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How husbands should lead the family

Loving Is Sharing

Loving means sharing. Every husband worthy of the name ought to cultivate the habit of talking over his plans and hopes with his wife, sharing with her many of his innermost thoughts and desires — not just the negative ones! He should make her feel deeply a part of him. This very attitude and approach means more to a woman than most men can even realize.

A man needs to treat his wife as a sweetheart. He needs to cultivate and build an atmosphere of love, romance and intimacy in their home — kissing his wife when he returns from work, holding her hand as they are taking walks and embracing her often throughout the day with free and lavish affection.

True love certainly involves deep and abiding respect. A man ought to be grateful and thankful that the woman who is his wife has decided to leave her own estate and cleave to him above all others till death. He ought to appreciate that fact — and the many, many good qualities of help, patience and service that practically every wife possesses. He ought to encourage and bring out the best in her — not constantly harp and carp away at her in belittling criticism, which only causes her, in most cases, to respond in kind.

A man ought to respect the fact that his wife is an adult human being made in the image of God. He needs to realize that some day — according to God's plan — she can become a glorified spirit being ruling with Christ over this earth, even managing angels! (I Corinthians 6:3).


Support and Encouragement

A man, secondly, was intended by God not only to be the head of the house but to be the provider as well.

God says: "But if any provide not for his own, and especially for those of his own house, he hath denied the faith, and is worse than an infidel" (I Timothy 5:8).

Man is his happiest when he is building, increasing and providing. He will never have real peace of mind or abiding happiness unless he learns to fulfill this part in life. His brain, body and desires all cry out for fulfillment in an occupation to support himself and his family.

But a really dedicated man will certainly go far beyond just basic support for his wife and children. He will want to provide a proper home for them — within his means and abilities.

However, merely giving physical support to a wife is not enough to fulfill her needs or the needs of her husband. For every man needs to learn to be encouraging and uplifting to his wife, his children and those around him. A wife certainly needs this moral support many times at the end of a hard day. A real man should not expect his wife always to encourage and support him. Rather, he should be ready, able and desirous of encouraging and uplifting her when she has her down moments as well!

This type of mutual help and support automatically increases the deep love and respect that a married couple will have for one another. If the partner is there with a kind word, a gentle pat on the shoulder, an encouraging embrace, a look of compassion — this can mean more than any number of physical luxuries.


Leadership and Guidance

A third area of responsibility — and opportunity — for husbands is that of leadership and guidance. For God made the woman to physically and emotionally lean on the man as her head and leader. Unless a woman has by example or training developed a "liberated" approach to life, she naturally enjoys being led and even dominated by a man who respects, appreciates and loves her.

Always remember there is a major difference between dominate and domineer. A man must learn to lead his wife by exercising all faculties of wisdom, strength and personality. He must, most of all, set an example for his wife and children to follow if he expects them to gladly follow him.

This automatic leadership opportunity is a part of a program the great God had in mind when he instituted the family relationship.

In leading the family, a man should talk goals and plans over with his wife continually. He should give her definite guidelines — letting her know in love and in fairness what he expects of her and how far her responsibility for certain decisions affecting the home, the items of food and clothing, etc., extend. Then she will know where she stands — and will be able to cooperate and implement her husband's decisions and wishes. All these should have been discussed before marriage, while dating.

The couple should counsel together — often with arms around each other — about their future — their plans, hopes and dreams. Husbands should ask God for wisdom and vision and should plan ahead as to the type of home and life that is their goal, the future education and wellbeing of the children, and the type of friends the family should cultivate, the type of movies they should see, the books they should read, television programs they should watch and their ultimate goal — hopefully the Kingdom of God!

A husband and father who will do this not only proves himself more of a man — he actually increases his manhood, his wisdom and his abilities to lead by this very process of being the right kind of husband!


Help and Protection

Returning to Ephesians 5, remember that Christ gave himself for the Church — "That he might sanctify and cleanse it with the washing of water by the word, that he might present it to himself a glorious church, not having spot, or wrinkle, or any such thing; but that it should be holy and without blemish. So ought men to love their wives as their own bodies. He that loveth his wife loveth himself" (verses 26-28).

Every right-minded man certainly desires to cherish and protect his wife. She is his sweetheart, his companion, the mother of his children. He ought to realize that she is part of him! "For no man ever yet hated his own flesh; but nourisheth and cherisheth it, even as the Lord the church" (verse 29).

Realizing that his wife is part of him, a man certainly ought to have a solicitous and protective feeling toward his wife and sweetheart. Even beyond this, though, he should constantly be thinking of helping her as the weaker vessel so that she does not strain or overdo and so that her grace and beauty may be preserved throughout all of their married life. A real man will notice when his wife is overworking and lighten her burdens whenever possible. He will leap to action to lift heavy things for her, help her when she is sick, and protectively and lovingly watch over her in many such ways.

Of course, a man should not do this because he is made to do it or henpecked into doing it! And no right-minded wife would knowingly do this. However, even if a wife sometimes demands too much of her husband, he can still dominate without domineering and make sure that he is taking the lead in things — still helping her out at his direction in sincere love and concern.

The woman has her responsibilities, her particular duties in the household and she should gladly do them. But, help from her husband comes in as an act of love — given freely and fully when she is sick, downcast or is suddenly faced with an object too heavy to lift, a job too difficult for her to accomplish without the stronger partner of the marriage giving of his help and strength in love to his wife and sweetheart.

If you husbands will learn this lesson your wives will repay you in a thousand ways over the years to come if you learn to give this help when it is needed — and give it freely and in kindness.


Inspiration to Grow

Probably this fifth area of a husband's responsibility is the least understood and least practiced by most husbands today. That is simply because we are living in a world that certainly is — all too often — afflicted by the wrong type of feminine leadership and assertiveness. Also, it is because some men have relinquished their responsibilities — have not even tried to be the heads and leaders of their homes but have been lazy, ne'er-do-well and degenerate individuals.

Inspiration to grow? By this I mean that the husband should not only lead the family in general, but should be the inspirer for each and every member of the family to develop his or her full potential as a human being and heir of God.

A wise and loving husband should inspire and encourage his wife to grow in bodily health. He should be solicitous about her getting enough sleep, enough exercise, the proper diet and the right kind of recreation.

Actually, although this should not be his motive, in helping his wife he is helping himself. For a strong, graceful and healthy body is certainly the basis of a warm, vivacious and loving personality. And certainly every right-minded man would want to keep his wife sweet and beautiful as his sweetheart throughout their life together.

He should also encourage his wife in mental development. He should realize that many wives tend to stagnate, become bored with life, bog down in their use of English, their knowledge of world affairs and their intellectual development in general.

Therefore, a dynamic husband and leader should inspire his wife to study different types of books and news magazines, share with her the interesting outside news and information he is receiving in his work and contacts, take her occasionally to enlivening lectures, concerts or educational movies. When possible, an inspiring trip will add a great deal to a wife's outlook on the world in general and her own life in particular.

Every husband should be most concerned with his wife's happiness and personality. He should inspire and encourage her constant development and growth in these areas. Certainly by loving and helping her — sharing deeply with her his hopes and aspirations — he will be a tremendous inspiration to her in this regard. Whenever possible, he should express affection to her in the right way — showing by a thousand big and little things that he loves her deeply, appreciates her and wants her happiness above all else.

A real leader and husband will patiently correct those under him — even including his wife when necessary. But he will strive to do this with kindness and with patience in a way that encourages one to overcome the fault without feeling beaten down and squelched.

By all of this outgoing concern, and by making sure his wife does get the right amount of recreation, travel and friendly association with others of like interest, a husband may be assured that his wife is having a full and balanced life as God intended, and is even in this laying up a rich store of treasures that will bring forth happiness in marriage for years to come.

The area of character development is one also in which a really strong and masculine husband should take the lead.

All too often, especially in our modern world, men seem to think that it is up to the wife to talk about spiritual things and get the children interested in things concerning God and the Church. This is not true and any man who fails his God-given responsibility in this is simply selling out his own birthright. For God intended the man — if he will act on his responsibilities and opportunities — to be the spiritual leader in the home.

Notice this inspired scriptural statement: "But I would have you know, that the head of every man is Christ; and the head of the woman is the man; and the head of Christ is God" (I Corinthians 11:3).

It is your responsibility, husbands, to take and to maintain the spiritual leadership of your home.


Don't Fail Your Responsibility

Entirely too many of you have failed utterly in this responsibility. You have supposed- that religion was for old men, women and children. But you have supposed wrong!

For the strongest men who have ever lived have been the servants and prophets of Almighty God! Some day, very soon, you are going to know that!

Every husband has the opportunity to be the direct representative of God over his own home — in teaching, instructing, leading and inspiring wife and children to learn of the Holy Bible and to worship and serve the God who made them. Most wives and children will gladly respond if given half a chance. Men need to realize this and, first of all, set a dynamic example of dedication to their Creator, study of His Word, prayer to God at mealtimes — and family prayer — and private prayer on one's knees in the bedroom, closet or other private place.

The man should set an example of self-discipline in the fear of God. He should show that he is man enough — strong enough — to conquer his lusts and control his appetites and take correction. By conquering his smoking habit, by controlling his drinking and other appetites, by restraining his emotions and directing them in the right channels, by controlling and guiding his tongue according to the "law of kindness," he can set an example that will never be forgotten by his sons and daughters as they grow up. And this example will certainly command the respect, admiration and love of any right-minded woman.

Think on these things, then, you husbands! With God's help, every last one of us can increase in the love, kindness and effectiveness we have shown as husbands and fathers.

Review these basic principles. Put them to work in your marriage. Then reap the blessings, the stability and the deep down joy that comes from building your marriage the way the Creator intended marriage to be.