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The grim dilemma of Government (Part 2)


Country Date of

The Political Babies

For example, at the same time the new flag is hoisted, and membership in the United Nations applied for, the new nations must establish embassies and consulates around the world. But even THIS can sometimes exhaust both the finances and total educated talent of the entire nation!

Look at Zambia. At the time of Zambia's independence there were eighty-nine university graduates in the entire country! Immediately, many of them were needed in foreign embassies (remember there are far more than eighty-nine countries in the world — meaning that had Zambia sent at least one university graduate to each other nation in the world, it would have been devoid of all university graduates in the entire country long before it had fulfilled its responsibilities toward other nations). Obviously, Zambia could not staff all its needed embassies and consulates with university graduates, let alone make a small dent in the tremendous need for educated leaders at home.

But Zambia had MANY more educated personnel available for governmental duties than some other countries.

In Tanzania there were only sixty-nine graduates at the time of independence! But in Malawi, there were only SEVENTEEN!

Can you imagine it? — nations with only seventeen college graduates having an equal voice with the United States and Great Britain, with Russia and France, and with every other nation in the United Nations?

Does THIS begin to look like the formulators of the United Nations charter lacked a little in foresight?

Have you heard about the Maldive Islands near Ceylon? They are independent — a "new nation" on the earth. Yet they are so poor that the United Nations must forward their mail through the "Maldivian Philatelic Agency," which is just down the street from Macy's in Manhattan!

Take a look at Rwanda. The president, Gregoire Kayibanda, lives in a sumptuous palace. His economy was until only recently a barter economy based upon cows! Cows were tribal symbols of wealth and importance. To purchase anything, from one of the pitifully few imported manufactured commodities to a wife, a given number of cows were the medium of exchange.

While the president of Rwanda may present quite a few headaches to his fellow presidents around Africa, and, indeed, in such far-off places as Washington, Bonn, Paris, Rome or Moscow — he has no telephone in his palace in Kigali! So, periodically, he sends a minister of his down the road to neighboring Uganda to get a look at what might be happening in the rest of the world!

Impoverished though they are, some new nations have national pride and vanity which tends to create severe internal problems, and thus threaten additional international problems.

Impoverished Dahomey, for example, has a presidential residence that cost over $6,000,000 to build, and is larger than Buckingham Palace! Look at Upper Volta! So far, it has one quarter-mile of dual highway! Think of it — you could walk up and down this quarter-mile of dual paved highway in only minutes. And that's all there is. There isn't any more. The name of this first section of highway? "The Champs Elysees!"

Algeria 1962 10,788,000
British Guiana (Guyana) 1966 628,000
Burma 1948 24,229,000
Burundi 1962 2,410,000
Cambodia 1954 5,737,000
Cameroun 1960 4,560,000
Central African Republic 1960 1,300,000
Ceylon 1948 10,624,000
Republic of Chad 1960 2,800,000
Congo (Brazzaville) 1960 840,000
Congo (Leopoldville) 1960 15,499,000
Cyprus 1960 587,000
Dahomey 1960 2,250,000
Gabon 1960 458,000
Gambia 1965 294,000
Ghana 1960 7,500,000
Guinea 1958 3,357,000
India 1947 471,627,000
Indonesia 1949 100,045,000
Israel 1948 2,523,000
Ivory Coast 1960 3,665,000
Jamaica 1962 1,730,000
Kenya 1963 9,104,000
Korea (North) 1948 11,100,000
Korea (South) 1948 27,633,000
Kuwait 1961 410,000
Laos 1954 3,000,000
Libya 1951 1,559,000
Malagasy Republic 1960 6,100,000
Malawi 1964 4,000,000
Malaysia 1963 8,267,000
Maldive Islands 1965 94,000
Mali 1960 4,394,000
Malta 1964 325,000
Mauritania 1960 780,000
Morocco 1956 12,959,000
Niger 1960 3,193,000
Nigeria 1960 55,620,000
Pakistan 1947 100,762,000
Philippines 1946 31,270,000
Rwanda 1962 2,900,000
Senegal 1960 3,360,000
Sierra Leone 1961 2,180,000
Somalia 1960 2,250,000
Singapore 1965 1,712,000
Sudan 1956 13,180,000
Tanganyika (Tanzania) 1961 9,990,000
Togo 1960 1,603,000
Trinidad and Tobago 1962 947,000
Tunisia 1956 3,965,000
Uganda 1962 7,190,000
Upper Volta 1960 4,716,000
Vietnam (North) 1954 15,715,000
Vietnam (South) 1954 15,317,000
Western Samoa 1962 119,000
Zambia 1964 3,610,000
Zanzibar (see Tanzania above) 1963  
TOTAL   1,042,725,000

It was revealed there is an important sounding "Directorate of Forests and Waters" requiring a minister and staff in the new nation of Mauritania. Then it was found there are no forests, and precious little water!

But this is only the beginning glimpse of the problem. Graft, vice, corruption, brutal police rule, no rights for individuals, government seizure of private industry and farms, tribal wars and battles, starvation, illiteracy, disease, squalor and filth — these are the daily way of life in many of the new nations. Corruption is so much a way of life and a part of the daily fabric of "government" in many of these emerging new nations that it is almost unbelievable. As Time magazine said, "A record of sorts was set by Burma's first Minister of Commerce and Industry, whose industriousness at graft netted him $800,000 in government funds before independence was yet a year old!"

What a world!


NO Government Knows the Way to Peace

In many countries where government is the biggest, and sometimes the ONLY industry in the entire country — there exists, nevertheless, an equal voice in world affairs with the United States and Russia!

Does it make any sense? Does it portend safety, peace, productivity and a new era of prosperity for the world? Hardly. In many cases, it means only more suffering for already impoverished peoples — now subjected to shaky and inadequate governments of their own.

And so, INSTEAD of law, order, education, understanding, magnanimity, long-suffering, patience, kindness, justice, equity, trust, faith, a deep grasp of human nature, total lack of racial and religious bias; and all of the lofty qualities which SHOULD go into any government — you find illiteracy, selfishness and egotism to the point of embarrassment; an insane desire for personal power; graft and corruption, lying, cheating, injustice, and inequality; insane, crazed, violent racial bigotries and hatreds, and a struggle for immediate status among elder nations of the world!

Is independence WRONG, then? Should these nations return to colonial rule?

Let's get the point! NONE of the methods of government in this world today have brought this world peace. NOT ONE of the governmental systems of this world have brought a REAL and a LASTING peace, even for its own peoples!

Look at the tribal bloodshed in Africa; the violent religious battles in Vietnam; the stifling economies of much of Latin America; the impending famine in India; the worsening crime, deepening moral decay, and the sickness of "too much" blighting the big powers! There is no peace today!

This article is NOT intended to extol the virtues of ANY man-made system of government — but to show clearly the failings of ALL systems!

Not in all human history has ANY attempt of mankind to govern himself led the world toward peace!

Today, we are closer to HUMAN EXTINCTION through the squabbles of GOVERNMENTS than ever before in human experience!

Point to the government that has brought the world peace! Identify, if you can, the ONE GREAT SYSTEM that has ALWAYS SUCCEEDED! Yes, just as two plus two still makes four, so does the very FACT that mankind's searching for PEACE, MAN'S WAY, always leads toward greater wars!


World Government Only Solution

All statesmen recognize the stem fact that WORLDWIDE government is the ONLY solution to man's ills. They know only a SUPER WORLDWIDE government, embodying ALL nations, with WORLD courts, world laws, and a world police force could ever succeed.

And yet, they know such a government in the hands of men is IMPOSSIBLE!

A world government? That would mean every nation renounce its own sovereignty. It means an immediate solution to the deepest problems dividing the human race! It means immediate solutions to all the monstrous problems of RACE, language, and education!

It would mean a complete revision in the perspective of history, as it wildly differs in different nations; it would mean immediate TRUST between all nations, immediate disappearance of all nationalism, chauvinism, racism, rightism, leftism, communism, capitalism — and the immediate adoption of one world religion!

It would mean human beings would suddenly QUIT being vain, selfish, suspicious, hostile, truculent, nationalistic, egotistic, proud, lustful, jealous, greedy, steeped in their own traditions, and deeply committed to their own religious faiths.

It would mean mankind would SUDDENLY have to become HUMBLE, meek, long-suffering, easy to be entreated, slow to anger, magnanimous, selfless, loving, sharing, giving, understanding; eager to listen, always believing the best, never speaking evil, totally honest, completely CHANGED!


If You Were To Become a "Citizen of the World."

Put it this way: If YOU were representative of YOUR government — and were considering membership in a WORLD government — here's what it would take for you and all your people to succeed!

You would have to immediately GIVE UP ALL your own national history; with its colorful and "quaint" traditions — realizing that one WORLD history book would have to be written, not always showing the past of YOUR nation in the same light in which you have been accustomed to viewing it.

All your national CULTURE must go. The reasoning you follow when you see someone else accomplishing an act, and say, "we do it better." All national PRIDE is out the window, and all national CONSCIENCE. Your stirring of heart at all the old songs, the old wars of yesteryear, the old heroes — the graveyards filled with your "glorious" dead — all the traditionalism, ceremony, culture, art, literature — it all goes.

And all feelings of love for COUNTRY must go — since there will BE no such thing as different countries! Your natural suspicion toward other languages, races, religions and cultures must go immediately! Your feelings about black, yellow, brown, white — about health and hygiene, about marriage and social customs, about clothing, dress, and even your way of eating must give way to a new "world" culture!

And everything which would be a REMINDER of these things would have to go.

Your old pictures, uniforms, dresses, scrapbooks, sheet music, mementos, records, and all reminders of any past military experience must go. And so must all old chants, marches, songs, and military cocktail toasts!

Do you begin to realize the truly IMPOSSIBLE PROPORTIONS such a solution takes on?

And WHO WOULD RULE? Would members of ALL races be present? And WHAT POWER WOULD ENFORCE that rule? What if two or three members of one race, representing different countries, decided against this deep uprooting of all nationalism — and pulled out of that one world government?

Who would decide to punish them? How would they be punished? What if they had NUCLEAR WEAPONS?

Who would head the WORLD POLICE FORCE? How would it be controlled? What if a black policeman arrested a white citizen of the world, and other whites, not having totally overcome their racism — resented it?

Would YOU be satisfied with such a solution?

Are YOU ready to make such changes, and make them IMMEDIATELY?


But there is a solution!

Dr. Robert M. Page said, "So long as you have human nature, there will be wars!"

And HOW TRUE! HUMAN NATURE, by its very existence, defeats the idea of any super world government! That is, in the hands of a MAN!

Read, next month, how world government WILL work — in spite of the overwhelming problems of this world today!