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Who is really for "Law and Order"

The SOURCE for All Just and Right Laws

Few today realize the acknowledged basis for many of the laws in our English-speaking world is the Law that God gave ancient Israel.

Of and by himself, man has NEVER been able to devise the type of thoughtful, balanced laws revealed in the Ten Commandments. Our laws against murder, theft, perjury, rape, kidnapping and adultery all find their source in the Law of GOD.

Yet millions of "educated" men today are beginning to believe there is no God. Beginning with Darwin's Origin of Species which popularized the theory of evolution — coupled with the spread of German rationalism in the latter part of the Nineteenth Century — the knowledge and teachings of GOD have been kicked out of our schools and colleges. The automatic result has been that all standards of decency and morality have been thrown aside as well.

In this modern "enlightened" age of violence and perversion, the society as a whole now subscribes to the doctrine that there are no standards — no absolutes. This is, of course, because they believe that there is no God to set forth such standards or absolutes.

A few years back, one of the world's foremost educators warned a group of military leaders about this very problem. He was the late Dr. Rufus B. von KleinSmid, then Chancellor of the University of Southern California. He stated: "I have no quarrel with the present emphasis placed on science, but today we are paying for support of schools which act from September 1 to June 30 as if there were no God." Dr. von KleinSmid noted the "absence of moral values" in our youth resulting from this attitude.

When you leave the true GOD out, there is no real standard of behavior left. The result is spiritual chaos, lawlessness and wretchedness in the human heart.

But man will NEVER have the true respect for and understanding of law and order until he deeply recognizes that these must proceed forth from the great GOD who created man in His own image.

Don't smirk too quickly! You can PROVE that that God exists!

In The PLAIN TRUTH magazine, we feature articles in the magnificent continuing series on PROVING the existence of God and disproving the man-made "theory" of evolution.

Study these vital articles. Also, for a quick-condensed summary, write in immediately for our absolutely free booklet, Does God Exist? And the free companion article, "Seven Proofs God Exists!"

Men have lost all deep respect for law because they have forgotten the very source of ALL law and authority!

Perhaps you have never read it, but your Bible says: "There is one lawgiver, who is able to save and to destroy" (James 4:12). That lawgiver is Almighty God.

In their modern search for man-devised "peace of mind" or a "religion that satisfies," men have totally FORGOTTEN about the great GOD who RULES this universe! No wonder our young people — the leaders of tomorrow — have such a godless, lawless attitude.



There is a solution to the problem of law and order.

The real solution — and there will be no other — involves much more than recognizing God as the Author of true law and order. For the climate of lawlessness is worldwide and international.

It involves the continued existence of humanity itself!

For man now has the capacity to annihilate himself many times over with the increasingly fearsome weapons modern science and technology produce. Yet, on the international scene, nations live in daily fear. Millions know that the so-called "guarantees" and treaties of peace are not worth the paper on which they are written.

In practical fact, there is NO LAW — respect for no authority — among the nations of the world.

What, then, is the answer?

How can law and order be restored to the individuals and the nations of this faltering world? The real solution involves the following three steps:

First, all men must learn that the Author of true law is the Creator. They must recognize and deeply respect His authority and His laws. Schools, families and nations must wake up and quit acting "as if there were no God" — paraphrasing Dr. von KleinSmid.

Next, men and nations must be directly TAUGHT the laws of God and their practical application to life. Just hearing "about" God and His law is not enough!

The day we human beings are born we know absolutely nothing. Everything we know has come into our mind since that time! These ideas and concepts have come from our parents, friends, schools, and from the general environment of whatever society we happen to grow up in. To ensure that a human being will understand the right way, he must be TAUGHT that way consistently and continuously.

But who is around to teach man that God is the Author of all true law? Which God?

Which law?

Also, who could be responsible and who would have the power, even if he were right, to teach ALL NATIONS the laws of God and their practical application to life?

And that brings us to the final step in the real solution to law and order which WILL COME within the lifetimes of most of us!


What about HUMAN NATURE?

We human beings are, by our very nature, LAWLESS. Human beings naturally resist and resent anyone in authority over them. They do not like being told what to do. They will automatically tend to go the wrong way from ANY law, system or authority — especially if it be God's Law or His Authority! Your Bible says that the natural, physical mind of man "is enmity against God: for it is not subject to the law of God, neither indeed can be" (Romans 8:7).

The Apostle Paul said: "For I know that in me (that is, in my flesh,) dwelleth no good thing . . ." (Romans 7:18).

The prophet Jeremiah wrote: "The heart [the natural mind and tendencies of man] is deceitful above all things, and DESPERATELY WICKED: who can know it?" (Jeremiah 17:9)

Human nature is basically vain, selfish, deceitful, rebellious and EVIL. This rebellious and evil tendency is simply born into the very nature of us all.

We have to have help from our parents, guardians, teachers and others in society or we would soon kill ourselves by breaking the law of gravity and falling too far, breaking the law of inertia and getting in front of a moving automobile, or in any number of other ways.

Although we are willing to learn a little more swiftly those facts concerning the preservation of ourselves, being willing to practice outgoing concern and kindness toward the other fellow is something else again! It is not natural to the human mind. For the human mind and nature is basically LAWLESS and must be changed if there is ever to be complete tranquility at home and peace in the world at large. The third step in the solution, then, is to CHANGE human nature. Our very natures must be made more pliable and yielding to true law and order.

But, again, who could possibly do THAT?


Here's HOW the Solution Will Come

This society is at the end of its rope. If there is a Creator God — and we can PROVE this is so — then it is certainly high time that He intervened in His creation to straighten out the mess!

Why haven't today's leaders looked into the Bible to see how the above-mentioned three steps WILL bring about law and order in our time. In Revelation 11:15, a scene is described picturing a fantastic heavenly intervention in human affairs. Voices in heaven are saying, "The kingdoms of this world are become the kingdoms of our Lord, and of His Christ; and He shall reign forever and ever."

So Christ appears as the Authority over the earth — representing God the Father. This takes care of Step No. 1. For all men will then know who is the true SOURCE of all law, order and authority.

Next, notice the inspired words of the prophet Micah speaking of our day:

"In the last days it shall come to pass that the mountain of the house of the Lord shall be established in the top of the mountains . . . and He will teach us of His ways, and we will walk in His paths: for the LAW shall go forth of Zion and the word of the Lord from Jerusalem" (Micah 4:1-2).

This shows that God will "TEACH us" the practical way of life — of His Law — of individual well-being, safety and of world PEACE. Men everywhere must and WILL be taught the proper respect for and understanding of true law and order!

Notice also: "Nation shall not lift up a sword against nation, neither shall they LEARN war any more" (verse 3). Here we find that men no longer will be taught to hate, fight and kill in war. Instead, they will be taught the WAY to peace.

Finally, the prophet Jeremiah outlines the solution to Step Three — CHANGING human nature: "After those days, saith the Lord, I will put my LAW in their inward parts and write it in their hearts; and will be their God, and they shall be my people" (Jeremiah 31:33). Beginning with Israel, God will pour out His Spirit upon all people and put within them — through the Holy Spirit — His very nature. He will place with in them His love, kindness, outgoing concern and His wisdom, knowledge, faith and self-control.

Then, and then only, there will be individual and worldwide PEACE, prosperity and joy through obedience to the laws of God as applied to the entire earth!

Sound fantastic?

Perhaps it does if the reality and proof of God and His Word are new to you. But this wonderful future can be PROVED it is worth looking into, studying about and proving.

So once again, write for our free booklets described above on the proof of God. Write also for the unusually scintillating, fully illustrated, absolutely free booklets entitled: The Wonderful World Tomorrow — What It Will Be Like and CRIME can be stopped. . . Here's how! They describe in vivid detail what I have outlined above — the real SOLUTION to law and order, to universal PEACE and to all the ails and woes of mankind.

The real solution to these problems will not come about through the efforts of any man or any politician. But it will come, nevertheless! Be sure you understand and are prepared for the fantastic changes in the world situation now beginning to unfold before your eyes.