Demons Playing with BLOOD
Another example of DEMON WORSHIP is contained in another clipping from Naples, Italy. It states: "Thousands will gather in the Cathedral of Naples tomorrow to witness the 'miracle of San Gennaro' — the liquefaction of the saint's human blood — that has baffled world scientists for 570 years.
"Three times each year, a vial of his congealed blood is placed on the altar, locked and sealed. The faithful pray to their patron saint and, in from ten minutes to three hours, the blood becomes pure liquid."
Did Jesus or His disciples ever run around with jars and tubes of the BLOOD of dead human beings made in God's image? Did they pray to the DEAD?
From the newspaper accounts, I don't necessarily doubt that this dead blood becomes pure liquid! However, I would ask a blunt but simple question.
Does this "miracle" in any way SERVE God's people? Does it give them food to eat — as when Jesus fed the five thousand? Does it give them wine to drink — as when He turned water into wine? Does it make them strong and healthy again — as when He healed the sick? Does it help them OBEY God, keep His COMMANDMENTS, and GROW in the character of Christ? Does it help them UNDERSTAND God's Word and live by it?
"But," some will ask, "isn't this a REAL miracle?"
Probably YES!
But is this KIND of miracle a Godly miracle performed by God through His Holy Spirit in order to heal, to help and to serve His people?
Clearly, what we have been describing is NOT the kind of miracle which Jesus or His apostles ever performed — EVER, at any time. At best, it is useless and purposeless. At its worst, this type of miracle — as we have seen — sometimes causes actual pain, suffering and DAMAGE to the human body, the temple of God's Holy Spirit! And it is very likely bringing its devotees in contact with DEMON SPIRITS whose power is used to perform these FALSE MIRACLES!
Learn to use your God-given mind and look at the "fruit" — the real RESULT, of these so-called miracles that we read about today! Learn to compare these things with what Jesus Christ and His disciples actually did. Learn to UNDERSTAND!
Your Bible reveals that the coming great FALSE PROPHET is going to exalt himself and take unto himself titles, functions and prerogatives perhaps more than ANY major leader in history! He is going to BLASPHEME the true God — yet all the while claim to be His servant!
In his second letter to the Thessalonians, the Apostle Paul told the brethren there not to be concerned about the coming of Jesus Christ by either spirit or word of any fake letter that might be passed around claiming to come from him (II Thess. 2:1-2). Then he warned: "Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that MAN OF SIN be revealed, the son of perdition; who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God, showing himself that he is God" (Verses 3-4).
Here the Apostle Paul warned that after his death and after the death of the original apostles of Christ, there would be a great APOSTASY from the truth. A man of sin — or as the literal Greek means, LAWLESSNESS — was to rise up and sit in a temple showing himself as GOD by his titles and claims. Here is a man, then, who OPPOSES the laws and commandments of the true God, while at the same time sitting in the temple and calling himself GOD — and allowing himself to be worshipped as God!
Paul stated: "For the mystery of LAWLESSNESS [correct Greek rendering] doth already work: only he who now hinders will hinder, until he be taken out of the way" (Verse 7). The false prophet, then, is part of a whole SYSTEM of LAWLESSNESS — a religious teaching like the ancient pagan "mysteries" which were filled with ceremony and ritualism but DENIED God's law and authority.
Paul showed that this false system was slowly building up even in his lifetime. Paul knew that soon it was to come on the scene and DECEIVE the world: "And then shall that Wicked be revealed, whom the Lord shall consume with the spirit of his mouth, and shall destroy with the brightness of his coming: Even him, whose coming is after the working of 'Satan with all power and SIGNS and LYING WONDERS" (Verses 8-9).
Notice that the great FALSE PROPHET eventually rising up out of this lawless system will be living at the TIME OF THE END — at Christ's second coming! For, Paul said, Christ shall DESTROY him "with the brightness of his coming" (Verse 8).
And this false prophet is again identified as one who performs — through SATAN'S power — great signs and LYING WONDERS!
Do you BELIEVE what God's Word truly states?
Most will not. For this coming false prophet misleads them with signs and lying wonders, "and with all DECEIVABLENESS of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved" (Verse 10). These people apparently WANT to be deceived — they WANT t0 follow human traditions and vanities which seem interesting and exciting and allow them to DO AS THEY PLEASE.
God says that they have not received the "love of the truth" that they might be saved. They do not really LOVE and STUDY God's Word, the Bible. For God's Word is truth (John 17:17).
Learn to STUDY and UNDERSTAND Your Bible
The deceived masses of our supposedly "educated" twentieth century refuse to BOTHER THEMSELVES to really STUDY the Bible and to UNDERSTAND God's law and the purpose of human existence!
Therefore, when the political, military and religious pressure gets TOO STRONG — even the wavering ones among them will fall into line and learn to "BELIEVE" in the great FALSE PROPHET described in this chapter and in the book of Revelation! They will allow themselves to be ASTONISHED and AWED at his FALSE MIRACLES done through the power of DEMON SPIRITS!
Your Bible reveals that this man is going to have a hypnotic effect upon MILLIONS. Like Adolph Hitler, his eyes may have a strange, blazing, piercing quality — with a DEMON in control part of the time!
This soon-coming false prophet is going to ally himself with the Fuehrer or super-dictator over a revived Holy Roman Empire. He will use its military and secret police powers to CRUSH God's people and any other dissidents as long as God permits. There will be a terrible time of PERSECUTION upon God's people before Christ intervenes!
But FALSE MIRACLES will be performed — and millions of people will come to WORSHIP this false prophet and idolize him as GOD! They will think that a millennium has been set up on earth under his auspices. They will bow and scrape, obey and WORSHIP him and his false system of LAWLESSNESS.
This man is ALIVE somewhere on earth today — probably in Europe! The time of his revealing is SOON — for he will be destroyed by Jesus Christ at His coming! His headquarters will be in Europe — and perhaps later in Jerusalem, Palestine — as head of a coming Holy Roman Empire!
World events are speeding up to hasten the appearance of this man in the very NEAR FUTURE! It is later than you think!
"He that hath ears to hear, let him hear!"