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Syria raids Israel — Where is it Leading?

Just before God intervenes in human affairs,
armies will gather in Valley of Jezreel, around Megiddo, Bible prophecy reveals.
They will then converge on Jerusalem to fight against Jesus Christ
who is coming to enforce peace on a war-torn world.


"Valley of Jezreel," Palestine

Ambassador College Photo


Armies Gather at Armageddon

Just before the return of Jesus Christ, all the nations of the whole earth will marshal their armies at a place called "Armageddon" in the Greek pronunciation of the Hebrew name (Rev. 16:16). This will be in preparation for fighting the "battle of that great day of God Almighty" (verse 14).

"Armageddon" comes from the Hebrew word, Har Megiddo. Har means "fortified," or "fortified hill." Megiddo is a small town approximately 55 miles northwest of Jerusalem, situated in a large bowl-shaped valley once called the Plain of Esdraelon, but now commonly called the Valley of Jezreel.

The hill of Megiddo was strongly fortified in the days of King Solomon (I Kings 9:15). It was a literal fortress arising above the surrounding plain. I saw the archaeological excavations of Tel Megiddo while in northern Israel. The fortress hill Megiddo serves as a type, or forerunner, of the bristling fortifications that shall soon envelop the whole surrounding area.

The vast plain of Megiddo in the Valley of Jezreel offers a natural gathering place for armies because of its extensive flat area. It is just a few miles southeast of Haifa — a natural port and industrial center that could provide ideal facilities for any troops landing there.

Historians have said that more battles have been fought in the Valley of Jezreel than anywhere else on earth.

This is where the armies gather. From this natural gathering place, the armies spread southward towards Jerusalem. The actual battle takes place in the environs of Jerusalem — against Jesus Christ.

Notice Zechariah 14:2, "For I will gather all nations against Jerusalem to battle." Jerusalem will be the focal point for the armies of all nations. Here the coming reborn Holy Roman Empire — a United States of Europe — and its allies will make their final stand.

There, too, will be the vast Communist Russian, Mongolian and other Oriental hordes of Eastern Europe and Asia.

The nations, already engaged in an all-out struggle for world domination, will be angry and furious when they see Christ has come to intervene in human affairs. They will call him the anti-Christ.

So instead of fighting against each other, both Fascists and Communists will turn their attack against Christ.


Last Climactic Battle

In a frenzy of rage, these nations will prepare to unleash all of the nuclear destruction at their disposal in an attempt to thwart the supernatural government of Almighty God. They will even dare to challenge Jesus Christ in battle to determine who will rule the earth.

It is this climactic battle — the Battle of the Great Day of God Almighty — that will determine who will rule the earth forever.

This battle is described in Revelation 19:11-21. Notice verse 19: "And I saw the beast [the coming fascist dictator in Europe] and the kings of the earth [his allies], and their armies, gathered to make war against him [Christ] that sat on the horse and his army."

And who composes Christ's army? Verse 14 of Revelation 19 and Matthew 25:31 say that the holy angels are Christ's army.

The focal point of the battle will be near Jerusalem in the valley of Jehoshaphat (Joel 3:1-2, 9-14). This valley is a deep ravine having very steep sides, and borders the city of Jerusalem on the east. (Compare Rev. 14.19 with Joel 3:13)

What will be the outcome of this battle? Read the answer in the 12th chapter of Zechariah. Verse 3 says: "And in that day will I make Jerusalem a burdensome stone for all people: all that burden themselves with it shall be cut in pieces, though all the people of the earth be gathered against it."

All nations involved in this struggle will be "cut to pieces." Jesus Christ will punish all the nations that attack Jerusalem (verse 9).

Christ will first strike them with a plague that will consume their flesh (Zech. 14:12, 15). Then, just as God dealt with the people at Babel, Jesus Christ will cause confusion in the minds of both man and beast (Zech. 12:4 and 14:13). They will fight blindly among themselves and utterly destroy one another. There will be so much bloodshed the blood will rise as high in some places as horses' bridles (Rev. 14:20 compared with Joel 3:13).


Jesus Christ the Victor

The victor will be Jesus Christ. He will overcome the rebellious nations and establish Himself as Lord of lords and King of kings (Rev. 19:19-21 and 17: 14). He will establish His government on this earth to bring peace and prosperity at last.

Jerusalem means "City of Peace." Jesus Christ, the "Prince of Peace" (Isa. 9:6), will take control of the "City of Peace." He will make it the capital of the earth (Jer. 3:17) — the world headquarters of His government.

Jerusalem ultimately will have the greatest influence of any city on the destiny of mankind. Being near the geographical center of the land surface of the earth, it is the ideal focal point for world control. It will be rebuilt to perfection. No city of the past will equal its splendor and magnificence. It will become the future model city to set the pattern for cities throughout the world.

From the temple on Mount Zion, God's laws will go forth, bringing peace to the earth (Isa. 2:2-4). From here in Jerusalem, Christ — and those true Christians who qualify now — will rule and bring peace, prosperity and eternal salvation to the world. This wonderful world tomorrow will soon be here.

Will you be qualified for a place in that new world?


Panoramic view of Jerusalem, with temple site in foreground.

Ben-Haim Photo