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What do you mean. . . "The Unpardonable Sin"?

The Happy Solution

Then follows the wonderful 8th chapter of Romans — the "Holy Spirit chapter."

So now we come to the HAPPY SOLUTION!

And this is the solution for YOU, also! For you, too, have the pull of human nature to fight.

Plainly, Paul said that he did, at times, SIN — even in his converted state. He said, ". . . but the evil which I would not, that I DO." And he did do it consciously — knowingly! His mind, for the moment, did consent to it! He knowingly yielded! So knowingly that he wrote of it for you and me to read!

But he did not sin WILLFULLY! The evil he says he DID was "the evil which I would not" (Rom. 7:19).

His ATTITUDE — his overall INTENTION — was to do the RIGHT of God's Law. He said, verses 21-22 of Romans 7, Moffat translation: "So this is my experience of the Law. I desire to do what is right, but WRONG is all that I can manage. I cordially agree with GOD'S LAW,' so far as my inner self is concerned."

He had NOT deliberately DESIRED to follow a life of evil — just the opposite! His overall DESIRE — his ATTITUDE — was to obey God's Law. Yet when the pull of human nature — in a single incident — overpowered him, he was aware of what he was doing in his mind — his mind therefore of necessity did, for the moment, consent and yield.

But THAT WAS NOT THE UNPARDONABLE SIN! It was NOT sinning WILLFULLY! And it did NOT condemn him! Nor does such an experience, if truly repented of, condemn YOU. Paul continues:

"There is therefore now NO CONDEMNATION to them which are in Christ Jesus" (Rom. 8:1). Here again, Moffat renders it in more modern English: "Thus there is NO DOOM now for those who are in Christ Jesus; the law of the Spirit brings the LIFE which is IN Christ Jesus, and that law has set me free from the law of sin and death."


Many Wrest Paul's Writings

Let's make that PLAIN. Many would try to argue that this last sentence abolishes GOD'S Law. They would argue that "the law of sin and death" is the Ten Commandments. It is JUST THE OPPOSITE!

As Peter wrote, some of Paul's writings are difficult to understand, "which they that are unlearned and unstable WREST, as they do also the other Scriptures, unto their own destruction" (II Pet. 3:16).

Notice now! WHAT is this "law of sin and death" which he is set free from? NOT the Ten Commandments! It is, simply that "other law" of verse 23 (Rom. 7), "in my members" — the PULL OF HUMAN NATURE into SIN. Later, same verse 23, Paul is brought "into captivity to the law of sin which is in my members." This is the "law" that is "in his members." This is the "law" that is warring against the "law of my mind," which is the Law of GOD — "for I delight in the Law of God after the inward man" — as Paul made plain.

The "Law of his mind" was the Holy Spirit fulfilling God's Law — the Ten Commandment Law. The law "in his members" that enslaved him, called the "law of sin," was this "law of sin and death" spoken of in verse 2, 8th chapter of Romans. Thus God's Holy Spirit, in his mind, SET HIM FREE from the law of sin and death "in his members" — that is, from HUMAN NATURE — which enslaved him!

Notice, Paul had said (last verse in chapter 7), "So then with the mind I myself serve the Law of GOD; but with the flesh [human nature] the law of sin."

Some of Paul's writings do seem complicated. All this, made PLAIN, simply Says HUMAN NATURE enslaved him — held him captive in sin — he was not able — of himself — to overcome it and resist sin. But God's Holy Spirit FREED him from being the slave of sin — gave him POWER to resist and overcome sin — gave him the POWER of DIVINE LOVE which comes from GOD — the love that FULFILLS God's Law.

Paul goes on, in this 8th chapter, to explain how the ATTITUDE of the natural, unconverted man — the carnal mind — is one of HOSTILITY against obedience to God and His Law (verse 7), but you are not "IN the flesh," but "IN the Spirit" — that is, "IN Christ," IF His Holy Spirit DWELLS in you (verse 9). This Spirit "dwelling" in you means an ATTITUDE OF MIND Submissive to God and His Law — an attitude that DESIRES TO GO the way of God's Law — THE WAY of love, of giving, sharing, serving, helping.


The FALSE Teachings

The people of the Western world are beset on every side by various absolutely FALSE teachings on this very subject.

There are those who say: It is IMPOSSIBLE for us to live righteously, so Christ lived a righteous life IN OUR STEAD, and, if you just believe, God IMPUTES Christ's righteousness to you. These people mean that YOU do not need to live righteously. Actually, THEY CONDONE SIN — their false argument means you are free to go on deliberately SINNING, but God PRETENDS you are righteous, by a sort of hocus-pocus of transferring Jesus' righteousness to you. Those are the "ungodly men" Jude warns against, "turning grace into license."

Others say that, since it is IMPOSSIBLE for us to keep God's Law, Jesus did away with the Law. So — if that be true, you are FREE to go on sinning.

There are also the false teachings about "a second work of grace," and "a second baptism of the Holy Spirit," and of what "the baptism OF the Holy Spirit" (as they incorrectly phrase it) MEANS. Then there are false teachings about "Justification, Sanctification, and Christian Perfection."

Any one of these might require an entire article — or more — to correct, and make the TRUTH plain.

If the reader would like the plain truth about what is THE BIBLE EXPLANATION of the baptism by the Holy Spirit — and of the "tongues" question — write for free booklet on that subject.

Some people speak of having already BEEN "saved." And, indeed, certain New Testament passages, in the English translations, might lead one to assume that one's salvation is COMPLETE, and IN THE PAST, upon profession of Christ.


"Salvation" — Past, or Future?

The word "salvation" — that is, the English word — means, says Webster: "1) The saving of man from the spiritual consequences of sin . . . 2) Preservation from destruction, failure, or other evil."

In other words, "salvation" involves TWO things: 1) Saving man from the DEATH PENALTY he has incurred by sin; 2) Preservation of life — and, since man does not have eternal life, his life can be preserved ONLY by God's GIFT of Eternal life by a resurrection or conversion from mortality to immortality.

To explain further: One can SAVE a man from drowning — from falling off a high precipice to his death — that is, to PREVENT or save from a calamity or destruction or injury. But one also can SAVE fruit, vegetables, or other things from spoiling, in the sense of PRESERVING them, so that their existence is CONTINUED.

Actually, the Bible speaks of salvation in three ways — or as a process in three stages — if we wish to become theologically technical.

Jesus has already saved us (past tense) from the death penalty by His blood, paying the death penalty in our stead: . . . according to his mercy He saved us . . . that being justified by His grace, we should be made heirs . . ." (Titus 3:5, 7). This passage speaks of having been saved from the penalty of past sins — JUSTIFIED — having received God's Holy Spirit, thus becoming HEIRS of God. Notice (verse 7 above), it is speaking of JUSTIFICATION of past sins, and of being in the state of an HEIR — not an INHERITOR as yet.

Then, in II Corinthians 2:15, RSV, it speaks of those that "are being saved" — PRESENT tense. The verb, here, as inspired originally in the Greek language, is in the Greek aorist tense, and should be translated, as in the RSV, "are being saved," and not "are saved," as in the King James version. The Moffat, and other translations render this as "are being saved."

To make it plain, notice the whole sense of the passage: "For we are unto God a sweet savior [fragrance] of Christ, in them that are saved [being saved], and in them that perish." We Christians are like sweet perfume or fragrance to certain others. If to those that are (already — past tense) saved, then also to those who are, already (past tense) perished. Now those already perished are not smelling anything. This is speaking of LIVING people. If those that "perish" are merely ON THE WAY toward perishing — but not yet perished — then, also those "saved" are BEING saved — on the way to the final salvation.

Then MANY, MANY Scriptures speak of the salvation to come — of those who "shall be" (future) saved. Most passages referring to the TIME of salvation refer to it as taking place at Christ's coming — as Revelation 12:10 and elsewhere.

In spiritual salvation, the blood of Christ — the death of Christ — paid the penalty we have incurred in our stead. And it SAVES us from this destruction (which is the second death) — that is, PREVENTS us from having to pay it — if and when we REPENT, and accept Jesus as personal Savior in faith believing (read Romans 5:8-10).

But, God's gift of eternal LIFE comes to us through Christ's LIFE, (verse 10) through His resurrection and LIFE —not by His death. His death paid our penalty of past sins IN OUR STEAD. These sins had cut us off from contact with God. When Jesus' sacrifice is accepted by repentance and faith, we are no longer cut off from God, but reconciled to Him — the connection or contact established, so that, through His Son's LIFE, He now can GIVE us His Holy Spirit, and, at Christ's coming and time of resurrection, ETERNAL LIFE. This, finally preserves our life for eternity.

That is why God's Word says, "he that shall endure unto the end shall be saved" (Mat. 24:13 and elsewhere).

One is already saved FROM the DEATH penalty — eternal punishment — for SINS THAT ARE PAST, upon repentance and faith in Christ — as long as he does not sin again! And he will! BUT, as explained in this article, if and when he slips, and sins again, then, upon repentance, he is again forgiven. Yes, again, and again, and again! That is, as long as his ATTITUDE of heart is submissive to God, he has faith in Christ, and God's Spirit continues to dwell in him.

So we have: 1) "Justification," which is forgiveness of sins that are past (Romans 3:24-25 — because Jesus paid our penalty, thus justifying — or vindicating — us. Then, 2) "sanctification" (Greek, hagiasmos), meaning, separation; a setting apart for holy use or purpose. This is a continual process — once so set apart — and leads to ultimate salvation, which salvation is the change from mortal to immortal — from material composition to spiritual — from human to divine. Thus: "God hath chosen you to salvation through sanctification of the Spirit . . ." (II Thes. 2:13); and "Elect . . . through sanctification of the Spirit, UNTO obedience . . ." (I Pet. 1:2). And, finally, 3) SALVATION by RESURRECTION — ETERNAL LIFE.


The Crux of the Truth

Then Paul comes to the crux of the whole TRUTH, so far as the Christian LIFE is concerned. It is in the 14th verse, this 8th chapter of Romans:

"For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God."

So we come to this:

God's Spirit dwelling in you is God's own divine LOVE, which can fulfill God's Law. Thus what GOD has given you by grace may actually make you righteous! That means, put GOD'S RIGHTEOUSNESS actually within you!

NOTICE, I said God's Spirit in you CAN! It MAY put His righteousness within you!

BUT — and here is the all-important point — God's Spirit in you will not force you to live righteously. God's Holy Spirit will not POSSESS you — as a demon would if allowed to enter. You remain a free moral agent.

God has given you the SPIRITUAL EQUIPMENT to live His Way! His Spirit will OPEN YOUR MIND to SPIRITUAL UNDERSTANDING. God's WAY is to live by every Word of God — that is, to LIVE BY the whole teachings of the Bible. The carnal mind cannot UNDERSTAND the spiritual things of God. The Holy Spirit imparts to you a SPIRITUAL MIND which can comprehend this spiritual knowledge as you study your Bible.


But you must decide, and you must exert WILL, to follow that Way. "Not the hearers of God's Law are just before God, but the doers of the Law shall be justified" (Rom. 2:13). You must decide whether to WALK down that road — to be led by the Spirit of God — or to be led by the PULLS of your human nature.