On June 22, 1941 the German armies attacked Russia. By December 2, of that year, advance units of the German forces reached the outskirts of Moscow. Japan erroneously assumed Russia had been defeated. The Japanese now thought their eastern flank would be free. Five days later on December 7, 1941, they attacked Pearl Harbor.
Wide World Photo
Japanese Decision Premature
But unknown to General Tojo and his war lords, the communist general, Marshal Zhukov, launched, on the day before the Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor, a gigantic counteroffensive on the Moscow front which reeled the German armies back in the bitter cold and snow.
"Fresh Soviet divisions which German intelligence had no inkling of were continually being thrown into battle" (William L. Shirer, The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich, p. 855).
This fresh, well-trained, well-equipped Soviet army changed the course of history. The Nazis were stunned! "Where did this large, well-clothed, well-equipped Russian army come from?" they asked.
Little did the Nazis realize that their own ally, Japan, was responsible for the colossal disaster they suffered on the Moscow front.
Japanese Lust for U.S. Land Backfired
Russian spies in Japan had somehow discovered that Japan planned to attack the U.S. at Pearl Harbor about December 7, 1941.
The Russians also learned that the Japanese had politely refused Hitler's demand to attack Russian troops on the Siberian border. The Japanese were "dead set" on destroying the Pacific fleet of the U.S. and capturing all of Southeast Asia and India. They were determined to "feather their own nest" and not Hitler's.
When Russian spies discovered this fanatical Japanese determination to attack the U.S., Stalin hastily withdrew his army of close to a million men from the Manchurian border and brought them over the trans-Siberian railway to Moscow, just in time to turn the tide of battle against the Germans in early December, 1941.
The Japanese High Command now realizes that if they had invaded Siberia, the peace-loving U.S. would have remained neutral until both Japan and Hitler were ready to launch a surprise invasion of the North American continent.
They also realize that if they had attacked the Russian army on the Siberian border, Stalin would have been forced to fight on two fronts at once.
Stalin then would not have been able to bring his well-equipped Siberian army to the Moscow front in time to stop the Nazis. European Russia would have fallen.
Because the Germans had badly mauled the Russian army, the Russians were not strong enough to fight both Germany and Japan at the same time. The power of Communist Russia would have been destroyed.
After annihilating the Russian armies, and before alarmed Washington statesmen could have armed and trained an American army of defense, Hitler and Japan planned to launch a world-shaking attack on the U.S. mainland.
But the Japanese made the wrong decision. They neither invaded Siberia as Hitler wanted them to, nor did they invade the West Coast of the U.S. as hindsight led them to believe they should have. They bombed Pearl Harbor instead, without invading the West Coast of the U.S., giving the U.S. valuable time to equip and train an army.
BOMBING: Blunder? Blitz? or Blessing?
Strange as it may seem, the bombing of Pearl Harbor by the Japanese was a MIRACLE which saved the U.S. from defeat.
Before Pearl Harbor, American naval strategy had been decided by battleship admirals, who assured the American statesmen that battleships would win the war.
Alexander De Seversky quotes Admiral William V. Pratt as saying on June 11, 1941, "A battleship is so heavily armored that when a bomb strikes it, the force of the explosion goes upward, into the air, and very little damage is done" (Victory Through Air Power, p. 173).
This reliance on the battleship for defense was made clear by Admiral Clark H. Woodward who on October 10, 1940, said, "The navy is unanimous in its belief that the battleship is still supreme at sea" (De Seversky, p. 173).
Americans utterly failed to understand the importance of the airplane.
That is why American military aviation was primitive and haphazard when the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor. It took the disaster of sinking several battleships, cruisers, and destroyers at Pearl Harbor to convince the American government that the airplane was a formidable weapon in war.
The importance of the airplane was further recognized a few days after Pearl Harbor when the British battleships, the Prince of Wales and the Enterprise, were sunk by bombs off Indonesia.
This humiliating naval defeat by enemy air power at Pearl Harbor "cut through national complacency and brass-hat smugness."
The American government immediately ordered production of airplanes to be greatly increased. During World War II, the U.S. produced well over 200,000 war planes of all kinds and descriptions. Surprising as it may seem, the U.S. actually shipped Soviet Russia more airplanes than Germany herself produced during World War II!
Military analysts now realize that if Japan had held back and not attacked the U.S., but had helped Germany defeat Russia instead, the American nation would not have built a strong air force in time to stop Germany and Japan. Our admirals had planned to build three navies instead. But the bombing of Pearl Harbor proved the battleship useless against overwhelming air superiority.
The German High Command correctly assumed that, backed by vastly superior air power, they and their Japanese allies could have quickly overrun our untried, untrained, and unequipped army.
Stop and think!
What would have happened if the "Jap" bombers hadn't sunk most of our Pearl Harbor fleet? Without a large air force, the U.S. — not to mention the rest of the world — would have been a helpless victim of Japanese and German aggression, but by attacking Pearl Harbor before they were ready to invade the U.S. the Japanese alerted the American High Command to the importance of air power.
The failure of the Germans to conquer Russia in 1941 gave the U.S. at least two badly needed years' time, time to arm and train the most powerful armed forces a nation has ever had.
We were blessed — not blitzed — by the bomb!
The Tide Is Turned
This sneak attack on Pearl Harbor backfired. Instead of defeating the U.S., this sneak attack aroused the sleeping American giant to action.
it was American air power which hammered the Germans and Japanese into helplessness and saved the American nation from the total annihilation planned by Hitler and Japan.
Why the Miracle of Pearl Harbor?
Could anything be plainer? The Almighty Divine CREATOR inspired these Japanese blunders. He did not want the "Japs" to win World War II.
The Bible makes clear the answer. "This gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come" (Matt. 24:14).
Even though by 1945 this Gospel was being preached over the radio to part of the U.S., it was not yet being preached to all nations.
The Almighty Creator God intervened in the affairs of men because prophecy (Matt. 24:14) must be fulfilled.
The work of God, the work of publishing the Gospel message to all the world, had already begun in the United States.
Should this United States have fallen, God's WORK would have been stopped.
A Dire Warning
This Gospel is now being preached to all the world. The prophecy of Matthew 24:14 is right now before your eyes being fulfilled.
The time of God's intervention is almost at hand. The end of this age is fast approaching.
Will God Intervene Again?
God will not save us from this next war unless we really turn to believe and trust in the Living God who rules the heaven and the earth. Unless we as a people repent now, we will not be saved by divine intervention from the sudden, imagination-defying hydrogen bomb destruction and national captivity planned by the fast-rising ten-nation power in Europe!
God won't be on our side in this next war unless we get on His side now!
All the tearful prayers of a disobedient, God-rejecting people will not in duce God to withdraw the terrible punishment He has prophesied for our rebellious nations if we don't repent now.
It will be too late to pray then. God won't see bloody hands lifted up to Him in desperate supplication.
If the people of this nation reject the preaching of the Gospel and the Truth of God now, God will be through fighting for us! God will be ready to FORCE our people into submission to Him.
What about You?
But what about you? You, personally, can be saved from the coming destruction prophesied for our nations today.
But you've got to repent — Now — before it's too late! Before God begins to take frightful measures to force His people to repent nationally. The day the attack begins will be too late. The way to escape the coming prophesied tribulation is to turn around now, forsake your ways, your false religion and your society, and put all your trust for safety in the Living God by obeying His laws Now!
Just before the destruction comes, then you can say, "God, I have obeyed you, I have done all you have asked, so now I claim the protection you have promised me in Revelation 3:10," and He will save you out of the coming destruction.
What have you to lose by turning to God? You have your life — this physical life — and eternal life to gain.