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Tax-Cut to bring Prosperity?

Can It Happen Again?

On "Black Thursday," October 24, 1929, began the great United States stock market crash.

Panic swept the entire nation. Banks went broke. Millions lost their life's savings. Thirteen million Americans became unemployed.

Starving people looked into garbage cans for something to eat. Wide-spread government relief programs became necessary to prevent a nation-wide revolution of starving, unemployed men.

The nations of the world were shocked to discover their prosperity was tied to U.S. prosperity. World trade slowed to a standstill. Depression and unemployment spread.

Your Bible clearly reveals that unless the U.S. repents, it shall happen again — the only question remaining is "How soon?"

It is vitally important to realize the economy of the U.S. and Britain could collapse at any time. The stage is set. The warning signals of coming economic disaster are flying.

Unknown to many American statesmen, the economic health of. America is being undermined by a vicious, secret trade war. Last May, the news analyst Andrew Tully warned, "American business . . . already has started to fight for its life against European competition."


U.S. Finances Economic War Against Itself

After World War II the U.S. went deeply into debt in order to give Europe billions. Statesmen foolishly and needlessly gave them currency which could be redeemed with gold.

Western Europe received 26 billion in economic and military aid. The bankers of Western Europe now hold 21.5 billions of redeemable American dollars. What would happen if they should convert this redeemable currency into gold? It would drain all the gold reserve from the American supply!

The U.S. has less than 15.5 billion in gold available. And since 12 billion is already pledged by congressional law to back our currency, the U.S. has a little over 3 billion in gold on hand to redeem the 21.5 billion debt held by foreign nations.

Whenever our competitors in Western Europe feel the "time is ripe," its bankers can throw the entire U.S. economy into complete chaos, and bankrupt our entire nation by suddenly demanding gold for all the dollars to which they hold claim.

Our gold supply could be dissipated overnight! With no gold to back our paper currency, it would become inflated — worthless; our goods priced so high no one could buy them. The U.S. could not carry on trade with any nation because we would have no gold to back our foreign trade arrangements. Our foreign trade, if any, would be reduced to a barter basis.

World observers recognize the deadly peril. Warren W. Butler, publisher of the Lakewood Herald American, recently said, "Our dollar has never been in such peril for almost a hundred years."

Even though the stage is all set for the economic collapse of the English-speaking nations — the descendants of the ancient House of Israel — God will not let the "big bust" come until His work of preaching around the world the gospel of the Kingdom on The WORLD TOMORROW and in The PLAIN TRUTH has been completed.

Our Creator declares, "This gospel of the kingdom SHALL BE preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come" (Matt. 24: 14).

The truth is shocking! The end of prosperity and of our nation cannot come so long as this work of preaching the gospel of the Kingdom continues.


Why "Big Bust" Will Come

God has allowed the U.S. and British leaders to make financial blunders which make a national bankruptcy inevitable — all because the American people have not obeyed the financial laws God has set in motion.

In Malachi, the third chapter, God thunders to modern-day Israel — our English-speaking lands today: "Will a man rob God? Yet you have robbed Me. But you say, wherein have we robbed Thee? In tithes and offerings. You are cursed with a curse; for you have robbed Me, even this whole nation" (Verses 8, 9).

Most U.S. wage-earners pay nearly 35% in taxes — many of them hidden. Yet if we as a nation acknowledged God to be our Ruler, and obeyed Him, God would let us keep 90% of our income.

God owns the whole universe. He has reserved for Himself a tithe ever since the creation of the world. This tithe (tenth) belongs to God. God uses this tithe to pay for the publishing of His Gospel to the entire world.

If our nations had been faithful in paying their tithe to His work, our peoples would never have gotten into such a morass of private and national debt. If our nations trusted God for their protection instead of their former enemies, God would fight our battles and the communist nations of Russia and China would long ago have destroyed each other in a fight to the death.


How You Can Have Prosperity

We have, as a people, cut ourselves off from the only source that could have given us wisdom to keep out of debt — the knowledge of the ways of God as found in the Holy Bible. Our nations and our peoples are staggering under a mountain of rising debt.

Most people are so far removed from the truth of God they have never even as much as heard that the Eternal Creator set definite LAWS in motion — invisible, living laws which regulate our personal economic conditions.

A KNOWLEDGE of and obedience to these laws would KEEP US OUT OF DEBT — and would give us life-long financial security.

Many of you are right now heavily in debt.

You are not going to deliver yourselves from this debt until you begin first to pay God what you owe Him. Then He will see that you are able to pay your debts to your fellow men.

You will never discover that obeying the laws of God brings financial prosperity until you begin to obey them. God, in return, promises you financial blessing.

Even if the nation as a whole won't repent, you can as an individual repent of disobedience to your Creator.

God thunders, "Try Me now herewith, saith the Eternal of hosts, if I will not open you the windows of heaven, and pour you out a blessing, that there shall not be room enough to receive it" (Mal. 3:10).

If you are faithful God promises to prosper you and take you through the coming big "bust."

But you need to test God, to take God up on His challenge!

He has promised, "Because thou hast kept the word of My patience, I also will keep thee from the hour of temptation" — trial or tribulation — "which shall come upon all the world, to try them that dwell upon the earth" (Rev. 3:10).

You will need God's supernatural PROTECTION when the "Big Bust" comes!

But God expects your obedience from here on. Whenever the knowledge of God's ways reaches your mind, He holds you accountable!