But what's this?
Now, even Americans scream anti-American slogans.
Here is the shocking story of the CAUSES behind the ugly SIMILARITIES of student riots around the world.
"YANKEE, GO HOME!" That's the cry, whether it's in front of the American Embassy in London or in Tokyo, Japan.
Around the world — in Britain, in Europe, Central and South America, in vast parts of Asia — demonstrators tell Americans to "get out." In the last few months, twenty-two countries have had student riots. Most of them have had one overall general pattern. And that is "Yankee, Go Home!"
Worldwide Hate-America Campaign
Why? Why such anti-Americanism around the world today?
Recent headlines from news sources read like these: "A Tarnished Image Abroad," "Pakistan Mob Stones and Loots Yank Center — Police Use Gas and Clubs to Rout Students."
"A Growing Problem?" is the question on another. "Anti-American Attacks Keep Bonn Busy" That's in West Germany, one of our staunchest allies.
Some others with the same somber theme: "Filipino Protestors Blast the United States and Britain," "Anti-U.S. Tone Grows in Turkey — Once Stalwart Ally," "Sweden's Hate America Campaign — WHY?"
Wherever you find these riots the world over — college students are in the forefront.
In Manila, the Philippines, Filipino students demonstrated outside the United States, British and Malayan embassies, chanting, "United States go home!" and "Malaya and Britain are Thieves."
These demonstrators were obviously well organized. They arrived in chartered buses, for example.
What do they riot about in Tokyo? University students riot about American occupation of Okinawa. Or about American nuclear vessels arriving in Japanese ports or perhaps the existence of the American nuclear umbrella.
Yet, Japan is one of our most trusted Oriental allies.
Students against America
Some time ago students in Calcutta, India burned Robert McNamara in effigy. And demonstrators at the London School of Economics became so violent that the school had to be shut down. The students were protesting the Vietnam War.
In Rome, Italy, violent anti-Nixon riots broke out in February, 1969. Thousands of students and Communists gathered outside the premier's offices shouting, "Nixon, go home!" and "Mao, Mao, Mao Tse-tung."
Recently, Governor Rockefeller visited South and Central America as an emissary on a special mission for the new Nixon Administration.
In PRACTICALLY EVERY MAJOR CAPITAL in those countries — except where the trip had to be cancelled because of threatened riots — there were major or minor incidents.
Several students were killed; scores were wounded. American flags were destroyed. Hundreds upon hundreds were arrested. Bombs exploded. Property was damaged and destroyed. America got a black eye among the local citizenry of a number of Latin American cities. Only a managed press prevented a worldwide tarnished image.
All over Central and South America anti-Americanism is a sort of hobby.
But why? Why has America become the world's whipping boy, the jolly "green-back" giant?
Why All This Anti-Americanism?
Wherever you find unrest, poverty and squalor you will find automatic jealousy — especially if you have a rich neighbor. Wherever you find deprivation, poverty, a stifled economy — you will find attacks on authority and domination. This will be true especially of industrial, agricultural and economic domination.
But why have student demonstrations usually taken on an anti-American theme? Why this common thread of anger at the American way of life; rebellion against the "establishment"; blind rage at the suspected responsibility the U.S. has for many of the conditions in the world as we find them today?
Ironically, the very countries that are eager for American aid are also the ones who resent us the most for our wealth. It seems nearly everything the United States does results in screams of indignation around the world, and even at home.
Why? And where is it taking America?
Believe it or not, the shape of protest around the world reveals a certain pattern that holds significance for the future of the United States of America.
But even more shocking is the anti-Americanism being shouted by students WITHIN the United States.
Today, campus protest in American universities and colleges is far more than just a passing fad. It is being seen by law-enforcing officials as a serious threat to the very fabric of society.
Anti-Americanism on American Campuses
The idea that anti-Americanism exists within the United States seems shocking at first. But on second thought it's quite clear.
The statements by student revolutionaries would be tantamount to treason — if this nation had declared war on North Vietnam. But it seems they can get away with such inflammatory statements under the guise of freedom of speech in today's climate. Analyze any riot on American campuses. Whether at San Francisco State, Berkeley, or in other large American universities — one thread runs through the riots, that is "America is wrong! America is guilty! Hate America!"
It may be couched in other statements. But the recurring theme is "Down with the establishment."
But what is the "establishment"?
Simply the American way of life, its institutions, its policies, its government, its leaders. The theme of student demonstrations — in the United States, as well as outside — is against or "anti" all the above-mentioned. Therefore, by their very nature, these demonstrations are ANTI-American!
It's about time we realized this.
Dissension, protest, honest disagreement — these, too, are part of the American way of life. And they are priceless privileges, absolute essentials to our continued existence as a free people.
But arson, threats with guns, violent confrontations with police, occupation of college buildings, burning the American flag, draft cards, school records, and the injury of college officials is not honest protest, but unlawful acts of violence which are the hallmarks of revolution.
Look at the patterns evident. How often do students demonstrate against America's ENEMIES? And how often do America's "friends" demonstrate IN SUPPORT OF American policies?
No Demonstrations FOR America
Can you imagine for one moment a group of American students marching down the streets of an American city burning Fidel Castro in effigy? Not only Cuban students — or refugees — but ALL Americans, a cross section of Americans?
Where are all the demonstrations against continued Communist suppression and domination of a nation only 90 miles from our shores?
You can't imagine American university students taking to the street in a peaceful demonstration as a result of Ho Chi Minh's policies in North Vietnam. Or the FACT that the Viet Cong have butchered thousands of people. Where are the headlines showing such demonstrations? You haven't seen any.
What about Czechoslovakia?
Where were the thousands of American student demonstrators when the Soviet Union crushed that tiny, helpless nation? They were out by the thousands demonstrating against the United States' policies in Vietnam!
How many demonstrations — mass demonstrations — have you seen against the Berlin Wall? Where are all the counter demonstrations against the Japanese student demonstrations opposed to American involvement in Okinawa or American air bases?
What a paradox!
Not only do we have anti-American demonstrations in foreign nations — in some cases among our allies — but America also faces riots from its OWN people.
A nation divided against itself cannot stand. When will the demonstrators realize this? Do they think the Soviet Union or Red China will give them more freedom of speech? If so, they need to take a look at "freedom" of speech in these countries.
Today a whole generation is either strangely silent in its commitment To America or is rabidly vociferous AGAINST the United States.
The Outspoken Minority
"It's the squeaky wheel that gets the grease," is an old cliché. But it explains why the "anti-establishment" minority on college campuses has gotten all the publicity. Television viewers have little interest in seeing college students peacefully sitting in their chairs, listening attentively to a lecture.
But a riot — that is exciting! That is BIG news — and the big news teams are always on the spot with the latest details. So we find the demonstrators, the rioters, the shouters always seem to get the headlines.
What about these student demonstrators — the "New Leftists" who have set themselves up as judges of the United States?
It is admitted that a hard core of dissidents are the leaders in inciting other thousands of students to demonstrate or riot.
Broken up into various organizations — often competing with each other to the point of shoot-outs and murder — they comprise little capsule societies of their own.
These little groups have set themselves up as the moral judges of the nation. They claim to have the corner on true righteousness. "Only we," they claim, "can feel righteously indignant about social injustices, about racism, about the hypocrisy of the establishment. We have the answers to the ills of the world."