1. Man does not have the most massive brain, nor the largest cerebral cortex, nor even the greatest unspecific cortical areas. Therefore, brain size cannot be the sole explanation for 'mind' — or else whale, elephant and dolphin would dominate the world.
2. Mammalian brains are qualitatively identical; there are no unique sections in man's brain, every structure is easily found in other brains.
3. Proportionally, man has the largest unspecific cortex. This critical percentage (unspecific cortex / total cortex x 100) is about 60 percent in man, 40 percent in chimp, and less than 10 percent in rat. About the same relative positions among man, chimp and rat also hold with respect to the micro-anatomical organization of cerebro-cortical nerve cells and the intricate waveform patterns of cerebro-cortical electrical activity. The trend is clear: Chimp brain is enormously more complex than rat brain, while in comparison, human brain is only faintly more complex than chimp brain. Human and chimp brains are similar, rat brain far behind.
4. Consequently, on the basis of all physical data, chimp should be mentally 'superior' to rat to a far greater degree than man is mentally superior to chimp. The chimp/ rat 'species-IQ' ratio should be significantly above the man/chimp ratio. We would therefore expect the product of brain function (the mental output of man, chimp and rat) — the psychological accomplishments of the individuals and the sociological attainments of the species — to closely follow the relative positions of their respective brains and be somewhat similar for man and chimp, while much different for chimp and rat. As a result, based on their physical brains alone, humans should 'think' only a bit better than chimp, while chimp should 'think' substantially better than rat.
5. However, precisely the opposite is true. Chimp and rats 'think' very similarly. Both can learn complex problems involving long sequences of moves; both have similar group activities, maturational processes, etc. True enough, chimp behavior is more intricate and less stereotyped. Nonetheless, chimps and rats differ only quantitatively — not qualitatively.
6. But who could honestly say that man differs only quantitatively from chimp? Who but man possesses the awareness of ecstasy the ecstasy of love, the love of beauty, the beauty of accomplishment, the accomplishment of inspiration, the inspiration of creativity, the creativity of wisdom, the wisdom of humility, the humility of humor, and the humor of himself? Man stands apart — a distinct creation.
7. We can now formulate our conclusion.
(a) Man's brain is similar to animal brain, merely continuing the gradual increase in complexity evidenced by all mammals from rat to chimpanzee.
(b) All brain research — anatomy, biochemistry, electrophysiology — staunchly proclaims that the human brain is just barely superior to chimp brain, whereas chimp brain is substantially superior to rat brain.
(c) Consequently, if the human mind is entirely the product of the human brain, then the human mind can be no more than just barely superior to chimp brain, whereas chimp brain must be substantially superior to rat brain.
(d) But chimps and rats have qualitatively the same compulsive 'thought' patterns.
(e) And the self-conscious human mind is supreme beyond measure — unequivocally distinct and irrevocably dissociated from the stereotyped behavior of chimp.
(f) Obviously, the slim superiority of the physical human brain cannot account for this yawning chasm between the uniquely unrestrained human mind and the instinctively automatic animal brain.
(g) Therefore, a non-physical addition must unite with and augment the human brain, converting it into the human mind.
"Now please don't lose points 7f and 7g amidst the verbosity and the rhetoric! The human brain cannot explain the human mind — plain and simple. There must be a nonphysical ingredient, beyond our microscopes, test tubes, electrodes and computers.
"Evolutionary theorists enjoy pointing out the overt similarities between human and ape brains in order to corroborate their belief that both evolved from the same primeval source. It is extremely ironic that what they have actually stumbled upon is the most significant scientific observation in history, irrefutably attesting to the necessary existence of a non-physical essence in the human mind. Without this non-physical factor, man could be nothing more than a 'super-chimp,' more intelligent than a 'normal' chimp to the same limited degree that a 'normal' chimp is more intelligent than a slightly less complex mammal.
"Can there be any doubt? The human mind infinitely outclasses animal brain. But why? How is the human mind generated? If the human brain exhibited a credible physiological explanation — a structure, function or capacity not seen in animal brain — wouldn't materialistic scientists have immediately publicized the data to support their contention that the human mind is 100% physical? Of course they would have — but they have not — because they cannot.
"Think about it.
"To the truly open-minded individual, it is fruitless to physically rationalize the uniqueness of the human mind.
"There must be a non-physical essence — a 'spirit' — in man."
In Dr. Kuhn's report, he next refers to the possible arguments the materialist has left, examines and refutes the arguments. This phase of his report is even more technical, and would be tedious and probably incomprehensible to the reader untrained in these branches of the physical sciences. Space does not allow their presentation here.
But I feel that what I have given, in condensed form, should prove interesting not only, but also conclusive to the unprejudiced mind.
I have touched briefly and superficially on this subject heretofore in these columns. Revelation makes plain what this new science finally discovers, the fact of the presence of SPIRIT in man. But that spirit, peculiar to humans, is emphatically Not an immortal soul. Biblical revelation decisively refutes the pagan belief in an "immortal soul," reveals the "soul" as the living, breathing MAN composed wholly and solely of physical material substance from the ground. The soul, therefore, is revealed as being composed of matter — not spirit. Twice it is written, "the soul that sinneth, it shall DIE."
Rather this spirit is IN the soul which is wholly mortal.
The function of this human spirit is to impart the power of intellect to the human brain. It is not a spirit being, but spirit essence. This spirit, of itself, cannot see, hear, feel, think or know. Of itself it has no consciousness independent of the brain.
It is the physical brain that sees, through the eye. It hears through the ear. It is the BRAIN that KNOWS — that, empowered by the human spirit, thinks, reasons, comes to conscious understanding. The knowledge is in the brain, not the spirit independent of the brain.
The spirit in man, I repeat, merely imparts the power of intellect — the power to THINK, to REASON, to make decisions — to the physical brain. This human spirit has no consciousness of itself, independent of the brain.
There is not space here to give you all the Biblical FACTS. They will appear in the forthcoming book, which will be offered gratis as a public service. I warn you, however, it will be an eye-opening book, and with the FACTS will shatter many errors which have received a considerable public acceptance.
The BIG POINT IS this:
The presence of this SPIRIT content IN man presents man with an emotional, moral and spiritual nature. It confronts him with SPIRITUAL PROBLEMS which he CANNOT UNDERSTAND.
And WHY can't even the great minds understand?
Because the human MIND is LIMITED to knowledge of the physical and material. Knowledge can enter the mind, naturally, only through the eye, ear, sense of smell, touch or feel, and taste. The spirit does not see, as stated above. The physical brain sees, through the eye.
Man, due to this spirit within him, finds himself confronted by spiritual problems. But he is incapable of spiritual KNOWLEDGE. For he cannot SEE spirit. Nor hear, nor taste, nor smell nor feel spirit.
And where does this lead us?
The human MIND was made INCOMPLETE — and for a very great reason — by an all-wise Creator. Man was made to NEED another Spirit! Not a human spirit — but the Spirit of the living God! This has been available to him for many centuries — but man has spurned it. Only by the addition of this Holy Spirit of the living God can the human mind comprehend spiritual knowledge and spiritual REALITY! And he must receive it by revelation, which the educated of this world have rejected.
I have said that ALL human ills and woes and sufferings have come from transgressing of the inexorable law of LOVE — the way of outgoing concern — of selflessness — of giving and sharing — of serving and helping. That Law is summed up, in principle, in the Ten Commandments. But that inexorable living Law is a SPIRITUAL Law, against which the carnal mind is hostile!
Every ill and woe and evil suffered by man has come through transgression of that WAY — that Law!
Many of my readers will not understand this. Some will resent it — I hope not YOU! But, accept, reject, love or hate, or simply wonder — IT Is THE TRUTH, which, in due time not now far off, ALL will come to understand!
This is going to be a very important book. It will be announced in The PLAIN TRUTH when available. But, knowing how difficult it is for me to crowd such writing into my very busy schedule, I cannot promise when that will be. I will do my best. Please be patient.