How Can You Spot a Drug User?
If you are a parent, you may wonder if your children are taking drugs. Is there a way you can tell?
There are actually few signs by which a person can be certain of recognizing drug addiction. Even if these signs are present, they do not necessarily constitute proof positive.
Nevertheless, here are certain keys to be aware of, in case you have reason to be suspicious:
1. Hypodermic marks, sores, scabs, scar-tissue, or marked discolorations, where the addict may "shoot" the drug. The individual, feeling guilty, may attempt to hide them from view. This may be accomplished by wearing long-sleeved clothing consistently.
2. Drowsiness and yawning; general apathy.
3. Discolored whites of eyes; watery eyes (don't confuse symptoms with common cold!).
4. While under the influence, poor reaction to light by pupils of eyes. Either contracted or dilated pupils, depending on the type of drug.
5. Antisocial or abnormal ideas; lessened moral sense. Marked disregard for other persons.
6. Restlessness, abnormal body movements. Minor facial or body spasms.
7. Stomach sensitive to food intake. Either greatly increased appetite or too little desire for food.
8. Extensive use or knowledge of narcotics slang.
9. Evidence of withdrawal symptoms: uneasiness, irritability, yawning, mucus running from nose, severe aches, stomach cramps, vomiting, diarrhea, muscular spasms, constant twitching.
10. Any marked and sudden CHANGE (deterioration) in general bearing and attitude, such as lack of personal hygiene, unkempt hair, lack of concern about studies in school, general indifference and uncommunicativeness.
11. Wrong associations, secretive, suspicious-looking friends and "buddies."
If you are a parent and want to protect your children from the nefarious evils of drug abuse, then you need to be alert at all times. You need to have an active INTEREST in your children. If you have a warm, loving, affectionate HOME LIFE, with family activities and family UNITY, there is much less need to worry or be anxious.
But if YOU are a pill-popper, don't be too surprised if junior becomes a "pill-head" as well! The old adage, like father, like son, is all too true!
You parents should KNOW where your children are at all times, day and night. You need to KNOW always with whom they are associating. Be aware of their interests, their grades in school. Keep up the ties of family togetherness, conversation, and communication. These are strong safeguards against drug abuse. A little parental checking up will do no harm.
Also, you should frankly discuss the subject of increasing drug abuse with your children, especially if they are already teenagers. Don't let them find out about these things at school, on the street, or from other youths. If they do, you can be sure the information they receive will be dangerously warped and full of error! There is far too much mythology and too many lies in circulation concerning drugs and their supposed "good" qualities. You can be sure that your children will not get the "straight scoop" from some local hippie, some "pot head" or "acid head."
Educate your children IN ADVANCE, so they will know, and KNOW THEY KNOW, and be well aware of the dangers of drug abuse! Prevention is the real cure. It is the only 100 percent effective antidote to dope!
Build a Happy Home
If you want to protect your children from turning to pot, and popping pills, you need to take stock of YOUR home life. What does it offer? Is life just one long boring routine without great interests or family projects?
You CAN have an abundant, interesting, HAPPY home if you want to. But if you don't, don't be too surprised if your children begin looking elsewhere for kicks, fun, entertainment.
In the affluent society, with many boasting backyard swimming pools and barbecues, two cars to a family — it would seem strange that children become bored with it all and want something NEW. Yet, they do! Why?
Because they lack the right kind of scintillating CHALLENGE. The right kind of INTEREST.
Ask yourself: Is yours really a HAPPY home, with family LOVE, unity, and understanding?
A happy, warm, secure, loving home is the BEST way to safeguard your children's future — the best way to keep your young ones away from the temptations they may encounter among friends at school. But if your home is a broken, shattered, divided home, filled with arguments, hostility, hatreds, rebellion, insults, antagonisms, feuds, then don't count on being able to help your children keep away from drugs. It may seem to them to be the only way of ESCAPE!
Do YOU SPEND TIME TEACHING THEM, showing them the dangers of taking pot, LSD, or any of the other drugs?
Above all, WHAT KIND OF EXAMPLE do you set? Are you a pill-gulper yourself? Do you booze it up with alcohol, take diet pills, sleeping pills, or perk-up pills? Don't think your children won't notice it, and emulate you in their own way — by abusing drugs!
SEARCH YOURSELF. Examine your home life, your activities, your environment, education, and your own personal EXAMPLE!
If you find out your child has already been taking drugs, you should not blow up in anger and rage. It would do no good.
In such a case, you should investigate your own example, your home life, see where you can improve. You should sit down and have a sincere, frank father-son talk, letting him know that you will NOT condone or permit what he has been doing. But you will help him and stand by him all you can. With love, compassion, and concern, you should strive to help him conquer the problem by helping him to recapture true, worthwhile, solid, good values in life.
The best answer to the chemical euphoria of drug abuse is to find and to experience the FULLNESS, the depth, the variety and richness of life itself! Then children will not want a tawdry, cheap imitation for the real thing!
If you have not read them, write immediately for our free booklets which deal with the pressures, problems, and difficulties facing our children, today — the booklets, Hippies, Hypocrisy, and Happiness; and Modern Dating — Key to Success or Failure in Marriage!
Also write for our free literature on having the right home life — Your Marriage Can Be Happy, and Why Marriage? — Soon Obsolete? They will be of tremendous help, and open your eyes to truths you never remotely imagined. And they are all free of charge, sent in the public interest, for you and yours!