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Ten reasons why Christ must return!

REASON VIII — Frightful RACE WAR Is Coming

"Unless America is willing to come to grips with the problem of liberty and justice for all, there is the grave possibility that BLOOD WILL FLOW in the streets of our cities like it has not since the Civil War." Thus spoke Dr. E. Franklin Jackson, President of the Washington Branch of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, earlier this year. He and others have expressed great fear of RACE WAR if the goals of Negro leaders are not quickly attained.

Prominent Negro Congressman Adam Clayton Powell recently forecast "One of the worst race riots in the history of America" unless the causes of racial tension are promptly removed.

In Detroit, a Negro newspaperman worried aloud: "that 'look how much we've gained in the last 50 years' stuff — that sours on the Negroes' stomach. . . We're going to see VIOLENCE."

An important point to remember is that not only in America, but AROUND THE WORLD there is increasing tension between the races.

In Africa, the Blacks have the Whites on the run in Congo and Kenya — and they are crying out against White rule in South Africa and Portuguese Angola.

In Asia, the Chinese are seeking to rally Colored races of the world to their side in their battle with Russia for leadership of the World Communist Movement. In Russia, the Yellow and Black races are being held down systematically — and Negro students from Africa have been attacked by Whites in the Soviet bloc.

After terrible RACE RIOTS, Great Britain has cut down drastically on immigration of Black and Brown people. Civil War is looming in British Guiana between Negroes and persons whose ancestors came from India.

Nearly everywhere, racial feelings are being whipped up to the breaking point by scattered incidents in nearly every major nation of the earth. Apart from God, the growing suspicion, resentment, and open HATRED which is now mushrooming among the races of the earth creates nightmarish FEAR — and the possibility of HUMAN ANNIHILATION — unless Almighty God intervenes.

Airing his feelings against the White "liberal" leaders, radical Negro leader Malcolm X. recently stated: "The Black man is fed up with the inability of White liberals to solve racial problems in America. Unless something is done soon, I am afraid we will have a racial explosion — and a racial explosion is more DEADLY than an ATOMIC EXPLOSION."

Read the August and October issues of The PLAIN TRUTH for a full understanding of the current race crisis. We are NOT going to enter into human politics and try to humanly "solve" the race problem. But we are GOD's ambassadors to warn America, Britain and the rest of the world of what WILL happen and WHY. The only real SOLUTION will be the second coming of Jesus Christ to SAVE US from a horrifying RACE WAR!

That is another REASON why He must return soon as King of kings.


REASON IX — The Appalling Increase in MENTAL Sickness

According to the National Association of Mental Health, more people are in the hospitals for MENTAL illness than for polio, cancer, heart disease, tuberculosis and all other diseases combined. An estimated EIGHTEEN MILLION Americans are suffering from some form of mental illness that needs treatment.

One of the most common mental disorders is "schizophrenia" — splitting of the mind. Very few of the schizophrenics are ever pronounced truly "cured" and therefore about half of the hospitalized schizophrenics have been in the hospital longer than ten years!

According to The Chicago Tribune magazine: "Under the circumstances, schizophrenia ranks as one of our GRAVEST health-problems, not only in the United States but throughout the world, and its maddening mysteries are still unsolved. . ."

A vitally important article on mental illness appeared in the October, 1963, issue of The Ladies' Home Journal. It disclosed that one out of six Americans uses a pill bottle to change his mental attitudes and perceptions. It stated: "Drug overuse is destroying the physical and emotional well-being of uncounted men, women and children of all ages and social backgrounds. Indeed, it threatens almost EVERY ASPECT of American life, school, job, marriage."

This authoritative article states: "Our generation is willfully exposing itself to unknown DANGERS from drugs. Inevitably, DEATH occurs in some of these tragic cases."

Again: "We known that many of these drugs can cause temporary physical and emotional impairment, even permanent disability leading to DEATH."

The above illustrations and facts are a direct fulfillment of God's warning to modern America and Britain of what would happen if we forsook Him and turned to our own ways: "The Lord shall send upon thee cursing, VEXATION, and rebuke, in all that thou settest thine hand unto for to do, until thou be destroyed . . . . The Lord shall smite thee with MADNESS, and with blindness, and astonishment of heart" (Deut. 28: 20, 28).

Not only disease epidemics, then, but mental sickness or MADNESS were prophesied for our peoples thousands of years ago by the God of heaven! And in recent testimonies before a Senate Sub-Committee it was revealed that more than ONE HUNDRED MILLION PRESCRIPTIONS are written in the U.S. each year for tranquilizers and other drugs affecting mental health! Commenting on this, Dr. Fritz A. Freyhan, an expert of the National Institute of Mental Health, predicted, "Things will get WORSE before they get better."

Our Father in heaven looks down with compassion on the growing frustrations, anxieties and utter WRETCHEDNESS involved in mental sickness and suffering which cause untold MILLIONS of human beings in His image around the world to exist in a veritable "living hell." As this situation mushrooms, it becomes a mighty important REASON for the second coming of Jesus Christ to bring PEACE not only between nations — but "the PEACE of God, which passeth all understanding" (Phil. 4:7)


REASON X — Satan's FULL WRATH Must Be Stopped!

Soon now, within a very few years, coming upon us suddenly before we quite realize what is happening, very strange and "weird" and HORRIFYING events will begin to take place between nations and individuals.

This will NOT be the "normal" wars, competitions and hates of the past. This will be DIFFERENT.

There will be more "strange," unexplainable murders, rapes, and sadistic attacks upon young children and other helpless victims. There will be more WILD, uncontrolled bursts of HATE and VIOLENCE between many different types of individuals and groups. In the coming invasion and national SLAVERY of our peoples, more senseless, perverted TORTURES and "brain-cleansing" and brain torturing activities will take place. Military and religious leaders will seem to have gone MAD!

In addition, unusual "miracles" will be performed by the authoritative religious leaders cooperating with the "Beast" power which will take out peoples into slavery. They will NOT be the type of plain, loving and HELPFUL miracles which Jesus and His apostles performed. For there will be more of an accent on "strange phenomena" — shining crosses and crucifixes, weeping dolls, strange incantations to "expel demons," and even bringing what appears to be FIRE down from the heaven!


If you will humbly study it and come to understanding, your Bible reveals the answer in Revelation 12. It describes Satan the Devil trying to destroy Jesus Christ at His birth (verse 4), His ascension to heaven (verse 5), the true Church fleeing into the wilderness for 1260 years during the Middle Ages from the bounds of the persecuting Roman Empire (verse 6).

Then, in verse 7, the time setting moves to the end of the age, and there is "war" in heaven as Satan the Devil and his DEMONS try once again — as they did in Isaiah 14:12-14 — to ascend to heaven and TAKE OVER from God Almighty! But they are overcome and cast down for the LAST TIME (verse 10).

Then, the peoples of this earth are warned: "WOE to the inhabiters of the earth and of the sea! for the devil is come down unto you, having GREAT WRATH, because he knoweth that be bath but a short time" (verse 12).

When this occurs, the activities of Satan and his demons will be VIOLENT. They will seek desperately — in rebellion against God and His plan for humanity — to DESTROY not only God's true Church which "keeps the commandments of God" (verse 17), but in their utter frustration will turn their wrath against ALL humanity!


Demon-inspired FIENDS

Drunkards, dope addicts, people who let their minds "wander" — all these and others will suddenly find that their human brains have been taken over by DEMONS! They will suddenly break out into WILD — weird — FIENDISH behavior which will seem totally unexplainable to their former friends and associates.

People will be SHOCKED!

Headlines will SCREAM the news of "unaccountable" beatings, murders, rapes and sadistic activities. People worshipping "spirits" and engaging in "witchcraft" will suddenly sense a new POWERFUL PRESENCE in their midst! It will seem exciting — and many will yield to it!

In the religious sphere, a great FALSE PROPHET will arise in the midst of the revived Roman Empire. "And he doeth GREAT WONDERS, so that he maketh FIRE come down from heaven on the earth in the sight of men, and DECEIVETH them that dwell on the earth by means of those MIRACLES which he had power to do in the sight of the beast" (Rev. 13:13-14).

Strange impulses leading to the most violent WAR in human history will suddenly grip military and religious leaders: "And I saw three UNCLEAN SPIRITS like frogs come out of the mouth of the dragon (the Devil), and out of the mouth of the beast (the coming Hitler), and out of the mouth of the false prophet. For they are the spirits of DEVILS, working MIRACLES which go forth unto the kings of the earth and of the whole world, to gather them to the battle of that great day of God Almighty" (Rev. 16:13-14).

This "great day of God Almighty" is the prophesied time of God's intervention in human affairs mentioned in over thirty places in Bible prophecy! It is the time mentioned in Matthew 24:22: "And except those days should be shortened, there should NO FLESH BE SAVED: but for the elect's sake those days shall be shortened."

Satan's full WRATH will be vented against the world — and against God's true Church and His birthright peoples Israel in particular. Individual and international MADNESS will seize the world in a manner unprecedented in human history!


Learn to Face REALITY

This is REAL — and it is REALLY going to happen! Very frankly, the ideas and imaginations of science fiction writers are going to seem TAME in many ways by comparison with the literal events that lie ahead before the living CHRIST of your Bible returns to RULE this rebellious world with a rod of iron!

But He IS COMING — and before it is too late!

"And out of his mouth goeth a sharp sword, that with it he should smite the nations: and he shall RULE them with a rod of iron: and he treadeth the winepress of the fierceness and wrath of Almighty God. And he hath on his vesture and on his thigh a name written, KING OF KINGS, AND LORD OF LORDS" (Rev. 19:15-16).

In this article, you have been given TEN MAJOR REASONS for the soon-coming of this tremendous and wonderful event. If God has given you eyes to see and ears to hear, then THINK — PROVE these things — and ACT on the very real present TRUTH you have received!

What kind of "witness" do you want? How much more definite and specific can we get in these PLAIN TRUTH articles?

Will God have to take You, personally, by the nape of the neck and chastise you personally before you will believe that HE EXISTS, that He ACTS and MOVES in world affairs, and that He has a SPECIFIC plan which He is revealing to you through this magazine as His "watchman"?

We are God's servants to serve and help YOU. But we can do no more than lay the facts before you, appeal to you to act, and PRAY that you will make the right decision.

The rest is up to you!