Don't Be Ashamed
We should be careful not to pray "to be seen of men." But does this mean that we should be overly secretive — as if we were ashamed — when we pray?
Absolutely not!
Many "babes in Christ" are faced with this problem. Some of you are afraid to pray as often as you should because you are afraid other people will know about it! Have no such fear! Should the nearness of your wife, husband, or children prevent you from maintaining an intimate contact with your Creator and God? Of course not!
In Luke 9:18 and 28, we find two examples of where Christ — our perfect example — prayed a short distance from His disciples and they knew where He was and what He was doing.
So don't be ashamed if anyone knows you are praying! Just be careful not to pray "to be seen of men," and try hard to find a closet or "private place" where you will not be disturbed.
When Jesus was staying at Peter's home with His disciples, "rising up a great while before day, He went out, and departed into a solitary place, and there prayed" (Mark 1:35).
You can be alone with God if you will follow Christ's example and make a way!
Position in Prayer
The Bible records many different positions in prayer. But it always shows that in private, personal prayer, you should kneel on both knees. It has always been a custom to kneel on one knee to a king or other ruler as a sign of respect and esteem. But the Bible always records that we should bow both knees to God in reverence and worship.
I Kings 8:54 and Ezra 9:5 show an example of a very suitable position in prayer. Notice that Solomon and Ezra kneeled upon both knees and spread out their hands — upward — toward God. This is a position of humility and supplication. You will come more nearly praying fervently if you are in such a position.
God may not answer "sleepy time prayers" that you mumble to yourself in bed just before dropping off to sleep. If you want an answer, better GET OUT OF THAT BED and kneel before your Creator.
In private Jesus "kneeled down, and prayed" (Luke 22:41). In your personal prayers, you should kneel before God and pray fervently (James 5:16).
How Often to Pray
In Acts 13:22, we read that David was a man after God's own heart. Read some of the Psalms. Many of the Psalms are simply David's prayers. He prayed to God in time of trouble, for guidance, in thanksgiving. In every circumstance David went to God in prayer.
Don't think you are "bothering" God by sharing your joys and your problems with Him. Talk to God often — in every circumstance. That is undoubtedly one of the main reasons that David was a man after God's own heart.
If you want to be a child of God, then "get acquainted" with your Heavenly Father. Talk to Him often. Share your life with God. In Psalm 55:17, David wrote, "Evening, and morning, and at noon, will I pray, and cry aloud: and He shall hear my voice." David went to God in prayer three times a day.
We read of God's prophet Daniel (Dan. 6:10), ". . . he kneeled upon his knees three times a day, and prayed, and gave thanks before his God, as he did aforetime." These examples are not commands, but they certainly show that to kneel in prayer three times a day is a good way to bring God into our lives.
"He that hath an ear, let him hear."
The apostle Paul was inspired to write the Thessalonians (I Thes. 5:17), "Pray without ceasing." This means that we are never to discontinue our prayer life. It also — with many other scriptures — shows that we should be constantly in an attitude or spirit of prayer. Talk to God as you go about your work or play. Ask Him to direct your every thought and action.
When you seem to be losing your temper, or when you are in doubt about a certain course of action — stop and think, "Would Jesus do that if He were here today?" Ask God to show you, and study your Bible so you will know what God would have you do. Then ask God for the wisdom, the faith, and the power to rightly carry out what you know is right.
This simple process will change your life! Your life will then have more meaning, and more real happiness, than you have ever before experienced.
How Long to Pray
Prayer should be one of the most important and most enjoyable activities of your life.
If you really love God as your Father, you will want to spend a great deal of time talking to Him.
Your spiritual food is obtained by contact with God through Bible study and prayer. Preparing and eating your material food takes at least two hours each day. Isn't your "spiritual food" even more important? Spend more time acquiring it.
Time is precious. Use your time where it counts. It's better to miss a few physical meals, better to fast once in a while, than to get "too busy" to drink in the spiritual things from God.
That is the very purpose of your life!
Sometimes you will need to spend a long session with God. Christ prayed all night before choosing His twelve disciples.
When you have a tremendous decision to make, or when facing serious trouble, remember that example. In such a crisis, spend a long time in God's presence. Pray with all your might. God will hear. And it will be an experience that you will never forget.
What to Pray
Do you have trouble knowing what to pray about? First of all, "count your blessings" and thank God for "every good and every perfect gift." How little most appreciate God's boundless love!
Then STUDY your Bible and find what God's true servants prayed about. Get your mind away from self 'once in a while. Paul said to pray for the saints and for himself — God's servant (Eph. 6:18-20). He wrote that he remembered the Philippian church in every prayer (Phil. 1:4). Apply these principles to God's true ministers, His Work, and His true churches of today.
Are you separated from other true Christians but want to have a greater part in helping them and God's Work? Then read Colossians 4:11-13. Paul describes one of his helpers, Epaphras, as, "always laboring fervently for you in prayers. . . ." This man's LABOR was in prayer! That was his part in God's Work that Paul referred to especially. It can be YOUR PART as well! Paul said (verse 13), "For I bear him record that he hath a great ZEAL for you. . . ."
Do you have a zeal to help God's children? Do you get down on your knees every day and ask God to help and direct them? Do you pray for God's ministers and His Work?
Your part in God's great Work may be contributing what you should in tithes and offerings, and crying out to God day and night to guide and protect His servants. Mr. Armstrong and God's other true ministers are only human. We have a job beyond our human power to perform. We need your prayers!
Power in Prayer
When a crisis comes, when you are sick or afflicted, KNOW that God is a God of power! You can tap the supreme source of all POWER just by getting down on your knees in a private place and fervently beseeching God to intervene and help you.
Learn to EXPECT an answer. God reveals Himself as a real God — a living, acting God. Take God at His word!