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Alcoholism — A Worldwide Curse


Millions fall easy prey to alcoholism because they want ESCAPE! They do not have the character to face life on its own footing. To them life is a hopeless stream of futility and frustration, anger and resentment, unwanted trials and bitterness. They seek refuge — a convenient "escape hatch" — A WAY OUT OF IT ALL! They turn to the false bliss of drunkenness in order to drown their problems and wash away their sorrows!

Fleeing the frustrations of business life, seeking relief from a nagging wife, simply being unable to cope with family responsibilities — unable to keep ahead of the bill collectors, having in-law trouble, feeling the pressure of social life, or being plainly addicted to alcohol, ignorant of its potency — millions of men and women succumb to alcoholism!

It is no wonder that the CURSE OF ALCOHOLISM plagues the world and stalks every thirty-sixth American!

To millions, the abuse of alcohol has become a FALSE God, an ever-present source of comfort and succor! Whenever they feel defeated, despondent, depressed, or discouraged, they turn to drunkenness — not God — for solace. Alcoholism becomes a species of idolatry!

The result? A fleeting sensation of pleasure — perhaps — but then a hangover tomorrow, misery and finally DEATH!

The wrong use of alcohol is a vicious IDOL which captivates, traps, ensnares, and ENSLAVES! Alcoholism is just another form of SLAVERY!

What is the answer to this horrifying problem?


The Real Solution

There Is hope for the alcoholic!

The alcoholic, declares MacLachlan, is the architect of his OWN disaster. . . . In other words, he created his own predicament — he wasn't shoved into it by one or more outside, invisible forces. Therein lies hope for the future. Since the alcoholic maneuvered himself into his present jam, he can extricate himself from it by exercising his free will, by mobilizing his strength."

No alcoholic can lick his problem until he is willing to face it. He himself must make his decision — and ACT. But he needs more strength than he alone can muster. Organizations devoted to helping alcoholics recognize the benefits that come from the added help of God. The alcoholic must be willing to do his own part — he must DESIRE to conquer the problem — but God's supernatural HELP, when sought by the alcoholic, will give him the POWER TO OVERCOME!

The solution to the problem of excessive alcohol begins with the desire to quit drinking. In Biblical language this is called repentance. The alcoholic needs to turn to GOD for strength to master the bottle. Personal counsel is also vital.

Another vital point is this warning: If you have been a drunkard or alcoholic, and have found yourself unable to control your drinking, experience proves that the only way you can conquer your problem is TOTAL ABSTINENCE. Trying to "regulate" your drinking, after you have already been ensnared, is NO ANSWER. Rather, the bitter record of experience shows that in most cases the alcoholic must QUIT COMPLETELY, once and for all, and not deceive himself that "one little drink won't hurt." The fact is, for the extreme case, just "one little drink" invariably means he is right back where he started, completely unable to control himself!

If you have had a problem with drinking to excess, take this warning to heart!


The Added Help You Need

The one sure way to solve life's constant and endless problems is simply this — LEARN TO KNOW THE TRUE God! Yes, God Almighty is the ANSWER! There is a way to escape the clutches of alcoholism — and that is through the power of God!

To those afflicted with the curse of alcoholism, God offers spiritual help! God offers the power of the Holy Spirit to enable a person to overcome ANY sin! Paul was inspired to write "I CAN DO ALL THINGS through Christ which strengtheneth me"! (Phil. 4:13). So can any man caught in the grip of foul addiction!


But the decision must be made by each individual. An alcoholic must become thoroughly disgusted with himself and REPENT of his condition. He must call upon God — CONSTANTLY, perseveringly — for HELP. He must draw CLOSE to God in CONSTANT PRAYER, fervent and meaningful BIBLE STUDY and learn to live God's way of life! Then, his life — once a tragic FAILURE — will become a life RENEWED with hope, faith, happiness, love, JOY, scintillating INTEREST AND REJOICING!

Warning against drunkenness, the apostle Paul wrote: "Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? BE NOT DECEIVED: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind, nor thieves, nor covetous, NOR DRUNKARDS, nor revilers, nor extortioners, shall inherit the kingdom of God" (I Cor. 6:9-10).

It takes the power arid — if you please — the fear of God to conquer alcoholism.

Through the power of God, alcoholics have overcome these temptations! Paul was able to write to the Corinthians: "AND SUCH WERE SOME OF YOU" (verse 11). Paul exhorted, "There hath NO TEMPTATION taken you but such as is common to man:

BUT GOD IS FAITHFUL, who will NOT suffer you to be tempted above that ye are able; but will with the temptation also make a WAY TO ESCAPE, that ye may be able to bear it" (I Cor. 10:13).

Your Bible commands: "Be not drunk with wine, wherein is EXCESS; but be filled with the Spirit"! (Eph. 5:18.) God allows the presence of alcohol — to TEACH man to control his desires and MASTER his inclinations!


The World Tomorrow

There will be no alcoholics in the World Tomorrow! There will be temperance, not the fiasco of prohibition! It will take the power of the KINGDOM OF GOD to solve today's worldwide problem of alcoholism and drunkenness!

There will be no Skid Rows — there will be no gutter derelicts — there will be no toxic chemical concoctions drunk by half-crazed men — there will be no "D.T.'s" or "delirium tremens." God's laws will be ENFORCED for our own good. God's Laws were ordained to bring us peace, prosperity, abundance, happiness, and joy running over.

For the first time in the history of the world, men will be radiantly happy, supremely content, leading energetic and industrious lives full of real PURPOSE, deep meaning and security! There will be no "escapism" for there will be nothing to "escape"!

When God intervenes in world affairs, the curse of alcoholism will be stamped out completely. No longer will families be broken up, friends torn apart, children grieved, and authorities bewildered at what should be done!

Men will learn temperance in all things. What a world that will be!


If You Need Help

If you are an alcoholic, the FIRST thing you need to do is realize your condition. Too many alcoholics never conquer their problem because they refuse to face it! Then, you need to realize there is an Almighty GOD in heaven who wants to HELP you overcome your problem, completely!

But, that is not all! If you sincerely want to overcome alcoholism, you must decide to QUIT drinking alcoholic beverages, entirely. Too many would-be quitters think within themselves. "Well, one more drink won't hurt me." But, one more becomes a never-ending chain of drinks — there is ALWAYS "just one more"!

If you are going to conquer the addiction, you must set yourself to stop drinking, ONCE AND FOR ALL!

Don't make the mistake of thinking you can "taper off." It doesn't work. And once you have successfully quit, don't think you can go back to drinking alcoholic beverages. You may very likely wind up where you were before — stoned, soused, inebriated, DRUNK! You must NEVER let your guard down. Study carefully the advice in II Peter 2:20-22. If some escape the clutches of alcoholism, but "are again entangled therein, and overcome, the LATTER END is WORSE with them than the beginning" (verse 20).

Case history after case history records the miserable plight of those who successfully quit drinking once, but later thought one or two little drinks wouldn't hurt. One or two might not hurt the average man. But the alcoholic is NOT average — he has a definite weakness, a psychological, emotional, and even physiological PROBLEM! Therefore, he must NOT take chances, lest all his efforts go down the drain, and he winds up a derelict, worse off than before!

Once having made that momentous decision to QUIT, you must plan your strategy for avoiding all future temptations. You must decide to stop fellow-shipping with the same alcoholic friends, the same inebriated crowd. Remember the scriptural principle, ". . . evil communications [associations] corrupt good manners [morals]" (I Cor. 15:33). Don't "hang around" with the old "gang" lest you be tempted and slip back into the rut.

Perhaps, for some, even a change of environment, a change of scenery, is necessary. The "old familiar setting" will not then be able to lure you back to the bottle trail. You will be able to have a FRESH START — this time, with the supernatural help of Almighty God!

If you desire to know in more detail what you can do, write for further, individual counsel and advice. You need to read the very helpful, inspiring articles, "How to Be an Overcomer" and "The Answer to Unanswered Prayer." These articles will show how YOU can have divine INTERVENTION on your behalf so you will not have to remain a cringing, abject slave to alcoholism!

Reprints of this article are available free of charge to all who desire them. Address your requests to the Editor. See inside front cover for nearest address to your area.