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Thy Kingdom Come!

What About Science?

Can the burgeoning idol of science produce any solution? Will success in space solve the problem of our food shortage on earth? Will more technology eliminate the difficulties which precipitate wars? Will GETTING AWAY from this earth be the "Open, Sesame" mankind needs to extricate himself from all his entanglements?


Solomon knew the answer to these questions. "And further, by these, my son, be admonished: of making many books there is no end; and much study

is a weariness of the flesh" (Eccl. 12:12). "For in much wisdom is much grief: and he that increases knowledge increases sorrow" (Eccl. 1:18). The fact that ninety percent of all scientists who have ever lived are alive today hasn't made the world happier. On the contrary, it is because of this vast increase in scientific knowledge that the very existence of man is in jeopardy! Today the whole earth lies paralyzed under the continued and increasing threat of nuclear devastation!

Then take medicine. Not literally down your throat — but ponder the fact that in spite of the thousands of doctors and the multiplication of medical knowledge, the United States is one of the most unhealthy nations on earth! Furthermore, in spite of our thousands of philosophers, educators, and "do-gooders" — we have gigantic racial problems, which are getting worse.

Knowledge properly used is a boon to mankind. Knowledge misused is a boomerang. Guess which one science has bestowed on us!


We Need God's Kingdom

Man's time is just about up. He won't be allowed to run from his problems much longer. He is going to have to learn to overcome them — ON THIS EARTH. That's the very thing he has been trying so hard to avoid. Man is going to have to candidly face his shortcomings, his inabilities, his faults and his sins. Nobody says it's going to be fun. But it'll pay off in a rich, abundant society for everybody.

Man CANNOT do it alone. That's obvious. Real obvious. He needs help. He desperately needs help. Humanity's problems are NOT insoluble — but it will take some ONE far greater than puny man to prove that statement.

It will take God.

This mixed-up world URGENTLY NEEDS God's Kingdom. Try telling that one to your friends. No, perhaps you better not — not unless you enjoy being ridiculed and scorned. And this itself proves the point — mankind won't recognize his own needs! He has been blinded. His eyes have been tightly sealed by the god of this world — Satan (II Cor. 4:4; Rev. 12:9).

This society is so deceived that it won't even seek that way of life which would immediately yield abundance and happiness (John 10:10). If you were to ask the average citizen of India, Thailand, Japan, Israel or any of the other nations if they would like to see God's Kingdom come to earth now, they would look at you in dumbfounded astonishment. If they bothered to reply at all — which most wouldn't — the answer would be a resounding "No!" Everybody thinks his own personal way is best.


We Need It NOW!

The small nations and minority groups in the world — whether in Africa, Ireland or the USA — are imbued with the chant of "Give us freedom NOW!" They want to be freed from the laws and regulations which have kept peace and order in their lands. They want the right to riot when they want, to steal when they want, to kill when they want. They want the right to do as they please regardless of the cost to others.

All want to be also freed from the laws of God which regulate and govern their lives. They, too, want the right to think, believe, do and teach exactly what they please in spite of its detrimental effect on others.

Nobody wants God's way. Everybody wants his own way. Yet man's way — be it politics or religion or whatever — has not, is not and WILL NOT, ever, give him happiness or relief from his problems.

Each person would be far better off far sooner if he would only desire God's Kingdom as fervently as he tries to justify his own miserable surroundings. Then we could all have REAL FREEDOM: freedom from hunger, freedom from poverty, freedom from sickness, and freedom from SIN and death. That's what God's Kingdom offers.


What Is God's Kingdom Anyway?

The religions of this world softly drool about the "Gospel of Jesus." But what they don't teach — and probably don't know — is that the "Gospel" is simply the advance news of the Kingdom of God. Christ preached it (Mark 1:14), the apostles preached it (Acts 20:25), and we preach it.

Occasionally, the multitudinous religious denominations do mention the Kingdom of God. But neither Christ nor the apostles would ever recognize it. For good reason. Some say that "the Kingdom" is permanently located in heaven. Others say that "the Kingdom" will eventually be set up in the "hearts of men" once all mankind learns to work together in peace, harmony and good will. How long should we wait? Thank God not long! Because you won't find any of these "Kingdoms" in the Bible.

All right, we know what the Kingdom of God isn't. Now what is it? In one sentence, the Kingdom of God is the Government of Almighty God ruling over the entire earth.

It will indeed be on earth (Rev. 5:10; Prov. 10:30). Jesus Christ will be its King (Rev. 19:15-16). The entire human race — all nations — will be its citizens (Jer. 33:9). All men will finally learn to be at peace with one another and be fully obedient to God's laws (Micah 4:1-4). Its beginning is a thousand years (Rev. 20:3-5). And it shall then increase forever (Isaiah 9:7).

When Christ returns to earth He will throw down every existing government (Rev. 19:15) and give His Kings and Priests (Rev. 5:10) — those begotten Christians who kept the faith and endured to the end (II Tim. 4:7-8; Rev. 2:26) — power over the nations to rule them with a rod of iron (Rev. 2:27). This is reality! And you're going to see it come to pass. For further information about the coming Kingdom of God, request our free booklets, Just What Do You Mean . . . Kingdom of God? And The Wonderful World Tomorrow —What It Will Be Like.


How Badly Do You Want God's Kingdom?

You've already seen the mounting heap of depraved squalor called humanity. You've seen hapless human beings vainly try to eke out some remnant of a life. And you've also seen the Kingdom of God — the glorious solution to all man's problems. But does this concern you?

Most people want to keep God at arm's length. He's nice to speculate about so long as He is kept entirely out of your own personal life.

Give yourself a little test. Be sincere with yourself. Nobody's looking. Search deep into your own heart, beyond that semi-shaded area of self-deception of which Jeremiah 17:9 speaks. Now, just how earnestly do you desire to see God's Kingdom here on earth? Be honest. How willing are you to give up everything you have — RIGHT NOW — in order for God's Kingdom to be here?

Are there certain things you'd like to do FIRST? Would you younger people like to "live" a little more first? Would you rather get married, have your family and enjoy your life to the full — FIRST?

How about some of you more mature people? Do you longingly yearn to see God's Way of life instituted here on earth so that-all human heartache can be eradicated? Or do you sometimes wish that you could have more time to prove that you too can be a great success in life?

Young and old alike, wouldn't you almost RESENT Jesus Christ interfering with your life by returning to earth? Wouldn't you feel deprived of something good — almost cheated — if this society were destroyed.


You would like to indulge yourself and experience "life." We all would. But be circumspect (Ex. 23:13 and Eph. 5:15). Look around you. Is what you see good? Obviously not. Then why would anyone want to hang on to it?

Those of you who really love this world will not love its ways or systems, but will care for its people — just as Jesus did. You will be earnestly looking forward to the return of Jesus Christ and His establishing of THE GOOD WAY OF LIFE FOR ALL MANKIND.


Thy Kingdom Come

We have seen that Jesus Christ, our elder brother in God's Family, admonishes us to pray zealously "Thy Kingdom come." It should usually be our very first request to God the Father immediately after opening our prayer by hallowing His Holy Name (Matt. 6:9-10).

But how do we pray "Thy Kingdom come"? Do we mumble and repeat those three words over and over again with sanctimonious rhythms and with tremulous modulations? Obviously not, but it's crucial for our personal salvation that we learn!

First of all, we must comprehend what the words "Thy Kingdom come" literally mean. So we paraphrase it into modern English: "I fervently desire, with my whole being, the return of Jesus Christ and the establishment of the Government of God on this earth."

To entirely grasp the significance of these concepts, we must experience true compassion because of all the abominations which are presently destroying our brothers on this planet (Ezra 9:4). Our world is utterly wretched, its people are miserable and doleful, and we MUST care!

So what if we "care"? What can we do? Simple. Yet incomprehensibly fantastic. We can — no, we must —beseech God to intervene in world affairs and straighten mankind out. Will the Great God of Heaven and Earth listen to our feeble requests and speed His return?


The Apostle James was inspired to write that "the effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much" (James 5:16).

Now read Rev. 8:3-4. The prayers of the saints fill God's Royal Throne Room! And immediately thereafter, as a

direct result of these prayers, God intervenes in world affairs by pouring out His seven trumpet plagues (Rev. 8:6 to 11:15). These supernatural disasters culminate in the return of our Savior and His conquering subjugation of the kingdoms of this world, transforming them into "the Kingdoms of our Lord and of His Christ: and he shall reign for ever and ever" (Rev. 11:15).

Do you realize what that means? Can you see your enormous responsibility? Don't just skim over these words as you pleasantly nod your head. This is reality! You ARE INVOLVED IN THE SALVATION OF HUMANITY! God is watching your personal reaction — right at this moment. That's not some religious scare-talk. It's a fact.


Prelude to God's Kingdom

This article is being read by the most select group in human history.

Nothing is more important. Because God must first give this world His powerful warning message — a witness so plain that it will be permanently imprinted in all human minds — only then will the end come (Matt. 24:14). God's worldwide witness must be completed before He intercedes to save man from himself.

God's Work must precede God's Kingdom. That's God's plan: the witness, man's near self-destruction, the Kingdom — in that inviolate order.

GOD'S WORK is preaching and publishing the critical warning witness today (Matt. 24:14; Mark 13:10).

That means you. You are part of God's Work. After this mammoth task is accomplished, then and only then, will God finally bring His Kingdom to earth. So when you pray "Thy Kingdom come," you must at the same time be wholeheartedly dedicated to God's Work! How do you prove your sincere devotion to God's Work? Read on.

Recognize that you are involved. Realize that God has already called you. The fact that your eyes are reading these words is absolute proof that you are an integral part of God's Work — as incredible as that may sound.

This is the very Work of God! And you're in it.

But the question is: How will you respond? Even God doesn't know. He's anxiously awaiting your decision! Will your Creator be able to use you? Or will He be forced to call someone else to take your place?

You have been offered an awesomely stunning opportunity to participate in God's Work and to help save this world. And, as a bonus for your selfless humanitarianism, God will give you the gift of Eternal Life and the exalted position of a Ruling Son in His Royal Family.

But there are responsibilities. Here's what you must do! You must be totally engrossed in God's Work!

That means enthusiastically devoting much of your prayers to God's Work.

As many thousands of TOMORROW'S WORLD subscribers who are Co-Workers with Christ in this great Work realize, it also means cheerfully sending God's tithes and offerings to His Work!

No one who selfishly prays about himself all the time and no one who covetously lavishes all of his money on himself will ever gain eternal life. Your personal salvation is directly related to how immersed you become in the Work of Almighty God.

The more we all throw ourselves into God's Work — as a vibrantly united TEAM — the sooner God will fulfill His warning witness in the world today and the faster He can bring His Government — the Kingdom of God — to all mankind in the World Tomorrow.

And finally, we look forward to the time when the whole world will thankfully pray in unison "Thy Kingdom CAME!"