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A Duckbilled Platy WHAT?

Does This Make Sense?

The current idea today is that animals — or whatever — evolve in POPULATIONS. That is, certain groups within a genus or species can adapt to changing conditions. As they evolve, the rest of the members of that group DIE, because they can't adapt to new environmental conditions.

Applied to the platypus, it means that (according to evolutionists) as conditions changed, groups within the platypus tribe EVOLVED into other creatures.

Meanwhile, all the platypuses, who DIDN'T change into other mammals died out.

Do you see the problem?

We STILL HAVE the platypus with us today! He shouldn't have continued to exist — but he does. And, for 50 to 150 million years, so say the evolutionists.

Of course, the evolutionist weakly trys to explain this away. The idea is that the monotremes and MARSUPIALS survived in Australia because it was cut off from the rest of the earth.

However, the OPOSSUM is a marsupial. But he lives in the United States, not Australia. Yet, this mammal does quite well among all the wild beasts. He doesn't see any need for evolving.


Building a Platypusary

Supposedly, some platypuses evolved over millions of years into other creatures. Supposedly, they were able to survive — whole populations of them — changes in environment over long periods.

But this doesn't stack up with what we can SEE with our eyes. As a matter of fact, a platypus is one of the MOST SENSITIVE creatures on earth.

This is proved by the countless attempts to keep platypuses alive apart from their native habitats.

For example, back in 1913, an animal dealer wanted to export a platypus to the New York zoo. He approached Harry Burrell, who had great knowledge of the sensitive platypus.

" 'The platypus man,' as he became known ('Duckbill Dave' to his friends) knew you couldn't send this fellow anywhere without sending his entire home — or a reasonable facsimile.

"So straight off you need a water tank. To this must be added a series of passages and an enclosed living chamber resembling his burrow along which he can waddle just as if back on the Lower Woop-Woop creek.

"When he leaves the water he must have an entrance made on the principle of a washing-machine wringer . . . taking all these factors into account, Burrell came up with a contraption which he called a platypusary. His ingeniously designed portable model per mitted Mr. Platypus to go through the whole complicated ritual of feeding, exercising and drying-off" (Walkabout, article "He's Just An Old Fossil," Kendrick Howard, page 15).

The first attempt at transport wasn't made until 1916. The animal survived one week. In 1922 another attempt was made. Out of five starters, only ONE platypus survived, for a time.

He died 49 DAYS later.

ONLY SEVEN of these strange creatures have ever been exported. All attempts to establish them beyond Australia have failed. One managed to stay alive ten years outside Australia. Another, one year.

But, today, if you want to see a platypus — you have to go to Australia.

"Here, in this substitute hideaway, at Healesville, two at least of the egg-laying furred mammals continue publicly to DEFEAT TIME AND REFUTE EVOLUTION, while putting on a daily act for visitors . . . matinees, daily, 24:30 p.m." (Walkabout, "He's Just an Old Fossil," Kendrick Howard, page 15, May, 1967).

"Refutes evolution"?

Whether the author really meant it or not — that is EXACTLY WHAT the platypus does do!

Evolutionists claim that the platypus must have GRADUALLY evolved as his environment changed over millions of years. But only ONE — as far as we know — survived a change of environment more than one year, and died. He certainly didn't evolve in that short a stretch.


The Sensitive Platypus

David Fleay is a well-known individual who has worked extensively with the platypus. In the article, "Flight of the Platypus," for the National Geographic Magazine of October, 1958, he admitted this:

"For 25 years I have dealt with platypuses, and I have come to the conclusion that few members of the animal kingdom are so difficult to keep in captivity . . . once caught, IT WILL SOON DIE if these [natural surroundings] are not duplicated.

"Along with this specialization, it has a nervous system EXCEEDINGLY WELL DEVELOPED for a beast with such primitive features.

"Subject the nocturnal platypus to too much noise, light, handling, keep it too wet or too dry, hold it in surroundings that do not remind it of home in the country — the result can be panic, frantic rushing about, DEATH WITHIN 24 HOURS."

But, we are expected to believe that the platypus population survived MILLIONS of years as it was evolving into something else.

Even common sense should tell anyone this is impossible.

The creed of evolutionists is, "The PRESENT IS the key to the past." That is, whatever you can observe today can show you what happened in the past.

In that case, the platypus is one more of the strong proofs that evolution DID NOT take place.

The platypus nervous system is so highly organized that specimens have been known to die in the hands of a captor as he was taking the creature out of a river.


The Highly Sensitive Nervous System

We've already seen in the quote above how the nervous system confuses those zoologists who think evolution is true.

The question is: Since the platypus is supposed to be such a primitive mammal WHY does he have such a well-developed nervous system?

Not only that, but the BRAIN is too well developed for such a primitive beast, so reason evolutionists. But that doesn't do away with it.

Notice, one perplexed admission:

"The brain is SURPRISINGLY large — much larger in proportion to the body weight than that of any reptile . . . it cannot be said that the living monotremes are deficient in the extent of their cerebral hemispheres — they are indeed MYSTERIOUSLY WELL ENDOWED with cerebral cortex.

"In the size and structure of its brain, then, the platypus proves to be an animal with a considerable degree of INTELLIGENCE, with a cerebrum better organized than that of the lower marsupials and even of some of the lower Monodelphia. A well-organized brain and a large surface of cerebral cortex indicate a degree of intelligence FAR REMOVED from that of reptiles" (The Platypus, Harry Burrell, page 63).

Oh, oh! Here's another problem. In order to be a direct link between mammals and reptiles, the beast has to be "primitive." But alas! His brain is WELL DEVELOPED.

How do you square that with evolution?

You don't.

And evolutionists ADMIT you can't.

"Many zoologists believe that since premammal days the monotremes have evolved far less than other living mammals in their basic reproductive and skeletal structure . . . this, surely, is most remarkable.

"Why, having once begun to enjoy the advantages of large brains and maternal care, were the monotremes not pushed on through the ages by the same forces of selection and survival that shaped the other mammals? . . . this is one of the RECURRENT RIDDLES OF EVOLUTION and as yet there is no answer to it . . ." (The Land and Wildlife of Australia, David Bergamini and Editors of Life, LIFE NATURE LIBRARY, page 66).

Why can't evolutionists see?

The platypus has webbed feet because he needs them for swimming. He needs his beaver-like tail for stabilization. He needs the brain he has because of his highly sensitive nervous system — especially his BILL! In turn, the platypus needs his bill to find food, and navigate underwater and build a burrow.

The platypus didn't evolve, as should be obvious. He was CREATED by a Great God in wisdom and understanding.


The Proof of Creation

Every part of the platypus takes its place in a COORDINATED function that makes the platypus one of the awe-inspiring creatures we see around us.

The platypus proves evolution cannot be true. He waves his bill at evolutionists in sad pity. It almost appears as though God made the platypus just to CONFUSE THE EVOLUTIONISTS!

The platypus is one of God's roadblocks that warns theorists, "Watch your ideas, you're heading down a blind alley!" Unfortunately, too many scientists have NOT HEEDED that warning.

But those of us who have the wit to see, ought to be able to understand from the creation around us, that GOD DOES EXIST. We should exclaim with David, "O Lord, how manifold are thy works! in wisdom hast thou made them all: the earth is FULL of thy riches.

"So is this great and wide sea, wherein are things creeping innumerable, both small and great beasts" (Psalm 104:24-25).

And so is the dry land — full of the wondrous works of God. And the duckbill platypus is among those works.

You live in a world of LAW and ORDER. The weather, the living plants, the breathtaking food chains in the sea, and in the very soil under your feet — the living creatures that are so amazingly complex, so perfectly suited to their every task, and in such wondrous balance in this world of teeming life — all follow definite patterns, fulfill definite, specific needs, and follow LAWS.

The only LAWLESS creature you know of in the whole of lawful creation is MAN.

Lawless, God-hating, God-rejecting MAN, who wants desperately to work out his OWN problems, to find his OWN way to peace, to achieve all the right effects while following the WRONG CAUSES!

WHY such vanity-filled, insistent belief in evolution today? Simply because "natural selection" does not tell a scientist, or disillusioned, sarcastic young dupe in evolutionary study HOW TO LIVE. Evolution does not thunder out the chronicle of human folly, nor shout to us our incredible SINS, or COMMAND us how to OBEY!

And this world wants a MUTE God. It wants a DEAD God. It wants a "first cause" who might have "started evolution" but not the very GOD OF THE BIBLE!

But YOUR GOD DOES EXIST. The very God of the BIBLE, the FATHER of Jesus Christ of Nazareth LIVES! Christ is ALIVE. He will RULE YOU — yes He will, YOU — in the near future.

Will you bow your knees of your OWN free choice now? Or will He FORCE you to your knees then?