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And Now — a New Europe after De Gaulle

Britain — Still Knocking on the Door!

Since De Gaulle passed from the French political scene, some Britons feel they now have a good chance of getting into the Common Market. But, they don't realize just how many obstacles there are in the way.

In May, I was invited to attend the 20th anniversary of the signing of the treaty which brought into being the Council of Europe — an organization formed for the express purpose of fostering technological, political, social, economic and other types of cooperation between member nations.

The Council of Europe now has 18 members (there were only 10 founding members) and includes Britain, West Germany, France, Italy, Scandinavia, Greece and other European countries.

Ambassador College Photo

BEFORE THE RESIGNATION — Former French President Charles de Gaulle talks with the Chancellor of West Germany, Kurt Kiesinger (right). Pompidou (extreme left) looks on. Meeting occurred at Schaumburg Palace in Bonn, Germany, before De Gaulle stepped down.

This special 20th anniversary meeting was held at the Banqueting House in London, near No. 10 Downing Street. It was attended by Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II and His Royal Highness, Prince Philip, West Germany's Foreign Minister, Willy Brandt, Britain's Prime Minister Harold Wilson, numerous British M.P's., and foreign ministers of the member nations.

Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II gave the welcoming address. She spoke repeatedly of "European unity" and alluded to the British desire to promote European unity by joining the Common Market.

The British Prime Minister later spoke, and continually referred to European unity. He made no bones about the British Government's avowed policy of seeking full membership in the Common Market.

"The policy of Her Majesty's Government remains firmly based on our application for full membership of the European Communities. Our determination to join the Communities did not weaken in the face of the delay in opening negotiations on our application, over eighteen months ago," said Mr. Wilson.

Mr. Willy Brandt also spoke at this anniversary meeting, and he, too, had European unity on his mind. There was still, he said, "no European Peace System" which could guarantee Europe's peace and safety.

While in Britain, Mr. Willy Brandt appeared on B.B.C. television to answer a number of questions relative to Britain's improved chances of joining the Common Market — now that De Gaulle is no longer at the helm in France.

When asked if West Germany would "veto British entry" into the Common Market, he replied: "No! No!"

Mr. Brandt was then asked: "What is the earliest, given the most optimistic prediction, that Britain might become a member of the European Community?"


British Entry — Far Away — If At All!

Brandt's answer: "Had one started discussions in '67, as I think one should have done, it would have taken two and a half (years) to negotiate. And then one would have had a period of two or three years as a kind of interim period, period of adjustment, before full membership would have taken place."

That's almost half a decade.

Later, the West German Foreign Minister stated the possibility existed that it might take a little less than three and a half years for Britain to become a full member — from the date when she again would begin negotiations toward full membership.

At the Brussels meetings in 1967 — when Britain's second application to join the Common Market was considered and vetoed by France — Mr. Brandt told me it was, he felt, only a matter of time until Britain would be admitted into full membership in the Common Market.

Mr. Duncan Sandys, former Conservative Minister of Defense and, at present, the President of the British Council of the European Movement, also recently told me that he believed De Gaulle's removal from the Presidency in France would pave the way for eventual British entry into the Common Market. Mr. Sandys, son-in-law of the late Sir Winston Churchill, is an influential British M.P.

It is quite clear from official Government statements that Britain is again fully determined to begin negotiations toward entering the Common Market — in the near future. But there are important reasons why Britain could not be admitted until 1972 or 1973 — even if she began negotiations tomorrow — and if she weren't again blocked by France or some other member of the EEC!


European Unity Now to Speed Up

For many years now, The PLAIN TRUTH has been saying De Gaulle was the one person preventing the formation of a full-fledged league of European States. De Gaulle's dream of a "Europe from the Atlantic to the Urals" is dead.

But a new idea of Europe is soon to emerge.

The PLAIN TRUTH magazine and The WORLD TOMORROW broadcast have reported for many years that this new Europe will be dominated by Wert Germany — not by France!

It should surely be plain for all to see that Germany is now the Giant of Europe — economically, militarily (so far as conventional weapons are concerned) and industrially. She is even geared to produce nuclear weapons — if she only slightly altered the course of her present energies in the nuclear field.

Germany's Finance Minister, Herr Strauss, has said that West Germany cannot remain "a political dwarf" while she is "an economic giant." Remember, also, that the West Germans have steadfastly refused to sign the Nuclear Non-proliferation Treaty. Why? Mr. Strauss says that to sign this treaty would, for the Germans, be "a Versailles of cosmic proportions."


In France — Instability!

But where does France go from here?

One thing is certain. France is not going to be able to push her Common Market partners around — as in the past. This is especially true of the Franco-German relationship from now on. The West Germans know they are now seated firmly in the economic saddle of Europe. They do not intend to let France, Britain, the U.S. or anyone dictate to them how they are going to manage their economic affairs!

They ask: "Why should we Germans have to pay for the economic folly of other nations — even if they are our allies?" "Why should we sacrifice while others fritter away their economic advantages in paralyzing strikes, industrial mismanagement, pleasure-spending sprees, — and live totally beyond their means?"

Many can now see the handwriting on the wall of France. Political instability and economic disaster lie dead ahead — unless someone can take hold of the French helm of state and the French mind and change course — immediately!

We need to remember that, before De Gaulle's presidency in France, French governments usually lasted only a matter of months — 26 successive governments rose — then fell — between 1945 and 1958! When De Gaulle assumed power in 1958, order and stability were established in that unstable country. Now that he is gone, political and economic instability again stalk that nation.

In the ensuing economic chaos and instability, West Germany will be sure to benefit — economically and politically. The nations of Europe will be forced to accept West Germany as the primary bulwark of strength and stability.

The United-States-of-Europe movement will soon gain momentum, now that De Gaulle is gone. Germany will play the dominant role in this movement! Britain will fall further behind Germany. For economic reasons, she will probably never attain full membership in the Common Market.

But if she should finally gain partial membership in the EEC, she will NOT long continue as a member. Rather, she will later become an economic and military target of a powerful union of European States — and so will the United States!

Regardless of whoever is at the helm of France's government from now on, you will see more chaos and instability! She will stumble from one crisis to another — playing a subordinate role to Germany! This is absolutely certain. You will not have long to wait.

Watch France! Also, watch Western Germany! World-shaking events are unfolding right now before your very eyes. These important events were foretold in advance news reports in your Bible thousands of years ago. They will come to pass exactly as predicted!

If you wish to know more about the future of nations such as Britain, the United States and France, then write for our free book entitled The United States and British Commonwealth in Prophecy.