledge God. Why? Because man, in his huge VANITY, will not recognize any supreme AUTHORITY over his life!

He RESENTS God as His RULER! He doesn't want any God telling him what to do — how to live — laying down codes of conduct, and enforcing penalties for broken laws!

The true MOTIVES in atheism and a desire to be "willingly ignorant" (II Pet. 3:5) are the motives of intellectual vanity and human Lust!

Too many people have a totally false concept about evolutionists!

Many seem to assume these men to be completely OBJECTIVE in their approach. It's assumed evolutionists FIRST TRIED THE BIBLE; that they studied it, pondered it, read it, wondered about it — sincerely LOOKED INTO it — and then found it LACKING!

Not so!

They REJECT it without allowing their minds to wonder WHETHER it could be so.

And the same holds true for the ancient pagan philosophers who helped perpetuate the lie of "no God." The only difference is their motives were clear to all!


All by Chance?

Notice what Plato asserts:

"They [the philosopher-educators of the ancient world] say that fire and water, and earth and air, all exist by nature and CHANCE . . . and that as to the bodies which come next in order — earth, the sun, and moon, and stars — they have been created by means of these absolutely INANIMATE existences . . . after this fashion and in this manner the whole heaven has been created . . .not by the action of mind, as they say, or OF ANY GOD, or from art, but as I was saying, by nature AND CHANCE ONLY" (Plato, Dialogues, Laws X, section 889).

Is this any different from the ideas today? Absolutely not! — except for modern, scientific garb.

Today, most scientists REFUSE to accept the possibility that there is a Creator God — even though they admit they cannot explain the origin of matter or the existence of laws.

Notice what one scientist dogmatizes:

"It is the business of science to offer rational explanations for all the events in the real world, and any scientist who calls on God to explain something is falling down on his job.

"This is the ONE PIECE OF DOGMATISM that a scientist can allow himself" (The Mystery of the Expanding Universe, William Bonnor, page 119).

Did you catch that?

Scientists dogmatically assume that the existence of the universe has a rational — and that means a PHYSICAL — explanation.

But can the existence of the universe be PHYSICALLY explained? Is it possible to account for the universe's beginning on the basis of laws now in existence?

Remember, most scientists ASSUME that the universe has always been as it now is — guided by the same laws (where did they come from?) as it is today.


Scientists Admit Ignorance

But do astronomers offer any real answer for the ORIGIN of the universe? After all, it DOES exist! And we want to know why.

If it is superstitious to accept the existence of a God for the creation of the universe, then we need another reasonable and thoroughly provable explanation of the ORIGIN of the universe.

But here science remains silent!

True, it vociferously rejects the idea of a Creator God. But in the same breath it admits, "We have no idea of how the universe originated."

Let's examine a few ideas of the scientists themselves, as they admit, en manse, "We just don't know."

ROBERT JASTROW, director, Goddard Institute For Space Studies, admits:

"Science offers NO SATISFACTORY ANSWER to one of the most profound questions to occupy the mind of man — the question of beginning and end" (Red Giants and White Dwarfs, page 53).

GEORGE GAYLORD SIMPSON, eminent paleontologist, states very frankly:

"The theory just outlined [evolution] obviously does not yet answer all questions or plumb all mysteries . . . IT CASTS NO LIGHT on the ultimate mystery — the origin of the universe and the source of the LAWS or physical properties of matter, energy, space, and time.

"Nevertheless, once these properties are given . . ." (This View of Life, page 21).

"Properties?" What properties? How can serious-minded scientists casually wave aside the WHOLE QUESTION of the origin of the universe by calling the VASTNESS of it all, the MYRIAD laws, the INTRICATE design, the BREATHTAKING powers and forces working within it all, "properties"?

But they try.

Then, having waved aside the WHOLE QUESTION THEY'RE TRYING TO ANSWER, they go on to explain, how "once these properties are given" they can use various guesses as to the origins of the solar system, the earth, and ultimate life upon it.

But we have proved in past articles — and will in future — that even once these properties ARE given, evolution has as much, if not much more of a problem, explaining the creation.

But, then, WHERE did matter, energy, laws — the universe — come from? Science says it doesn't know. But it allows itself to dogmatize that it couldn't be created.