GOD Controls the Weather
Yes, some day everyone is going to realize that, "only GOD can give water to Guanabara."
And it is interesting and vital to realize that the drought conditions will often be alternated — strangely enough — with FLOODS whose waters will run off the land so quickly as to do little good and only cause damage as a whole — just as is happening in another area of Brazil at the same time Rio de Janeiro is facing its drought crisis.
Notice God's description of how this very condition will increase in America and Britain within the next few years: "And I also have given you cleanness of teeth [not from some kind of tooth paste, but from hunger] in all your cities, and want of bread in all your places: yet have ye not returned unto me, saith the Lord. And I have withholden the rain from you, when there were yet three months to the harvest: and I caused it to rain upon one city, and caused it not to rain upon another city: one piece was rained upon, and the piece whereupon it rained not withered" (Amos 4:6-7).
Then God states in Verse 9: "I have smitten you with blasting and mildew: when your gardens and your vineyards and your fig trees and your olive trees increased, the palmerworm devoured them: yet have ye not returned unto me, saith the Lord."
Thus you can see that the rains to be sent upon some cities will cause FLOODS and MILDEW of fruits and crops, and the lack of rain in other areas will cause terrible conditions of DROUGHT leading to famine and HUNGER.
You need to realize that not only is drought currently affecting the East Coast areas, but even worse and more long-standing drought conditions are affecting millions of acres of farm and pasture land throughout the Midwest, the Plains States and the entire West Coast! Thousands of farmers and ranchers are dipping into their life savings in order to keep going, and hundreds are now GOING BROKE. In Eastern Colorado, State Agriculture Commissioner Paul Swisher said, "If we don't get some rain out here pretty quick, we'll be in a real mess." "The topsoil," Swisher said, "is getting pretty dry and ready to move. We're as near to the critical stage as we can get. Disaster will follow if we don't get moisture."
Upset Weather Spells DISASTER
At the same time, unprecedented FOREST FIRES are raging in many areas of the East and Midwest! Do you think that these conditions of drought, floods and forest fires have nothing to do with your future? Well, you don't have long to find out!
For the God of heaven speaks to modern America and Britain: "When I shall send upon them the evil arrows of FAMINE, which shall be for their destruction, and which I will send to destroy you: and I will increase the FAMINE upon you, and will break your staff of bread: so will I send upon you famine and evil beasts and they shall bereave thee; and pestilence and blood shall pass through thee; and I will bring the sword upon thee. I the Lord have spoken it" (Ezek. 5:16-17).
In this same prophecy — written well over one hundred years after Israel's former captivity, and definitely speaking of a FUTURE punishment and captivity in our day — God states: "Alas for all the evil abominations of the house of Israel! for they shall fall by the sword, by the FAMINE, and by the pestilence" (Ezek. 6:11).
Yes, the alternating cycles of devastating FLOODS on the one hand with terrible DROUGHT and FOREST FIRES on the other are destined to bring about a condition of unprecedented FAMINE even here in the United States of America!
Meanwhile, around the world, the handwriting is clearly on the wall as a veritable POPULATION EXPLOSION takes place and the stark reality of HUNGER and STARVATION closes in on millions of additional human beings every single year! Almighty God is letting most of humanity go its own way and write its own lessons for this first six thousand years of recorded human history. But He is a merciful God and a Father — and He will soon intervene through Jesus Christ to save hundreds of millions of people made in His image from STARVING TO DEATH!
Regardless of the hopes and claims of modern medical practitioners, the GOD OF HEAVEN clearly reveals that ravaging DISEASE EPIDEMICS are soon going to strike this entire earth — and America and the British Commonwealth nations in particular! This is because we have been callously BREAKING God's physical and spiritual laws. Then we have tried to have these transgressions "forgiven" by treating the "symptoms" — the results — instead of getting at and correcting the real CAUSE.
Frankly, the average layman only hears a FRACTION of the real facts about burgeoning disease epidemics and future PLAGUES which many eminent scientists and medical men know are coming. This is because most newspapers and magazines don't wish to emphasize "unpleasant" items which might prove unpopular with public opinion, and because of organized medical pressure groups which SUPPRESS the facts in many instances.
Nevertheless, because modern man is polluting his water supply with the refuse of factories in entire cities, because he is wrecking the real nutritive value of his soil through the use of artificial chemical fertilizers and poisonous sprays, because he is poisoning the very crops themselves through sprays and artificial treatments, because he is removing the wheat germ from the wheat, chemically "treating" most other food products and thereby producing what are in actual fact "foodless foods" — for these and many other reasons he is bringing upon himself horrifying DISEASE EPIDEMICS which are destined to strike within the next five to ten years!
Also, as stated above, when individuals do become sick the medical men rush to treat the symptom instead of the cause — quite often by injecting the POISON PUS of animals into the human blood stream in ever-increasing quantities!
Eminent Medical Testing
A noted British physician and surgeon says that modern drugs are NINETY-NINE PER CENT USELESS." Dr. Harry Lilly stated in an interview: "Drugs patch up the symptoms, NOT THE CAUSES. When I first qualified, I thought the use of drugs I'd learned at the university was just the thing. But I'd never go back to that now.
"The medical profession on both sides of the Atlantic is being run and dictated by the pharmaceutical houses. We have only to see the racket going on with drugs — the only way you can describe their cost is disgraceful. We'd be better doing the same with drugs as we do with atomic waste: DUMPING THEM INTO THE SEA."
Dr. Lilly expects a "WORLD EPIDEMIC" of the worst virus yet within the next ten years. It will be the result of the world-wide use of penicillin and antibiotics which, Dr. Lilly says, upsets the bacterial balance of the body.
Some British doctors are blaming the abuse of penicillin for the serious outbreak of polio in Britain, Dr. Lilly says. He agrees, and states regarding the coming virus epidemic: "In my opinion, this danger completely overshadows any threat of nuclear war."
Mankind needs to WAKE UP to the fact that poisonous drugs, processed foods, chemical fertilizers and poisonous sprays used on plants is simply courting DISASTER! We need to realize that the absolute POLLUTION of our air and water, and the increasing use of CHEMICAL POISONS in agriculture and industry, is going to bring a sickening RESULT if we don't quit breaking God's physical laws!
A few years ago, Dr. David E. Price, Assistant Surgeon General of the U.S. Public Health Service asked this question: "Is man becoming OBSOLETE?"
Then this eminent physician began to list a number of TERRIFYING dangers to human life which could lead to the EXTINCTION of the human race. He referred to man-made contamination of the air, the increasing use of chemical poisons in agriculture and industry. Dr. Price said there was, "growing public concern that, even if we escape destruction by war, something else, probably subtle, insidious, and gradual, may eventually cause us to become a 'HAS BEEN' SPECIES."
DANGER in Modern Farming Methods
Notice the following important quote regarding the DANGERS of "modern" methods of farming: "Whole species of Britain's birds will be wiped out by POISON CHEMICALS used on farmlands, a conference of wildlife experts warned yesterday.
"One question left unanswered at the conference came from the Earl of Aylesford, a Warwickshire landowner. After the warnings of bird poisoning he asked: 'Can we say whether humans will follow?" (From the London Daily Herald, March 4, 1963)
In a basic prophecy for modern Israel — the peoples of America and the British Commonwealth nations who are the physical descendants of the ancient, tentribed, supposedly "lost" House of Israel — God states: "And if ye shall despise my statutes, or if your soul abhor my judgments, so that ye will not do all my commandments, but that ye break my covenant: I also will do this unto you; I will even appoint over you terror, consumption, and the burning ague, that shall consume the eyes, and cause sorrow of heart: and ye shall sow your seed in vain, for your enemies shall eat it" (Lev. 26:15-16).
Note these plagues which God says He will send: consumption or tuberculosis; fevers such as measles and meningitis which can settle in the eyes causing impaired vision or blindness; general weakening or languishing of physical strength — then foreign enemies attacking our land.
After warning that He will "break the pride" of our power (verse 19) — which God is ALREADY DOING to America and the fast diminishing British "Commonwealth" — God states: "And if ye walk contrary unto me, and will not hearken unto me (even after these early punishments); I will bring seven times MORE PLAGUES upon you according to your sins" (Verse 21).
Yes, we are destined to have pestilences, disease epidemics — PLAGUES which God will permit to descend upon us in terrifying intensity because of physical and spiritual SIN.
In man's lust and GREED for excessive profits, the pharmaceutical houses and medical men have poured BILLIONS of dollars of DRUGS and veritable POISONS into the blood streams of hundreds of millions of human beings! The industrial captains — instead of using their minds and money to devise a safer way — are emptying billions of tons of industrial POLLUTANTS into the air we breathe and the water we drink! Even the farmers are caught up in the habit of using chemical fertilizers, and poisonous sprays on the very FOOD we eat!
God help us to WAKE UP!
Unless we REPENT of this entire vicious cycle and turn to God and His WAY of health and healing, we will begin to experience such horrifying DISEASE EPIDEMICS as will make necessary the DIVINE INTERVENTION of Jesus Christ to save us from ourselves!
REASON IV — Earth's DESOLATION through Atomic Fallout and Radioactivity
Even though the human race may not eradicate itself in a future hydrogen war, the aftermath of such a war would hardly be a more enviable fate. This is the opinion of six leading geneticists given at the first International Radiation Research Congress.
Dr. H. J. Muller of Indiana University says that although the extinction of humanity in a nuclear war was unlikely, it would take the race ONE THOUSAND YEARS to get back where it is today!
He foresaw: immediate death for MILLIONS from blast and heat, then death from DISEASE for other millions weakened by shock and radiation. Death by STARVATION for others. Then would come the longer range effects: human beings STERILIZED so they could not beget children. Others capable of siring only DEFECTIVE OFFSPRING that would die without children of their own.
Notice! Even IF man does not succeed in destroying himself in a future war, the RESULT would leave a wretched remnant of SICK and DYING and STERILE human beings for generations to come! A United Press report states: "A geneticist said today an H-Bomb war would damage the genes of surviving Americans so severely that between SEVENTEEN MILLION and ONE BILLION of their descendants might die prematurely or be defective over the next thirty generations." This report was given by Dr. James V. Neal, Chairman of the Department of Human Genetics at the University of Michigan, to a Congressional Atomic Energy Sub-Committee.
But many scientists are concerned not only about the possibilities in a future war — but the present DANGER to human life and progeny from the hydrogen and atomic tests which have ALREADY been carried out — and which will undoubtedly CONTINUE to be carried out by many nations from time to time in spite of the temporary Test Ban Treaty which SOME of the leading nations have signed.
The June 4, 1963, issue of the Los Angeles Times disclosed that animals in the Arctic living off plants are piling up heavy concentrations of radioactivity and "scientists are getting worried about it." A study revealed that the "safe" level for radioactive strontium contamination in man was about seventeen strontium units. Yet caribou bones have been found recently showing from ONE HUNDRED to TWO HUNDRED UNITS!
Scientists Admit "Safe Limit" Is Now Exceeded
Dr. William O. Pruitt, Jr., biologist who cooperated with the Canadian Wildlife Service in a study of this caribou problem, has become seriously concerned. Dr. Pruitt states: "Behind all the reassuring announcements about nuclear explosions since the beginning of the atomic age there has lurked the specter of the time when the so-called 'safe limits' would be exceeded.
"It is clear that for a great area of the earth's surface THAT TIME HAS NOW COME."
Even though the results of this atomic testing are bad enough, your Bible definitely prophesies a FUTURE HYDROGEN BOMB WAR! The resulting STERILITY of human beings, the genetic DEFECTS which would continue in the human family for hundreds of years IF many survived, and the wretched CONTORTED BODIES of human beings made in His image — these call for the DIVINE INTERVENTION of a loving God by sending His Son Jesus Christ back to this earth SOON — before it is too late!
REASON V — GIGANTIC Earthquakes, Hurricanes and Weather Upheavals Soon to Come!
Mankind is soon going to learn that GOD CONTROLS THE WEATHER!
As we have seen, Jesus Christ prophesied: "There shall be famines, and pestilences, and EARTHQUAKES, in diverse places" (Mat. 24:7).
In Luke's inspired account of these same events leading up to the second coming of Christ, Jesus stated: "And there shall be signs in the sun, and in the moon, and in the stars; and upon the earth distress of nations, with perplexity; the SEA and the WAVES ROARING; men's hearts failing them for FEAR, and for looking after those things which are coming on the earth: for the powers of the heavens shall be SHAKEN" (Luke 21:25-26).
In the very next few years, through earthquakes, volcanoes, hurricanes and tidal waves — God is going to SHAKE this earth like a rag doll! Men are going to learn that Almighty God is VERY "real"!
The June 19, 1960, issue of This Week magazine reported that the worst decade in United States history for natural disasters was "THE PAST TEN YEARS"! UNBELIEVABLE?
Not when you understand Bible prophecy! For this is just the BEGINNING of vicious weather cycles which spell serious TROUBLE for America, Britain and much of the Western world. The recent EARTHQUAKE which destroyed Skoplje and the terrifying HURRICANE CARLA which devastated Haiti and Cuba are only a mild portent of what is SOON TO COME!
So far, the worst earthquakes, hurricanes, volcanic eruptions and tornadoes have struck more thinly populated areas of the earth as a whole. But the time is coming — and. soon — when they will begin to devastate the big metropolitan areas in the major cities of this earth.
Even the power of our latest hydrogen bombs is dwarfed into insignificance in comparison with the destructive capacity of EARTHQUAKES. It would take the combined force of TWENTY-FIVE THOUSAND atomic bombs of the Hiroshima class to begin to release the equivalent energy of only ONE of the major shocks in the recent earthquake which struck Skopije, Yugoslavia!
"The city is an awful sight,' the Belgrade newspaper Politica said in a special edition. 'More than two hundred thousand citizens are in the streets. The screams of the trapped and those who have lost relatives can be heard all over. In the wreckage of the railway station the screams of trapped persons can still be heard. The question is whether rescue teams can reach them in time.' " This item was contained in a recent United Press release reporting on the earth quake in Skoplje, Yuogslavia.