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"Permissiveness" Curse of Western Society!

Permissive Educators, Ministers and Psychologists Sidestep Responsibility

Many of these self-appointed guardians of truth — rejecting God, the laws of the land and often decency itself — are busy teaching our young a strange and contradicting set of doctrines. But they piously avoid responsibility for the END RESULTS of following their philosophy, their "New Morality."

THEY PITY (quite rightly) the individual criminal. They want to be kind to him. But they are not worried that their brand of kindness, by spreading the gospel of "Do What Thou Wilt," appears to be creating thousands of new criminals.

THEY PITY (quite rightly) the individual homosexual. But they do not consider for a moment whether they are being kind to thousands who might never have considered homosexuality except in the permissive climate created by ultra-liberal teachings.

THEY PITY (quite rightly) the romantic teenage girl who believes that the world will come to an end unless she agrees to go away with her boyfriend for the weekend. They indicate that any parent who is shocked by the idea is merely responding to old hypocritical taboos. And if, as a result of this "new morality," the young girl becomes pregnant — why, their pity is (quite rightly) roused again!

THEY PITY (quite rightly) the plight of an unmarried mother and her problems of rearing a child without a father. And (despite their much-vaunted regard for the sanctity of human life when the execution of murderers is involved) they denounce the supposedly callous abortion laws which prevent the child being put out of its misery by execution before birth! They do not seem aware that they may possibly have been responsible for the misery themselves.

There is only one sort of "ignoramus" who can count on no kindness whatever from these ardent new revolutionaries: the "ordinary man" who, though he may not be perfect himself, feels in his heart that certain things — whether drug taking or abortion-for-convenience — are wrong.

Against him the revolutionary army brings up all its most shattering weapons. A bombardment of TV plays represents him as a hard-faced moron. He is sprayed with half-facts and cracked logic.

If these assaults fail, the revolutionaries try a new tactic.

They pretend that the ordinary man simply isn't there. Thus a newspaper columnist asked: "Why do we allow a bitter, confused minority to stand in the way?"

Now, can you possibly beat that? Bitter! Confused! Yet who, in fact, makes up this "sinister minority"? Why, the majority of men and women in the country and certainly most of the readers of that very newspaper!


Face the RESULTS

Permissive teachers need to be made to look squarely at the RESULTS of their teachings. They need to comprehend that the very foundations of our English-speaking world are crumbling, at least partly due to their ideologies.

The stark lesson is that national weakness in the face of threat only invites more aggression. Socialist experiments and welfare-stateism breed a lack of character and purpose that wrecks the fiber of a people, and drains the national resources to the point of pity.

The lesson should be clear to those that advocate "freedom" for filth, smut, rebellion and a general climate of permissiveness. All these are direct step. ping stones to the youthful RIOTS and rebellion surging through our land, the spiraling rise of crime and drug addiction, the destruction of millions of dollars in properties and possessions, and the literal DEATHS of many of the youthful dissenters and police, plus increasing numbers of innocent bystanders.

These "freedoms" also lead to pathetic little orphans destined never to know their real parents, future generations of even more violent juvenile delinquents who were rejected by their parents before birth, uncounted thousands of babies born BLIND or mentally damaged because of venereal disease in the mother, even higher suicide rates among the youth who finally discover that the "freedoms" found in illicit sex and drugs make them miserable.



What should you do about this ominous trend?

For one thing, educate yourself about it even further. Understand not just the promises, but the END RESULTS Of it. Make sure that your children or loved ones are not misled by empty platitudes or perverted psychology. Make sure that your young are trained and disciplined in a firm yet loving manner to respect you, their parent, to respect law and order and the rights and privileges of others. Teach them to respect the authority of schools, teachers, government officials, their nation and their flag.

Hurry and teach them this while we still have a nation and a flag! If you have not already done so, write immediately for our vital and interest-packed booklet The Plain Truth About Child Rearing. It is absolutely free.

If you want to understand more deeply WHY America and Britain are in trouble and are hated around the world, write for our gripping book, The United States and British Commonwealth in Prophecy. It, too, will be sent to you absolutely free by return mail.

Then, be willing to ask yourself about the biggest "key" to solving the problem of permissiveness and immorality: "Does a real GOD exist?"

What does that have to do with it?


Because if there is no God, then each man's opinion is just that — an opinion. All the writings of the great theologians, philosophers, psychologists and thinkers are reduced to the same common denominator — human opinion.

And the opinions of fallible human beings have ALWAYS tended to contradict, criticize or confute one another.

Without a real God, everyone is free to think or say: "Here's the way I look at it!" And no one can be sure otherwise, can truly speak with authority, or refer to a recognized basis of Truth. For without a living God, there Is no basis, there is no certain truth.

If you haven't yet proved whether God is, then you need to write immediately for our booklet, Does God Exist?

Be willing to prove for yourself whether or not a God exists. Men have lost all deep respect for law and decent principles, because they are confused about the very source of ALL law and authority! Yet, your Bible claims: "There is one lawgiver, who is able to save and to destroy" (James 4:12). Who is that lawgiver?

One of the world's foremost educators, before his death, warned a group of military leaders of this very problem. He was Dr. Rufus von KleinSmid, former Chancellor of the University of Southern California. He stated: "I have no quarrel with the present emphasis placed on science, but today we are paying for support of schools which act from September 1 to June 30 as if there were no God." Dr. Von KleinSmid noted the "absence of moral values" in our youth resulting from this attitude.

Wise King Solomon advised: "The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge" (Prov. 1:7). This fear didn't mean a personal dread, but a deep respect and reverence for the great office and authority of God — for His divine power, wisdom and love.

Yet, in nearly all present-day religious denominations, the tendency is to try to "modernize" and "democratize" God, to do away with the idea that a divine Authority RULES the creation — and us, His creatures. There are very few truly "God-fearing men" left on earth today!

Solomon also concluded that without faith in such a great and real God, man IS INCOMPLETE. Cut off from this true God of law and order, man is purposeless, empty, frustrated, confused.

Summarizing the WAY to achieve fulfillment of man's desire for a happy, abundant and purposeful life, Solomon wrote these words at the end of the book of Ecclesiastes: "The end of the matter, all having been heard: fear God, and keep His commandments, for this is the WHOLE man" (Eccl. 12:13, Moffat translation).

Solomon knew that a living God ruled the universe with active, dynamic, beneficial LAWS. And that without this divine LAW, there is no absolute standard of behavior. The result is moral chaos. It is lawlessness and wretchedness in the human heart — the "permissive society" we see all about us in Britain and America today.

The WAY OF LIFE revealed in this basic Law is simply the way of GIVING. It is outgoing concern to our Creator and our fellow man — yet with stated safeguards to prevent even this principle from being misapplied through faulty human reasoning.

This great Law teaches young people to honor and obey their parents. It teaches us all NOT to kill, NOT to commit adultery or even to "lust" — thus FORBIDDING pornography in all forms. It teaches us NOT to steal, bear false witness or covet.

If understood and obeyed, this Law would END PERMISSIVENESS — and it would end crime, war, broken homes and a host of other ills. Nationally, it would STOP the deterioration of the British Commonwealth and American peoples as world powers.

One of America's premier writers and editorialists, Raymond Moley, recently wrote in his concluding editorial of our national "infection." He described it as "a state of apathetic PERMISSIVENESS [emphasis ours] induced by twin delusions: that great national might is ours in perpetuity and that what is called a free society is indestructible."


We must not ASSUME that we can continue to breed rebellious youngsters, coddle criminals, wallow in sex in every perverted form, become a nation of weirdoes, pill poppers and drug addicts, and yet somehow our enemies will "go away" — that hungry nations more disciplined than ourselves will not bring us down as surely as they did ancient Rome!

Yes, indeed. Permissiveness even has to do with our national SURVIVAL.

Mr. Moley continued: "The 'blessings of liberty' as written by the makers of our Constitution imply LAWS and authority which protect those who enjoy them. Freedom provides no blessings. It creates no environment but chaos."

If you would like to understand the Law that is the basis of all right human law — directly called "the law of liberty" — write today for our vital free book, The Ten Commandments. It sets forth a practical, realistic approach to a way of life which would end all permissiveness, immorality and emptiness in men's lives.

Also, send immediately for our new free magazine, TOMORROW'S WORLD. It reveals the philosophical and spiritual basis of our problems — with articles that spell out in detail the real SOLUTIONS to mankind's ills. If you want non-sentimental, hard-hitting spiritual truth and answers, write for this new magazine today.

As TOMORROW'S WORLD makes clear, a generation is soon coming which will be taught to appreciate law, order, harmony and peace. War, rebellion, immorality and permissiveness are on the way OUT. Our task is to prepare to be leaders in that new and better tomorrow.