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Our mad, mad marriages (Part 1)

The Onslaught of Sex

Today, the married state is being attacked.

Divorce is becoming almost popular.

No longer is public SHAME connected with the admission that one partner or the other has utterly FAILED to live a peaceful and happy married life — but virtual POPULARITY hinges on the number of unsuccessful marriages contracted.

But in the words of J. Paul Getty, reputed to be one of the wealthiest men in the world, "I'd give away all my millions for just ONE successful marriage!"

The world stares at the spectacle of the "Hollywood marriage-go-round" with near adoration. Jokes in magazines ridicule the married state; imply middle-aged husbands are better off without middle-aged wives.

Broken homes, triangles, extra-marital excursions and affairs — these are the spicy tales that sell movies, novels and magazine serials.

And not only is the attack against marriage coming from sheer sensual LUST, and the perverted entertainment media — but from CHURCH leaders, from "psychologists" and "marriage counselors."

Many openly advocate the complete ABOLITION of the married state. They promulgate FREE "love" — meaning the animal license to openly cohabit with any and all members of the opposite sex, regardless as to children or other unfortunate consequences.

Others advocate "marriages" between men. Man with man — living together in disgusting perversion — utterly condemned by their Maker! Yes, even RELIGIOUS leaders talk of permitting such perverted abominations.

For example, a San Francisco gynecologist told a group of general practitioners recently there is "no such thing as a 'good' or 'bad' sex act." The doctors were told "when love is 'mature,' each partner's welfare is as important to the other as his own . . ." And, according to the gynecologist, "this 'mature' kind of erotic love is possible between two people of the same sex!" (By George Getze, Los Angeles Times, October 28, 1965)

But the Almighty Creator THUNDERS at perverted, lust-driven man, "KNOW YE NOT that the unrighteous shall NOT inherit the Kingdom of God? BE NOT DECEIVED: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor EFFEMINATE, nor ABUSERS OF THEMSELVES WITH MANKIND, nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortionist, shall inherit the Kingdom of God" (I Cor. 6:9-10).

But the scales of perversion have dipped so low today that GOVERNMENTS seek to "legalize" absolute PERVERSION, just as they thought to "legalize" DIVORCE!

On October 28, 1965, the House of Lords approved a bill "permitting" homosexual acts between consenting adult males in private. The bill passed by a vote of 116 to 46.

Think of it! Serious, adult, "educated," leaders in GOVERNMENT are unashamed at PUTTING THEIR NAMES to bills — hoping to LEGISLATE that homosexuality is "legal." Puny man shakes his fist in defiance of his Creator, thinking to make laws in open REBELLION against the really LIVING laws of God!

Is it any wonder FAMILIES are decaying?

According to the mayor's Citizens Anti-pornography Commission in New York City, "A veritable floodgate of obscenity [has been] opened in the last 12 months in the form of obscene pocket books, magazines and greeting cards, to such an extent that it is unbelievable." The group reported how the pulp sex novel, once thought to be the preserve of skid row drunks and derelicts, has now emerged from the underground to become an $18-milliona-year business. This year, by conservative estimate, the burgeoning industry will produce more than 500 titles probing the slimy depths of nymphomania, transvestitism, lesbianism, male homosexuality, sadomasochism, fetishism, incest and all other weird, twisted forms of perversion — which formerly were mentioned only in medical publications.

Any newsstand today is a colorful collection of unabashed sex. Titles shout out infidelity, murder, rape, homosexuality, sadism, triangles, and all assorted forms of weird, mixed-up perversion.

Dozens of the more "respectable" publications carry articles regularly which treat with the same subjects, though in not quite so blatant a manner.

And what is the steady reading diet of millions of married mates?

What is their steady TV diet? What type motion pictures do they see? What type magazines, novels, and comic strips do their minds dwell on?

Simple. The only thing available. Sloppy illicit sex. Perverted sex. Weird sex. Free sex. Pre-marital sex. Extramarital sex. Violence and sex. Intrigue and sex. Mystery and sex. War and sex.

Would you like to "kid" yourself these things are not true? Help yourself. Believe whatever makes you "happy." That's your privilege. But for those who are not afraid of the PLAIN TRUTH on the subject — one of the major, continuing reasons for marital fights, arguments, brawls, disagreements, and final DIVORCE is the steady diet of SEX AND VIOLENCE being absorbed by the average marital partners. What about YOU?

What about YOUR marriage? What about YOUR diet of reading, entertainment, conversation — your very thoughts?

Today’s "new moralists" — themselves guilty of their own lustful desires, and, like all humans, seeking comfort in numbers, justification in the deeds of others, try to reason out in their own minds that marriage is only a "social" necessity — only an invention of MAN.


Why Is Marriage?


Is it really only a passing social phenomenon? Only a temporary transition in social evolution? In the minds (?) of many a would-be sociologist — so it seems. Once having ignorantly concluded there is no God — and therefore no great LAWGIVER who ORDAINED marriage, and who BINDS it for life — abysmally ignorant dupes of the devil seek to destroy the building blocks of society itself.

Marriage is for MUCH greater purposes than simple propagation of the races.

Let's understand!

God is a RULING FAMILY of persons! (Write for our free article, "Is Jesus GOD?") In the beginning God said, "Let us make man in OUR image" (Gen. 1:26). The word used in the ancient Hebrew for our English word "God" was "ELohim" which is PLURAL.

Elohim means MORE than one — such as group, church, family, and so forth.

Read carefully the first chapter of John and the first chapter of Hebrews. You'll see the clearest proof that the One who DID the commanding and creating revealed in the book of Genesis was the great One who later "emptied Himself" (Phil. 2:6-7) and "took upon Him the form of a servant, and was made in the likeness of men!"

Jesus prayed to His FATHER.

He reveals a FAMILY relationship between Himself and His FATHER in heaven, calling us HIS CHILDREN!

Now notice a spiritual principle of vital importance!

God inspired Paul to write How we may come to know more about the "hidden" things of God — How we may better understand His great PLAN; more about His "God-HEAD" and OFFICE! "Because that which may be KNOWN OF GOD IS EVIDENT [margin] to them, for God has SHOWN it to them. For the invisible things of Him from the CREATION OF THE WORLD are CLEARLY seen, being understood by the things that are made, even His eternal power and Godhead" (Rom. 1:19-20).

God says you may understand more about HIM, about His GODHEAD by looking at the MATERIAL CREATION!

So LOOK at the material creation.

THINK about it.

All life begins with a small germ; a seed, or life-giving sperm cell! A tiny grain of mustard seed, a bean, an acorn, or a human sperm cell.

Thus a butterfly lays eggs; the eggs become larvae, the larvae become pupae, and the pupae hatch into butterflies. Bean seeds become stalks; the stalks flower, are germinated, and produce bean seeds. The new seeds produce more stalks, and so on.

All life is CYCLICAL!

Boys and girls mature, and marry. They engender children, who mature and marry. All life IS MALE AND FEMALE. Even in PLANT life, whether spores or seed plants, there is still, however difficult to discern, that cyclical life character evident!

Ignorant savages, instead of seeing the handiwork of a great and ALL-KNOWING GOD in the marvels of creation, began worshiping the CREATION ITSELF!

Evolution is just another form, dressed up in "modern" language and dress, of ancient pagan SUPERSTITION about how the earth and all myriad life upon it MIGHT have begun.

No new species are being formed today. No NEW life cycles are being started. It should be obvious to anyone that the cycle of life HAD TO HAVE A BEGINNING. Somehow the chicken and the egg; the bean and beanstalk, the human parents and their little baby, all got STARTED at some time in the past — and, furthermore, they ALL STARTED AT THE SAME TIME, since life IS INTERDEPENDENT. No life form lives or dies entirely to and for itself. Rather, each form of life is intricately balanced with, and dependent upon, other life forms.

Looking to the physical creation, you see FAMILIES! Whether mineral, plant, or animal, various KINGDOMS or FAMILIES are evident. God reveals a definite PATTERN by His creation, to which His greatest creation of all, man, remains insensate.

But among all these great "family" groups — MAN ALONE marries! And WHY? Simply because human beings are not equipped with instinct, but with MIND. Baby animals automatically, through instinct, take their place in the animal kingdom. But baby humans must be TAUGHT. This vital teaching and training of children is only one of many reasons why God established the marital state; the home.

You were born for a GREAT PURPOSE — greater than the human mind can, of itself, ever imagine. (If you have not understood the almost fathomless truth about the very PURPOSE in human life, be sure to write immediately for the booklet, Why Were You BORN?)

That great purpose, as you will understand when you have really studied our free booklet, involves being BORN AGAIN — BORN OF GOD!

It involves becoming a member of the GOD FAMILY!

God is a family. He is working out a marvelous plan to ENLARGE His family, to Recreate HIMSELF — adding to His family by the begettal of CHILDREN — the very picture of human marriage.


Happiness — Result of Lawful Conduct

Space permits only the briefest mention of this truly awesome meaning in human marriage in this short article; so be sure to read the BOOK, God Speaks Out on "The NEW MORALITY"! It is explained THOROUGHLY there.

God intends every human being to experience marriage! He had said, "It is not GOOD that man should live alone," when He provided the perfect life's PARTNER for Adam. Even though, for specific reasons and special jobs, God did not allow a small number of His servants to marry, it is, nevertheless, in His overall purpose that humans marry!

The family is the BASIS of all society. It is the beginning of culture, of knowledge, of true religion, and of authority. It is the very essence of protection, of solidarity, of security, of love and warmth, of understanding — of mutual respect and equality.


Your HOME was your first protection. It was your first shelter, your first knowledge, your first happiness, your first experiences in life. But today MILLIONS of children are born OUT of wedlock — WITHOUT any home. Millions more are cast adrift by parents who RIP APART a home. Other millions continue to live in a home TORN ASUNDER by strife, by lustful, hateful, perverted practices. Our HOMES are sick!

Is it any wonder our societies are becoming SICK?

Do you want happiness? Do you desire to share the rich and deeply rewarding experiences of MARRIED life that actually PICTURE the very plan of God?

There is a WAY to marital happiness — definite laws regulating human conduct which can GUARANTEE it!

Read about it in the next issue.