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The way to prevent mental illness

The POWER of God

Practically no one today understands what the Holy Spirit of God really is.

The Holy Spirit is the source of divine power — dynamic, SUPERNATURAL POWER that can change your very mind!

The Holy Spirit is the essence of God — His very life, His mind, His nature and His LOVE. The Spirit of God is the very POWER God used to create the universe! (Heb. 11:3)


Man Must Be Begotten Again

The Holy Spirit is the "seed" or germ of eternal life. It is the begettal of the spiritual life of God within us. And just as a physically begotten baby receives the nature of its human father, so the spiritually begotten son of God also receives the divine nature of his spiritual Father, GOD! "Whereby are given unto us exceeding great and precious promises: that by these ye might be partakers of the divine nature. . ." (II Peter 1:3-4).

The new spiritual life must now begin to grow. Once we are begotten by God's Spirit, we must grow spiritually until we can be BORN of God at the resurrection. Then we will attain to the very likeness and stature — the very COMPOSITION — of God!

Notice this marvelous truth with your own eyes: "Beloved, now are we the [begotten] sons of God, and it doth not yet appear" — just as an unborn human baby does not yet "appear" like its adult form — "what we shall be: but we know that, when He [Christ] shall appear, we shall be LIKE HIM . . . "! (I John 3:2)


Rejected in Eden

God made His Holy Spirit available to Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden. All they had to do to receive eternal life was to obey God by eating of the fruit of the symbolic "tree of life" (Gen. 2:9, 16-17) which represented the Holy Spirit.

But because of rebellious, disobedient HUMAN NATURE, Adam and Eve REJECTED it! Instead, they partook of the wrong tree — the fruit of the "tree of good and evil" (Gen. 2:17; 3:3, 6, 7). They cut themselves off from access to the spirit of God and the gift of eternal life!

Ever since then, God has allowed man to go his own way. For nearly 6,000 years men have learned, by hard experience and suffering — by mental and emotional disorders — the RESULTS of living without the Holy Spirit!

There has been war — not peace. Death — not life. Why?

"For to be carnally minded is DEATH: but to be spiritually minded is life and peace. Because the carnal mind [the natural, unspiritual mind with which each of us was born] is enmity against God: for it is not subject to the law of God [the law which would bring life and peace] neither indeed can be [of itself]" (Rom. 8:6-7).

Jesus Christ came nearly 2,000 years ago to herald the arrival of the Holy Spirit once again for all who will accept it. But the vast majority have rejected God's gift of eternal life to man. The world has sought after self-gratification and whatever pleases the self. The world follows the way of the carnal, unspiritual mind which produces all the fear, worry, frustration and spiritual emptiness experienced today!


Man's Greatest Need

All mankind DESPERATELY NEEDS God's Holy Spirit! A human mind guided by the Holy Spirit from God finds peace, happiness, spiritual power and eternal life!

The results of having God's Holy Spirit within one are "love, joy, PEACE, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, temperance" (Gal. 5:22-23).

But the carnal mind, without God's Spirit, is HOSTILE toward God (Rom. 8:7), and cannot think spiritually. To put it plainly, we are not FULLY sound-minded until we think like God!

Make no mistake! Most carnal-minded persons have normal minds. That is, they generally think soundly, can come to certain right decisions, can be emotionally well balanced. But without the revelation of God's Word and the indwelling of His Holy Spirit they go off half-cocked in wild theories and speculations — in guessing about what is morally right or wrong. No mind is truly FULL and COMPLETE unless that person has received God's Holy Spirit.

The "sound mind" which comes through God's Spirit (II Tim. 1:7), means just what it implies. It is a truly balanced mind. The man possessing it is a balanced man — a WHOLE MAN. He is guided by the supreme mind of God Almighty! Only the Holy Spirit can impart the deep understanding of our real PURPOSE and GOAL in life which prevents one from "cracking up."

Man has yet to realize that the spiritual power available through God's Holy Spirit is the power needed for true sanity, self-mastery, for accomplishment, success, abundant joy, peace of mind and the HAPPINESS we all desire!

Do you now begin to see what this world is missing?

Do you begin to grasp how much better your life would be if you were in spiritual contact with your Creator?

God's Holy Spirit can free you from fear, frustration, and the threat of mental illness plaguing mankind today. God's Holy Spirit imparts mental health, happiness and sound mindedness.

But there are prior conditions to receiving it!


The Steps to True Sanity

First, you must "thirst" for — sincerely desire — God's Holy Spirit more than anything else. Jesus said: "If any man thirst, let him come unto me and drink. He that believeth on me, as the Scripture hath said, out of his belly shall flow rivers of living water! But this spake He of the SPIRIT, which they that believe on Him should receive . . .” (John 7:38-39).

Peter then clearly defined the way to receive this Spirit of Power: "Repent, and be BAPTIZED . . . and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Spirit" (Acts 2:38).

When we are reconciled to God by the death of Christ as a result of our sincere repentance of past sins, faith in Christ's shed blood for the remission of our sins, and our submitting to the symbolic burial of our past sinful life in the waters of baptism; then God is MORE WILLING to give us His Spirit than we are willing to give bread to our children! (Luke 11:10, 13)

But remember, God gives His Spirit only "to them that OBEY Him" (Acts 5:32). No one who continues to flagrantly break God's law of love can receive the Spirit of God.

So if you are willing to obey your Creator, if you are willing to surrender your will to "live by every word of God" and let the Bible be the AUTHORITY in your life, then God will certainly give you His Spirit — His power in your life!


Find Out for Yourself

You can know more about God's Holy Spirit and His purpose for mankind!

You can understand the answers to the really BIG questions concerning your very existence that you have always wondered about. You owe it to yourself to learn the meaning of today's chaotic world conditions and how you can ESCAPE the nuclear holocaust awaiting this present generation!


Simply by enrolling in the free Ambassador College Bible Correspondence Course!

There will be no obligation on your part, except that we expect you to STUDY your Bible at least one-half hour a day. Remember, this is a BIBLE STUDY Course. The lessons are designed to lead you into a systematic study of your BIBLE!

So don't put off being enrolled in the Ambassador College Bible Correspondence Course. It's like no other Bible Course you've ever seen! Do it right now before you FORGET!

Mail your request to the CORRESPONDENCE COURSE and address it to our offices closest to you. You will find the addresses on the inside front cover. We'll rush the first fascinating monthly lesson of this absolutely FREE course to you at once!