Now back to the main question.
What are the BASIC differences, then, between the GOVERNMENT OF GOD and all these many and varied HUMAN governments in such turmoil, confusion, violence and overthrow in our world today?
The BASIC difference is that God's government is a WAY OF LIFE — the administration of God's SPIRITUAL LAW. It IS, simply, the WAY OF LIFE of LOVE — of out flowing LOVE, first of all toward GOD, supreme RULER, and secondly outgoing concern for the GOOD and WELFARE of human neighbor. It is the way of "GIVE," as I so often call it.
Lucifer and his angels turned FROM this way to the WAY OF "GET." That is, the way of vanity, lust and greed, of envy and jealousy, of competition and strife leading to violence and war, of resentment toward real or imagined wrongs, of rebellion against God and His government.
The "GIVE" way is God-centered. The "GET" way is SELF-centered.
Secondly, the government of God is administered by GOD, who is love, who is all-wise, all-knowing, all-merciful, all-understanding, all-just, all-POWERFUL. The governments of MAN are administered, in whatever form, by HUMANS, who, regardless of their degree of sincerity and honest intent, are fallible, and naturally self-centered. MAN, by comparison to GOD, is utterly incapable of righteous RULE for the GOOD Of the GOVERNED.
Thirdly, as to FORM, God's government is government from the TOP down. That is, from the MOST fit, the HIGHEST qualified, the MOST able, on down, each in succession being chosen from higher up; chosen by those who know and can read MINDS and HEARTS, ATTITUDES and INTENTS, and who select for each position the one BEST QUALIFIED, for the GOOD OF THE GOVERNED.
Now compare this with our recent election in the United States. Look at the MILLIONS OF DOLLARS used in campaigning, in state primaries, in conventions devoted more to horse-play and entertainment than to serious concern for the STATE OF THE NATION AND THE WORLD.
Look at all the folderol and confusion in voting over minor ISSUES. Look at the debates — the editorials, the propaganda — to try to convince others to the way of thinking of the politicians and the writers and speakers.
And WHAT IS THE REAL BASIC MOTIVATION, after all, in the mind of both candidate and voter? SELFINTEREST on the part of the voter, and what the candidate THINKS will appear to the SELF-interest of the largest number.
All is conducted on the SELF-CENTERED WAY of the god of this world. Yes, truly, this is his world!
What about communism and TOTALITARIANISM? In organizational form, totalitarianism closely resembles the organizational form of the GOVERNMENT OF GOD, but there the likeness stops! Some totalitarian rulers in the past have been good rulers from a human standpoint; most have been tyrants. Even the better ones were still HUMAN and fallible, and subject to mistakes that have been costly to their subjects beyond estimate, in economy, injustice, pain and suffering.
Six thousand years of man trying to organize himself have WRITTEN THE LESSON in human anguish, pain, suffering, injustice, unhappiness, discontent, frustration — and DEATH!
Religions have failed, to reveal to humanity the TRUTH. Truly they have been the "opiate of the people." Governments have failed utterly to solve the world's evils. Social systems have enslaved, harmed, given little or no real help. Science has brought more curses than blessings. Today the engines of MASS DESTRUCTION produced by science are capable of blasting all human life from this planet.
The angels who inhabited the earth before us wrought DESTRUCTION. Look what MAN has done! He has polluted the air, the water, the soil of his earth. He has ruined, harmed, destroyed, or polluted every piece of God's earth he has gotten his hands on!
No! A thousand times No! The 6,000 years God allotted for man to WRITE this lesson are about over.
The lesson has been WRITTEN — but not yet LEARNED!
My GREAT COMMISSION IS TO ANNOUNCE TO YOU and the WORLD that soon now — yet in OUR GENERATION — God ALMIGHTY Will INTERVENE supernaturally and directly. Christ soon will come in the TOTAL POWER and AUTHORITY Of the Creator GOD, TO RULE ALL NATIONS with the GOVERNMENT OF GOD!
A very FEW have been predestinated to be CALLED NOW, to stand back of me in getting this ANNOUNCEMENT TO THE WORLD, and in so doing have prepared themselves to be changed, at Christ's coming, from mortal to immortal — from human to divine; to be given POWER under Christ in His Kingdom to RULE what humanity is left alive after the present fast-approaching GREAT TRIBULATION — the final CLIMAX Of man's REBELLION — shall have been put down.
We shall have PEACE, happiness, joy, abundant well-being — and the offer Of ETERNAL LIFE — for all. I am merely the advance announcer, preparing the way.